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What nutrients should I use?/How much nutrient should I use?

Growing marijuana plants in a hydroponic system requires the right balance of nutrients and pH levels. Dynagrow and Dynabloom are highly recommended products that can provide your plants with an excellent source of nutrition throughout their life cycle.

Clones and Young Plants: Dynagrow Formula​

For clones and young plants, use the Dynagrow formula and maintain a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) reading of 250-300 ppm. This will provide the necessary nutrients for optimal growth at this stage.

Vegetative Stage: Dynagrow Formula​

When your plants enter the vegetative stage, continue using the Dynagrow formula, but increase the TDS reading to 400-500 ppm. This will support the rapid growth and development of your plants during this phase.

Flowering Stage: Dynabloom Formula​

As your plants transition into the flowering stage, switch to the Dynabloom formula. In the first few weeks, maintain a TDS reading of 500 ppm. Some strains with high nitrogen (N) requirements may need a mixture of Dynabloom and Dynagrow at a 3:1 ratio, as the bloom formula contains only 3% N. If your plants display signs of yellowing, replace the nutrient solution with the 3:1 Bloom/Grow mix.

After the initial weeks of flowering, you can increase the TDS reading to 500-900 ppm, depending on the strain. This will provide sufficient nutrients for healthy bud production. In the final week of flowering, flush your plants with pH-adjusted water to remove any excess nutrients.

*Note: For larger plants, increase the ppm by 2-300 during late vegetative and flowering stages.

Maintaining pH and TDS Levels​

To ensure your hydroponic marijuana plants receive proper nutrition, maintaining the correct pH and TDS levels is essential. Aim for a pH range of 5.2-5.8, with 5.5 being the ideal level. A hydroponic-grade TDS meter or EC meter is crucial for measuring nutrient strength accurately.

If nutrient levels are too low, your plants may develop nutrient deficiencies. Conversely, if nutrient levels are too high, you risk burning your plants, potentially killing them.

Why Choose Dynagrow and Dynabloom for Hydroponic Marijuana Plants​

Dynagrow and Dynabloom provide complete and balanced nutrition for your marijuana plants, ensuring optimal growth and overall health. Combined with the fast growth rates of hydroponic systems and high-quality genetics, these nutrients can help your plants reach their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cannabis Nutrients​

1. Can I use regular plant fertilizers for cannabis cultivation?​

While some regular plant fertilizers may work for cannabis, it is generally better to use fertilizers specifically formulated for cannabis cultivation. These fertilizers are designed to meet the unique nutrient requirements of cannabis plants and provide optimal growth.

2. What is the best way to deliver nutrients to my cannabis plants?​

The most common methods of delivering nutrients to cannabis plants are through soil, soilless mediums (such as coco coir), and hydroponic systems. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's essential to research and choose the method that best suits your needs.

3. Can I overfeed my cannabis plants with nutrients?​

Yes, overfeeding your cannabis plants with nutrients can be detrimental to their health. Excess nutrients can cause nutrient lockout, where the plants become unable to absorb the necessary nutrients, leading to deficiencies and stunted growth.

4. How often should I feed my cannabis plants?​

The frequency of feeding your cannabis plants depends on the growing medium and method you are using. In general, soil-based plants should be fed every 7-10 days, while hydroponic systems require more frequent nutrient feeding, sometimes daily.

5. Should I flush my cannabis plants before harvest?​

Yes, flushing your cannabis plants before harvest is recommended. Flushing involves providing your plants with plain water, devoid of any nutrients, for 1-2 weeks before harvest. This process helps remove any residual nutrients from the plant tissue, resulting in a smoother, cleaner taste when consumed.

In conclusion, providing the proper nutrients for your cannabis plants is essential for successful cultivation. Understanding the specific nutrient requirements at each growth stage and monitoring your plants for any signs of deficiency or excess will help ensure you produce healthy, high-quality cannabis.
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