A Friendly Hello from beancounter aka sybaritic/sybarite/syb!

  • Thread starter beancounter
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How's it going all you fine folks @ THC Farmer.com :bow

I was referred to this site by a good friend and a few others as the best place to get quality seeds without all the BS of the other seed sellin' sites.

I've been away from the forums for a couple months short of a year.

Here are some of the reasons:

I had to take care of my extremely sick (quick onset nuemonia, then strup from the hospital, & 58 lbs @ 5'1") grandmother. The Docs weren't sure if she would last the hospital visit so I rushed up there and took on the role of case worker (info compiler, helper) and family informer (I live much closer than any other relatives). So my days were full of worry, taking notes, firing one Dr., finding another, taking care of my grandpa and his needs when I wasn't at the hospital.

When my grandma was finally released and in better shape (she went thru intense nebulizing for 2+ weeks at serious doses of the nebulizer medicine) and came out of the hospital on full time O2 and with her weight around 64 lbs and with about 5 different inhalers.

I then lived in house with them doing the 3 meals a day and all house chores, never mind the spring cleanup of 10+ acres of farmland. I hooked up an O2 system throughout the house and dealt with all the info and about 5-6 different specialist case workers..

My grandparents live in a very remote part of BC and there was no internet avaliable, let alone time for it.

Anyways, I was up there for several months taking care of them both, as my grandma used to take care of my grandpa.. I wouldn't leave until either my grandpa was put in a home, or they got a live in nurse, or another family member came and took over the duties.. Finally they got a live in nurse, but it took a while due to the remoteness of their location.

I got back home around the 14th of May, i had barely settled back in, caught up on bills and such.... and then the RCMP came in with a grow-op search warrant on the 22nd of May..

In my city, because of the bylaws, regardless of the size of they grow the cut the power and gas "for their safety" before they even entered the residence..

It turned out they thought we had a full 3bdrm house full of plants.. When in reality I (my brother actualy, as he was taking care of the grow while i was gone) had only 5-6 plants flowering (Cheese, Bubba, HP1, ECSD, & Abusive OGK, Chemdog D), and a bunch of teeny tiny mums and clones which luckily they didn't count.

The Newspaper article was 3 sentences long and read something like this:

2 men were arrested on May 22, Thursday morning @ 7:30 am in the such & such area of such & such city. The RCMP recovered 15 plants in different stages of growth. They also recovered a small quantity (read personal) of dry marijuana in the bust.

We were taken to the local holding cells for around an hr, and we (my brother and I) walked back home by about 9:30 am where there was a No Occupancy Order stuck on our front door, and no police or anyone else there. When we walked inside we found they had cut down a few of our catnip plants and lemon balm plants and thrown them in the same bag with the MJ plants..

After looking around more we discovered they didn't take a single thing on the warrant except the plants, the weed from the freezer (cause it was prebagged in ozes), and a full jar (2 oz+ of Chemdog D) and our sulphur burner (something about the chemicals I think).

They left ALL of our equipment and lights, and we had like 10+ 1k lights/hoods/ballasts in the corner of the garage (which they didn't see) and they left like 2 full rubbermaids of bulbs, a very expensive 'dial-o-gram' triple beam scale along with a digital. They never took the nutes or hydro grade H2O2 or 99% alcohol, ph up or down, which was all in plain sight..

We got to the living room and they left buds/colas drying on the chandaleer, then we looked into the deep lounge chair and they had left 3 1/2 full jars of various strains, arranged in a perfect triangle. They also left 2 2/3 full jars of cheese under the coffee table, and my wallet (which they asked for @ 7:30 am and i told them where to look) which was on top of a Bubba jar with about 3/4 of an oz in it. They left bubble hash which was stored per strain in paper flaps and they left all other paraphenilia.

The cops at the station said we wouldn't likely even go to court.. They never even charged us (just arrested) and gave us a notice to appear for Sept.. Well there was no court date or charges thanks to our excellent lawyer.. He even cleared up a bench warrant and charge for my brother from 2001, good lawyer, but asshole personality, but i'm not complaining..

Anyways we got off fairly lucky... accept the $5,000 bill (combined lawyer and bylaw costs).. And except for the fact the bylaws left us without power or gas (heat/hot water) and no place to legally live.. We had to squat in our own house, burning firewood for heat, and candles for light.. It took almost 4 months to get power/gas back because of the rusty gears of the city bylaw office.. Even though we weren't even charged, ridiculous, i know.

I may have left out some of the happenings, but that's the jist of it.

I'd like to say high to all those who remember me and to those who do not..

I'm going to try to send in some of my tested crosses as a personal funded charity fund or else I will have to claim bankruptcy or some such to take care of all the $ I owe because of this mess.

And in case anyone is wondering how i got busted it was most likely because of the odor. I didn't realize how much odor only 5-6 average size stinky clones in flower could put out. Plus, you get used to the smell of the stinky strains, especialy if you add one at a time..

Please learn the same lesson I did, and don't worry so much about watts per ft2, and worry ALOT about getting serious odor control 1st, especialy if you're growing the stinky stuff.

If anyone would like to speak to me please PM away, or post in this thread. I would love to hear from my old grow-mates and friends :)


Premium Member
Welcome to the Farm Beancounter and good to have ya here:nod:party


Hi beancounter welcome to the friendly farm enjoy your stay :D no trolls here!

New grower? then read our

Looking for info on a certain strain? Check out our Strain Guide -

Thinking of visiting Amsterdam? check out our Coffee Shop reviews -


Thanks Zoolander, I remember that handle from around, so many sites have come and gone i can't remember which one i remember you from. Regardless :)s all around.

Logic, the man who I was told to get in touch with, already postin' in my welcome thread, how lucky is that..

Thank goodness for the no troll factor, after OG, PG, and IC I just can't takes it anymo :nod

New grower? I almost wish, thanks for the link to the FAQs but I've got enough growing skillz to highly reduce plant killz.

I've got pretty much all the strains I'll ever need, until someone comes out with a true roadkill skunk IBL.

I wish I had the duckats to go to Amsterdamn, I could sure use a vacation after the last 10 months I've been through.. Maybe one day, maybe one day.... it's gotta be done.

I've got a few 1000 pics of a 100 or more seed strains, and almost all of the clones only cuts in picture form aswell. Actualy, at ICdrag, I made a clone-only thread with pics of veg/flower and thorough descriptions of each that was extremely informative and made a sticky, but I was recently banned from IC for no reason what-so-ever, but that's the IC way..

Anyways, no need to get into all of that.. Logic, I'll PM you later..



Hello beancounter. When I first started I remember reading alot of informative posts of yours at OG and PG with your different handle

Good to have you at the Farm!


Thanks Senor :)

Thanks for that spinkus :blush I'm sorry to say I don't remember your handle, so you musta been sneaky or under different handles perhaps ;)

I wish I could contribute more fresh pictures and growin' info, but under my current circumstances I'm short on live plants for inspiration.

But I'm hoping to :flower soon :party


Hello to anyone out there that can help, but I'd like to sex up my thread with some sparkly shotz of some of my favorite strains and clones. But I'm not too sure how to upload to my gallery.

Any help would be apreciated :yes


Dunno how to upload to my gallery either beancounter...

So any help will be dually appreciated.


you 2 spinkus?

Believe me, it was not for lack of trying on my part (your's 2 I'm sure), I tried everything I could with the gallery section, and clicked all the links I could but to no avail :(

No worries, I'm sure someone will come along soon to show us wassup :cool


Welcome Beancounter:hi!

There should be a thread with a decription from Logic, how to upload. Don't know where it's exactly. For me it works.

Great to have such an experienced grower at THCFarmer. Was always a pleasure to watch your grows! So keep on going!

Cheers Tolpan


I think beancounter's talking about his Gallery not posting pics, correct? I can currently post pics in a thread but not sure how to upload pictures to my Gallery.


Thanks Tolpan, for the info and the compliments, please forgive me for not recognizing your handle.. Since I've come back it feels like I have a bunch of secret admirers (sp), and probly a few secret haters cause you can't have one without the other :D But then again I think there's a lot of new handles that are throwing me off.

also, thanks for reminding me to be humble, as I shoulda did some thorough searches and checked through all the FAQs before asking.. :blush


I think beancounter's talking about his Gallery not posting pics, correct? I can currently post pics in a thread but not sure how to upload pictures to my Gallery.

I'm talking about both really.. I also tried to add pics via my posts but I couldn't get anywhere.... wait a minute, i see the paper clip!! I know those work for post pics, let me try..
AOGK 1  65 3
AOGK 1  65 6
BC 1  56 days 91
BC 2  56 days 95
Cheese 1  59 days Cola 72
Cheese 1  59 days Cola 2
Cheese 3  64 days 92


YAY! that's good enough, I just have to go to advanced reply and I can post pics..

Luckily I saved all my pics on flash drives and my PC, and even luckier still the RCMP didn't take my laptop when they busted me, so I still have all my pics and it's not super important to have a gallery at every canna site I belong to.

If anyone was wondering, the 1st pics are of Abusive OGKush clone, the next set are of katsu's Bubba Kush clone, and the last pics are of the UK Cheese cut.

Now I know, and knowing is 1/2 the battle (to quote GI Joe)


Premium Member
Hoi BC,

nice to see you back on the net......all the best to you..........and show some nice pics :dance

peace HV


welcome here dude, very nice pics, enjoy the farm.:music:music:music

Karma Genetics

He Beancounter good to hear from you my friend. That is a bad story but you got some kind of angel on your shoulder.

Good to have you back......:clapping


Hoi BC,

nice to see you back on the net......all the best to you..........and show some nice pics :dance

peace HV

thanks HV (soo many new handles) I don't really like posting old pics, but I'll throw some up just for ya. When I send some seeds into THCFarmer I'll post all the pics from the test grows, and all the mother pics..

Here's some Appollo 11 (i'll go alphebetical), a cut I got from a good person by the name of kephra. I ran here quite a few times before I replaced her due to lack of room, but i still crave her sometimes..

Then there's some shotz of Afgooey, more of a commercial plant IMHO, but I kept her around for a while.. She sure is purty, and the plants weren't even grown in winter..
A11  49 days 12 12 1
A11  49 days 12 12 5
A11  49 days 12 12 Cola 41
A11  49 days 12 12 Cola 42
Afgoo 2  64 days 12 12 1
Afgoo 2  64 days 12 12 5
Afgoo  62 days 12 12 92
Afgoo  62 days 12 12 3
Afgoo  62 days 12 12 7
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