Usage for hash tag: GrapeGas

  1. ImpulsiveGrower

    Grape-Gas S1(CLTVTD cut)SpiderFarmerSF2000

    🍇 ⛽️ has been moved into the 2x4 and the net has been laid! My first run I always tucked but I know you can weave as well. What’s your preferred method and why? #spiderfarmer #GrapeGas #Compound genetics #Cannarado
  2. ImpulsiveGrower

    Grape-Gas S1(CLTVTD cut)SpiderFarmerSF2000

    ...till she fills up the scrog net. I feel tilting the plant will actually work out for the training a plan to do. I was nervous about doing something different for this run but I bet this earth box will not disappoint!! #SpiderFarmerArmy #GrapeGas #Compound Genetics #Cannarado Genetics #Earthbox
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