Disposing Of Stems

  • Thread starter StonedBlue
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Cut em down to respectable size and throw them a garbage bag then drive around looking for a garbage bin behind some store or construction site done deal . Cover your ass is my logo so that said dump stems other items away from you no need for garbage man dropping your garbage and ripping it only to smell weed


The inner fiber of the stalk called the hurd, when charred at low temp for 24 hours and put into a nano sheet performs better than graphene as a supercapacitor. Quick fill up/high discharge batteries from your stalks

I agree, but the supercapacitor have been known to fail. Mine has been malfunctioned ever since I accidentally spilled pixy dust on the controller.


Chop em up real good and mix with your grass clippings. You got any business parks around? Find a dumpster.

I highly recommend people to not do this.
I had a good friend that got busted this way. Believe it or not some places have cameras on that area to catch people illegally dumping their trash.
Somehow they got his license plate when he was dumping it and him on video.


Image 3


I highly recommend people to not do this.
I had a good friend that got busted this way. Believe it or not some places have cameras on that area to catch people illegally dumping their trash.
Somehow they got his license plate when he was dumping it and him on video.
You are correct, every construction site the company I work for has multiple cameras 24/7 from the day the first piece of equipment is dropped off. Never caught anyone dumping clippings, mostly TV,S and hasardous waste the garbage company won't take.

We mostly catch people stealing small items like cones but have had backhoes, bobcats and even big rigs stolen of job sites.
My friend makes a great living setting up job site security systems, he has some funny videos of people having a little fun at night.

Great topic everyone, be safe and dispose of as discretely as possible.


LOL reminds me years ago we were trimming lots in the basement one guys job was to collect waste little did we know he was burning it up stairs , in the fire place got a text stating tell buddy to stop burning the stems out side smells like a pot farm lol


I'm friends with a gentleman who owns three garbage business, he just explained how all his trucks have cameras recording what is dumped in each truck. The cameras record the house location, picture of can with number on it and video of contents being dumped into the truck.
He said the police always look through his truck videos when the sorters ( at the dump )find something illegal.
I have a deal with a friend who has a tree company, he personally comes by when it's time and we run them all through the chipper with some pine branches at the same time, works like a charm.
kind of curious what country you live in. In the city here, there are no such things as cams or sorters..it goes right on the truck compressed with a 1000 other bags that look exactly the same and straight to the landfill. Either you live in somewhere like sweden or a very small town where they need to export their trash and have to follow some kind of licensing rules is my only guess. The same company here handles over 2 million people. Wearing gloves and wrapping multiple times..I'd be half crazy to sweat seeing it go into the back of a garbage truck.


Bottom line one must be careful, when throwing anything incriminating in there garbage. not 100 percent sure but in most cases we dump our garbage on front streets or back alleys .
Law enforcement officials do not need a warrant to search a trash can that a homeowner sets out for collection in a publicly accessible area next to his house, according to a federal laws .
I called complaints about homeless people going through my garbage looking for pop bottles etc nothing they can do unless he makes a mess .

And now i set it out just prior to garbage truck coming ..
But for instance a home less guy does open it and see marijuana stems leafs , roots ?? and smells weed ?
Now someone knows that you grow , chances are he probably not call the police .
But might watch the house and pick a time to break in
One drop

One drop

Bush Doctor
I compost mine in my hen house I'm not waisting any carbon I've spent time and money growing .


kind of curious what country you live in. In the city here, there are no such things as cams or sorters..it goes right on the truck compressed with a 1000 other bags that look exactly the same and straight to the landfill. Either you live in somewhere like sweden or a very small town where they need to export their trash and have to follow some kind of licensing rules is my only guess. The same company here handles over 2 million people. Wearing gloves and wrapping multiple times..I'd be half crazy to sweat seeing it go into the back of a garbage truck.
Don't know the posters location but in contra Costa county the recycle truck has a camera that videos everything coming out of the can onto a table. Then the table is dumped into the bin and on to the next house. Contra Costa, California.
My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw the degree of inspection possible. All automated, takes only seconds to dump, examine and dispose of a large can.


Growing is so prevalent in my area I'll take bags of stem/leaf to the dump no issues. Half the time I'll see fan leaves on the ground beside the big bins that the previous guy had accidentally spilled -no word of exaggeration! They even have a spot to dump your old soil they mulch it and resell it. Guys'll pull up throw out a bunch of 5gal shaped rootballs w trunks in place and no one even bats an eye. One day it'll be like that everywhere -it's green waste FFS it shouldn't be an issue to dispose of !
Again that depends right for some its a problem living in suburbia where you got people watching every move you make .
sure there is a lot of compost stations , Again you look funny dumping out 30 - 60 - 500 3 gallon pots in the middle of winter , or even going to store that time of year to purchase 20 bags of pro mix BX lol just saying
its not a problem for lots also who has the space to just dump it anywhere and walk away years ago living in a small town it was still nail biting getting rid of 210 3 gallon pots of soil yes Dumped them in garbage bags then down some side road in the middle of no where but you know ,
There is always some fucking car showing up :)
when growing illegally no matter what be cautious real cautious.
Because when your not that is when people get caught

I have thrown stems in totes and sealed them out back and yes they smell like weed when you walk out back there

But yeah fire pit late at night burn little at a time making biochar or what ever its a win win .
But if your growing illegally play it smart
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