Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome

  • Thread starter CaliShark
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Old Pharmer
I was done till he called me a fucking idiot and said i should shut my fucking mouth.
I'm calling you a fucking idiot too--
and shut your fucking fingers...


What does it say down under conclusion cessation may cause complete symptomatic recovery. My point was never is this real it is. It is not an actual disease its probable but NOT proven. I said twice now if it makes you sick dont smoke. The allergy comment....CHS is a cannabinoid toxicity.....allergies happen because of histamine toxicity. Both cause infflimation in your GI tract as well extreme discomfort and even death. My arguement is at your we need regulations for chs......why the would there ever need to be regulations for something you have the motherfucking power to control. Btw i dont think your fucking idiots but if you cant untwist your panties a little then fuck you too. Love you geo!

The cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, which is associated with chronic cannabis use, was recently reported in seven case reports and one clinical series of ten patients from Australia. We further characterize this syndrome with eight well-documented cases in the United States and report results of cannabis discontinuation and cannabis rechallenge.
Patients were identified by the three investigators in gastroenterology clinic or inpatient wards at William Beaumont Hospital from January to August 2009 based on chronic cannabis use; otherwise unexplained refractory, recurrent vomiting; and compulsive bathing. Charts were retrospectively analyzed with follow-up data obtained from subsequent physician visits and patient interviews.
The eight patients on average were 32.4 ± 4.1 years old. Five were male. The mean interval between the onset of cannabis use and development of recurrent vomiting was 19.0 ± 3.7 years. Patients had a mean of 7.1 ± 4.3 emergency room visits, 5.0 ± 2.7 clinic visits, and 3.1 ± 1.9 admissions for this syndrome. All patients had visited at least one other hospital in addition to Beaumont Hospital. All patients had vomiting (mean vomiting episodes every 3.0 ± 1.7 h), compulsive bathing (mean = 5.0 ± 2.0 baths or showers/day; mean total bathing time = 5.0 ± 5.1 h/day), and abdominal pain. Seven patients took hot baths or showers, and seven patients experienced polydipsia. Four out of five patients who discontinued cannabis use recovered from the syndrome, while the other three patients who continued cannabis use, despite recommendations for cessation, continued to have this syndrome. Among those four who recovered, one patient had recurrence of vomiting and compulsive bathing with cannabis resumption.
Cannabis hyperemesis is characterized by otherwise unexplained recurrent nausea and vomiting, compulsive bathing, abdominal pain, and polydipsia associated with chronic cannabis use. This syndrome can occur in the United States as well as in Australia. Cannabis cessation may result in complete symptomatic recovery


Old Pharmer
Love you geo!
Why would you want too regulate me i dont have an issue with smoking you do its a bummer you cant enjoy cannabis. But its not my fault or problem. Putting regulation for something like this is basically you not taking responsibility for yourself and hehealth.Put the fucking dabber down and whoa no more chs....fucking wild huh.
You grossly mischaracterized CaliShark, the OP/thread-owner,
so much so that you sound like you write copy for Faux News--
you have no creditability...
edit: ...or credibility...
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Premium Member
Shit man you can get sick from drinking too much water. And water is the lifeblood to all life. But as with anything moderation and understanding what amount is required for your physical makeup is key.

Sounds to me that you found your working threshhold with errl. :rolleyes:


The aaaai and. Ncbi are fuex news. Where the do you think these research papers get published that research paper bolsters my point. I never attacked calishark or you geo in every post ive stuck too the same topic that if he didnt smoke there is no chs and regulation is bad. Sorry you both got so butthurt from someone having different view on this topic than yourself. But seriously insulting people directly in threads is so lame. Facebook kiddy shit.


Old Pharmer
The aaaai and. Ncbi are fuex news. Where the do you think these research papers get published that research paper bolsters my point. I never attacked calishark or you geo in every post ive stuck too the same topic that if he didnt smoke there is no chs and regulation is bad. Sorry you both got so butthurt from someone having different view on this topic than yourself. But seriously insulting people directly in threads is so lame. Facebook kiddy shit.


What does it say down under conclusion cessation may cause complete symptomatic recovery. My point was never is this real it is. It is not an actual disease its probable but NOT proven. I said twice now if it makes you sick dont smoke. The allergy comment....CHS is a cannabinoid toxicity.....allergies happen because of histamine toxicity. Both cause infflimation in your GI tract as well extreme discomfort and even death. My arguement is at your we need regulations for chs......why the would there ever need to be regulations for something you have the motherfucking power to control. Btw i dont think your fucking idiots but if you cant untwist your panties a little then fuck you too. Love you geo!

The cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, which is associated with chronic cannabis use, was recently reported in seven case reports and one clinical series of ten patients from Australia. We further characterize this syndrome with eight well-documented cases in the United States and report results of cannabis discontinuation and cannabis rechallenge.
Patients were identified by the three investigators in gastroenterology clinic or inpatient wards at William Beaumont Hospital from January to August 2009 based on chronic cannabis use; otherwise unexplained refractory, recurrent vomiting; and compulsive bathing. Charts were retrospectively analyzed with follow-up data obtained from subsequent physician visits and patient interviews.
The eight patients on average were 32.4 ± 4.1 years old. Five were male. The mean interval between the onset of cannabis use and development of recurrent vomiting was 19.0 ± 3.7 years. Patients had a mean of 7.1 ± 4.3 emergency room visits, 5.0 ± 2.7 clinic visits, and 3.1 ± 1.9 admissions for this syndrome. All patients had visited at least one other hospital in addition to Beaumont Hospital. All patients had vomiting (mean vomiting episodes every 3.0 ± 1.7 h), compulsive bathing (mean = 5.0 ± 2.0 baths or showers/day; mean total bathing time = 5.0 ± 5.1 h/day), and abdominal pain. Seven patients took hot baths or showers, and seven patients experienced polydipsia. Four out of five patients who discontinued cannabis use recovered from the syndrome, while the other three patients who continued cannabis use, despite recommendations for cessation, continued to have this syndrome. Among those four who recovered, one patient had recurrence of vomiting and compulsive bathing with cannabis resumption.
Cannabis hyperemesis is characterized by otherwise unexplained recurrent nausea and vomiting, compulsive bathing, abdominal pain, and polydipsia associated with chronic cannabis use. This syndrome can occur in the United States as well as in Australia. Cannabis cessation may result in complete symptomatic recovery

This is the last time I'm going to reply to you, because your idiocy is making my brain hurt.

When did I ever say we need to regulate for CHS... I said this industry does need regulation. I'm not talking specifically CHS, I'm talking on a whole.


Living dead girl
I was done till he called me a fucking idiot and said i should shut my fucking mouth. This is NOTHING new. High times wrote about this in 1999,2001,2004,2014 treating yourself did it in 07 5 pages about it. skunk in 2010. This has far from been pushed under the rug. The issue is it effects a very very very small amount of CHRONIC smokers. Not someone picking up a pipe for the forst time. Im not disputing CHS itself but rather pointing out that regulating in anyway because of an issue brought up by chronic over indulgance is complete crap. You cant regulate common sense. If smoking hurts you dont smoke it really cant be said any more clearly. But hey why not throw some more hoops and bullshit too jump through.
I'm a mod and I don't see anywhere that he said that. If this condition has been known about for so long, how come this lifetime smoker (over 40 years toking under my belt) hasn't heard of it until the past couple of years? You don't have to answer that question, I'll answer it--I don't get my information from High Times. At all.

Lawmakers work on regulating common sense every day. There are far more important things to be upset about in this world, BUT! if it really bothers you, become politically active because that's where the action is. I personally do not want to see our society go back to the days of snake oil salesmen (though we do seem to be headed back down that slope).


So did you notice an onset of this gradually or did it happen overnight?

I've been a chronic user for 9 years now. I smoke easily 6 grams a day of flowers and bho whenever I'm not high enough. If I don't smoke, I won't eat, no desire, not hungry. If my stomach gets upset, I smoke and it goes away. If I don't smoke i can't sleep, body is restless. If I'm bored I smoke. But you know what, my body talks to me and I listen. So I stopped for a month. First two weeks, couldn't eat, sleep, drink, constant stomach pains, the shits but nothing coming out, was similar to what you described. Not sure about the excessive showers, just didn't care that I smelled and was all sweaty. I knew excess cannabis caused this, didn't need a doctor thankfully.

Problem is 100% solved at this point. Don't smoke as much and I can function the same. But I added one thing to my routine. I do Bikram Yoga. Every day, don't miss a single day. Go if I don't want to, go if I don't feel up to it. Go, just go. Every day. Just like my chronic cannabis use destroys my body my daily Bikram practice balances it.

So did you notice a change and ignore it? Notice a change and say fuck it? Notice a change and day you'll do something about it tomorrow? Or were you too high to notice anything?

Not arguing... I just sound like an asshole.


we should seriously be testing this stuff on mice. Labs could test by subjugating mice to prolonged high doses of cannabis extract. see what happens what kind of results are we finding. let science tell us. why is this only 'from my knowledge' being reported by users of extract usually solvent extraction. i'm sure some folk out there have been smoking grams upon grams per day of potent hash before BHO came along. I'm really only playing the devils advocate here until i see scientific documentation from test subjects. not 'doctor talk' diagnosis.


test on rabbits... im just kidding lol!! I suppose what i'm more concerned with is if the symptoms go away after cessation. We gotta figure out how to make these concentrates using solvent-less methods. I'm sticking to my original guns and saying you got sick because you were poisoned... long term exposure to trace amounts of toxins that are in the extracts. I smoked some shatter 2 days ago, clean stuff from a dispensary purged and everything... my senses still pickup on a bad vibe right after taking the hit... can taste the crap in it.. also the yummy goodness but then again... I would love to see some of these concentrates being sent for analysis... full spectrum analysis screening for everything. I think we'd be surprised at the level of toxins in the concentrates. im not saying "yours" are... but where i live you can buy shatter from dealers... like i'm suppose to trust that stuff.


Interesting read. Industrial hemp workers can get "hemp lung" or "hemp decorticating worker disease". Inhaling chrysolith hairs is similar to fiberglass insulation. I always wear a dust mask when I trim. Cuts down on the nose and throat irritation.


With sea on this one, years in the community and this is "new", 7 years to build up? Believe nothing cures everything... not everyone should consume MMJ or any other medicine, prescription or herbal. I can make you a wonderfully flavored tonic out of the herbs and such kept in my kitchen however after drinking it you will spend the next several hours sitting on the toilet wondering what happened to you. Personally don't like everyone out there f@#kin around blowin them selves up makin concentrates that may or may not be purged properly, but there is that pesky little born with free will thing. No law will ever stop stupid. One last word out to those who make concentrates and are not professionals with real equipment.... DON"T Your f@@@in up the works for those of us that can provide you with real meds.


Living dead girl
@Gnostic -- precisely why I don't even try to mess around with concentrates to distribute to others.


Just a small update for everyone...I took a solid 6 month break. No cannabis use at all after my incident. My symptoms stopped a week after no use of cannabis. It took me about a month to recover and feel normal again. After my 6 month break I started to smoke, this time only flower, no concentrate at all. I've been fine, no problems, no recurrence of CHS. I told myself I would never smoke BHO again, I have yet to smoke it to this day. I would not disagree with the people that said bad BHO was the problem. I don't know for certain, I don't have any proof, but I have a feeling BHO was part of the problem. I've smoked dry sift, and bubble hash, but not solely and not for an extended period of time so I can't say the high level of cannabinoids in those products didn't have an effect on me. I learned my lesson and only use concentrated forms of cannabis on occasion. But I do know that smoking flower and the occasional sift/hash hasn't brought any CHS symptoms back. So just a little update to let people know where I am with this. Hope everyone is doing well. Much love!


I'm a 32 year old woman, I get migraines, and have since I was about 7 years old. I get ocular, complex, cluster, run of the mill- anything from a list of migraine symptoms I've dealt with. Sometimes they last 2 minutes, and sometimes a month. I haven't found any medication that is actually effective, before cannabis.
When I was in my twenties I smoked pot. A fair amount. What my doctor now would classify as chronic heavy use. Maybe 7 grams a week. No health problems, and I attributed the fewer migraines to going on birth control ( which I've discovered really is helpful for me, just not as helpful as I once thought.)

Then I realized I didn't want to be high anymore, and stayed away from cannabis for years. During a really difficult migraine about 7 months ago a friend insisted I at least try CBD, and I felt better in 15 minutes. I've been using CBD as a preventive since. Low doses, and occasionally smoking a high CBD strain I recently found at a local dispensary ( I go through less than 3 grams a month.) Now comes the question of CHS- about three months ago after a particularly bad complex migraine with aphasia I began to feel nauseous- constantly. I put it down to the migraine. Then I began vomiting, losing weight, and had no appetite. Still- could have been the migraine. A month ago I finally went to the doctor and they've found nothing. They're blaming cannabis. I don't match the general criteria for CHS ( light user for less than 6 months, hot showers are terrible and I just retch through them, it's almost never in the morning, and after I stopped smoking three weeks ago on doctor advice I got so much worse) but I don't know how to convince any of the doctors to take this seriously. I'm still overweight by about 5 pounds, but I've lost 10% of my body weight in the last two months. I've only had maybe five puke free days in the last three months. I'm barely keeping myself going with a mix of electrolyte drinks and meal replacement drinks.

And the only thing that was helping with anxiety, nausea, and migraines is being blamed by the doctors.
I'm at my wits end
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Living dead girl
5lbs overweight? I can't bring myself to call that overweight.

If it doesn't fit why are they trying to make your symptoms fit the criteria? I ran into the same problem (I use quite a lot more than what you do, by several times at least) when I developed an impassable kidney stone last November, initially they were saying it was CHS. But then imaging showed the stone, bobbling back and forth trying to get from the kidney to the ureter.

If you're using a CBD formulation or flower with little to no THC, then you could simply lie to them and say you've stopped using--there don't seem to be any tests (or anyone testing) for CBD, they're testing for THC metabolites only.

Are you working with doctors only, or also with someone like a registered dietitian?
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