Who Is Plucking Fan Leaves That Block Bud Sites

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If you got a jungle boys setup go ahead and do their thing.
If got a tent, led light, fan and less than 20 leaves.
Leave it be.
It is not a scab for you to pick at and try and make it better.
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

I think them Mota pluckers are just bored. :)
Best to grow a few thousand plants naturally before you start dickin' with them, yah?


I've been plucking ain't gonna lie... this strain was not leafy then too leafy I couldn't get it under control or to a happy medium it seemed. I plucked only two or three times throughout bloom.

My buds are very high quality and big... the ones under the leaves are huge and the ones in the light.

The only reason I defoliated was that it was too jungly and moisture was holding between my plants.

I'm now in my final week of ripening and was considering stripping them down to basically nothing to allow the buds that are lower to get some light....

Don't think I will too much work.. :)


I like soup
If you got a jungle boys setup go ahead and do their thing.
If got a tent, led light, fan and less than 20 leaves.
Leave it be.
It is not a scab for you to pick at and try and make it better.

The most important pruning is the lower 1/4th... we get rid of a lot of this for air flow and diverting energy to the colas (top.. where the light is)


Premium Member
Here is my .2 cents on defoliation. To preface there are many growers and styles and each farmer has to find what worx for them and the strains they are working with. But a lot of growers don't run a strain enough times to really get to know it. Mostly due to chasing the new strain/flavor of the month madness. With that said,

Each seed has a pre-programmed genetic code. This code covers everything the plant needs to be the individual it will be. You all know genetics right? it sets up everything to plant height, color, stature, color of flowers. Internode location, bud sites, eye color lol etc.

If given all the required elements, water, light, air and nutrients, the plant if not stressed or left to grow outside of perfect parameters with enviro's will grow to it's pre-determined genetic potential, typically. The number of leaves is also coded and in an effort to get to the plants natural potential it grows what it needs to fuel the plant to that end.

I have always been baffled why in knowing this, that we would want to strip the plants main source of energy away from the plant. Leaves drive photosynthesis, so in theory when we defoliate aren't we taking away from the predetermined amount of solar panels the plant needs to get to it's final place. I am not to the place yet where I think I know better than Mother Nature and the code is set up this way for a reason. Same reason I also frown on flushing when growing in organic living soil. A lot of strains pack on the final weights in the last few weeks of flower, so why then at this stage do we want to starve the plant when it is at its peak of flower production. But that topic is another can of worms best left to another thread.


Here is my .2 cents on defoliation. To preface there are many growers and styles and each farmer has to find what worx for them and the strains they are working with. But a lot of growers don't run a strain enough times to really get to know it. Mostly due to chasing the new strain/flavor of the month madness. With that said,

Each seed has a pre-programmed genetic code. This code covers everything the plant needs to be the individual it will be. You all know genetics right? it sets up everything to plant height, color, stature, color of flowers. Internode location, bud sites, eye color lol etc.

If given all the required elements, water, light, air and nutrients, the plant if not stressed or left to grow outside of perfect parameters with enviro's will grow to it's pre-determined genetic potential, typically. The number of leaves is also coded and in an effort to get to the plants natural potential it grows what it needs to fuel the plant to that end.

I have always been baffled why in knowing this, that we would want to strip the plants main source of energy away from the plant. Leaves drive photosynthesis, so in theory when we defoliate aren't we taking away from the predetermined amount of solar panels the plant needs to get to it's final place. I am not to the place yet where I think I know better than Mother Nature and the code is set up this way for a reason. Same reason I also frown on flushing when growing in organic living soil. A lot of strains pack on the final weights in the last few weeks of flower, so why then at this stage do we want to starve the plant when it is at its peak of flower production. But that topic is another can of worms best left to another thread.

I agree :-)


Here is my .2 cents on defoliation. To preface there are many growers and styles and each farmer has to find what worx for them and the strains they are working with. But a lot of growers don't run a strain enough times to really get to know it. Mostly due to chasing the new strain/flavor of the month madness. With that said,

Each seed has a pre-programmed genetic code. This code covers everything the plant needs to be the individual it will be. You all know genetics right? it sets up everything to plant height, color, stature, color of flowers. Internode location, bud sites, eye color lol etc.

If given all the required elements, water, light, air and nutrients, the plant if not stressed or left to grow outside of perfect parameters with enviro's will grow to it's pre-determined genetic potential, typically. The number of leaves is also coded and in an effort to get to the plants natural potential it grows what it needs to fuel the plant to that end.

I have always been baffled why in knowing this, that we would want to strip the plants main source of energy away from the plant. Leaves drive photosynthesis, so in theory when we defoliate aren't we taking away from the predetermined amount of solar panels the plant needs to get to it's final place. I am not to the place yet where I think I know better than Mother Nature and the code is set up this way for a reason. Same reason I also frown on flushing when growing in organic living soil. A lot of strains pack on the final weights in the last few weeks of flower, so why then at this stage do we want to starve the plant when it is at its peak of flower production. But that topic is another can of worms best left to another thread.

This is one of the best posts I have ever read regarding defoliation.
I have tried for years to tell people that everything is based upon the genetic code locked within the seed.
We can provide the perfect environment and add "steroids" to bulk them up...but is that really leaving the strain to it's natural programming?
I do mainly outdoor and only defoliate if absolutely necessary such as a dying branch tbat got damaged early on.
Indoors currently just one plant in DWC, I do defoliate as I need or feel I need but that may just be my own inability to not leave it alone...haha


i have done some of my oldest strains every way you can imagine,pulling anything but yellow leaves reduces final weights in my garden(50+ watts per sq ft).but i could maybe see where if a room is under lite removing some leaves might help to develope lower buds.i dont put leaf stripping in the same catagory as pruning off the lower branches because taking whole branches off can def make the tops bigger and help eliminated larf down low that nobody wants to trim anyhow.


i have done some of my oldest strains every way you can imagine,pulling anything but yellow leaves reduces final weights in my garden(50+ watts per sq ft).but i could maybe see where if a room is under lite removing some leaves might help to develope lower buds.i dont put leaf stripping in the same catagory as pruning off the lower branches because taking whole branches off can def make the tops bigger and help eliminated larf down low that nobody wants to trim anyhow.

I have no where near your experience but I have had the same poor results when I strip healthy leaves as well. I feel missing or sick leaves hurt canabanoid content as well.


In a thick canopy jammed packed with massive leaves and tops sometimes airflow is more important than more leaves overlapping and guttating dripping water on buds..... If I had one plant in the middle of an open meadow I *might* leave it alone but ain't nothing natural about an artificially top lit sea of green with a minimum of 4 massive colas per sq ft.... If you've never had a crowded canopy it might be hard to understand how much it helps. Generally speaking, a well managed canopy will out produce a natural canopy every time in terms of quality AND quantity. It's a labor intensive process but there's a reason guys like Texas kid and the jungle boys do it. Consistent buds top to bottom.
With that said if you've got a bunch of light hitting the ground and air flowing everywhere nicely in a not so cramped room or tent it's silly to think pulling off leaves is gonna somehow "trick" the plant into making bigger buds which is exactly what is preached in a lot of forums. There is no trick just redirecting energy and growth increasing air flow to maximize consistency ,quality and yield. Peace:)


Premium Member
I've heard it said that it takes a smart mind to realize one's limitations - where does that leave the normal everyday stupid-fuck? Plucking leaves I assume...
LOL Not sure why that made me chuckle, maybe sour larry pebbles in the culprit. :smoking::fire::fire::fire::fire:


If you scrog or LST you will be trimming leaves. I keep buds in full light and trim to keep it that way. I also trim 2 or 3 fingers from a leaf if possible instead of the whole. When lower leaves begin to yellow significantly, they are removed. That's all.


Here is my .2 cents on defoliation. To preface there are many growers and styles and each farmer has to find what worx for them and the strains they are working with. But a lot of growers don't run a strain enough times to really get to know it. Mostly due to chasing the new strain/flavor of the month madness. With that said,

Each seed has a pre-programmed genetic code. This code covers everything the plant needs to be the individual it will be. You all know genetics right? it sets up everything to plant height, color, stature, color of flowers. Internode location, bud sites, eye color lol etc.

If given all the required elements, water, light, air and nutrients, the plant if not stressed or left to grow outside of perfect parameters with enviro's will grow to it's pre-determined genetic potential, typically. The number of leaves is also coded and in an effort to get to the plants natural potential it grows what it needs to fuel the plant to that end.

I have always been baffled why in knowing this, that we would want to strip the plants main source of energy away from the plant. Leaves drive photosynthesis, so in theory when we defoliate aren't we taking away from the predetermined amount of solar panels the plant needs to get to it's final place. I am not to the place yet where I think I know better than Mother Nature and the code is set up this way for a reason. Same reason I also frown on flushing when growing in organic living soil. A lot of strains pack on the final weights in the last few weeks of flower, so why then at this stage do we want to starve the plant when it is at its peak of flower production. But that topic is another can of worms best left to another thread.
There is nothing natural about growing plants indoors, under artificial lighting, in hydro, coco etc. I think the argument "it's natural" is just dumb for indoor grows.

Not to mention that multiple LST and HST techniques like topping, supercropping and tying up plants have proven benefits in yield, and there's nothing natural about that either.

Outdoors is a whole new story though.
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I thought the idea for defoliating cannabis was to trigger a defence strategy that produced more trykes to put off herbivores eating the seeds. Weed plants grow to 7ft outdoors with out any leaf stripping. And who stripped the leaves for the last couple of million years, cavemen maybe.


Someone here was explaining this exactly right(I 'm sorry I don't remember which user to give the credit but i'm absolutely agree with that statement,very well said) "some of the leaves are feeders,other -eaters"!Or you could say it this way to be more exact:every leave is a feeder in the beginning but in other phase of the plant development it could become eater/shade one or even more tops so sometimes it is better to cut it hole or partially...
I think them Mota pluckers are just bored. :)
I'm bored,yes…. to argue on this with people who are telling me that leaves should be leaved to fall when they get yellow:)


I thought the idea for defoliating cannabis was to trigger a defence strategy that produced more trykes to put off herbivores eating the seeds. Weed plants grow to 7ft outdoors with out any leaf stripping. And who stripped the leaves for the last couple of million years, cavemen maybe.


Someone here was explaining this exactly right(I 'm sorry I don't remember which user to give the credit but i'm absolutely agree with that statement,very well said) "some of the leaves are feeders,other -eaters"!Or you could say it this way to be more exact:every leave is a feeder in the beginning but in other phase of the plant development it could become eater/shade one or even more tops so sometimes it is better to cut it hole or partially...

I'm bored,yes…. to argue on this with people who are telling me that leaves should be leaved to fall when they get yellow:)

The leaves can be a sink or source for nutrients and sugars. I thought no that is what you are referring to.
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