Welcome to the Fungal, it gets worse here everyday - Fusarium Solani

  • Thread starter silverhaze
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imo your problem is clearly watering your plants in saucers with no drainage. I'd virtually guarantee that if you started using drain trays with about 10% runoff you'll stop seeing this problem.
so the problem is because of too much water in the soil?


Crap. Just officially became part of the club this afternoon(although I've been battling this for over 2 years now) . Lab results say I have Fusarium .

I've read through this thread a couple times now. Is Subdue Maxx coupled with T-22 still the most effective fungicide for Fusarium? Or is their something better available now?
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Anyone here ever try "Prestop" as a preventative? I picked some up the other day. I'll let you guys know how it works out.


I have a healthy plants of Cannabis of 6 feet, suddenly i notice branches are dying, and eventually the whole plant. I notice start getting dry in the union with the trunk of the plant. I also see other plants are starting the same issue.
I will appreciate your help ,
Thank you
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Man I was just reading somewhere about how plants communicate with each other through chemical signals sent through the the root zone as well as through the air. If a plant is being attacked, it will send a signal to alert the plants in the area. This alert will in turn cause the plants to exude certain foods that are known to attract specific bacteria, the same bacteria that fight off whatever infection is attacking the plant that is alerting the others.

Trippy shit that none of us really fully understand yet. Apparently mycorrhizae are also responsible for facilitating the communication through the underground network of roots.
It can be. Very little in biology/biochemistry is one-dimensional. Especially when it comes to signaling.

Here is ONE signaling pathway (EGFR signaling pathway) Almost every item you see here is a singular individualized protein:

Methyl jasmonate from certain plants is sent out to other plants in the area to ket them know of incomming patogens...a SARS response is induced in the reciever plants..

EGFR1 & 2 transduction pathways in humans allow for tumors to get their blood supply....weird!
I think its the same letters in humans and plants. I remember an aussie posting in a cannabis forum. He said he had ill health issues after a fusarium problem he dealt with. He may have said it could have come from the products he used to fight it off....I forget what his symptomology was though. It wasvenough for him to kick back for a year and not grow!!


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This is just two. I have 3.5 plants with issues. This fungus can affect half of a plant, but not the other half. Wierd. You can see, the northern lights/blueberry has only half of plant affected. Just got word of a few products worth trying. Mycostop. Purecrop1. And vegetable glycerin. They are on order. This fungus just took hold on my raised bed. Have all plants in same bed. It started with a canada strain, fucking incredible. Then it moved past my tougher strains, and took hold on the weaker ones. Now she has infected my Acapulco gold, tangie, and northern lights/blueberry. Cant wait for products to show. Breaks my heart when I have to in the greenhouse and see them. Come on Amazon!
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Blows my mind that theirs's no actual "cure" for Fusarium yet. One would think their would be by now.

I got nailed again this summer as well in my indoor. Didn't make the mistake of trying to fight it this time. Tossed everything, disinfected everything and starting all over again.


I wish i could just toss and start again. But, my garden is the only place that has medicinal smoke. I have a brain injury, and dispo only has thc. They dont have meds. Here is the best part. Fusarium seems to be taking landrace strains, or strains made from landraces. Like my iranian acapulco gold, or the northern lights x blueberry, or the burmese x afgani. Those are the medicinal plants. Fungus doesnt affect the modern hybrids. Girls scout cookie doesnt care. The o.g. doesnt care. I beleive its all the stressing that happens to modern hybrids.


I wish i could just toss and start again.
Been there. Unfortunately the Fusarium didn't care and fucked my shit up anyway. The plants that didn't actually die produced the worst product you could imagine. I ended up just pitching it all anyway despite how bad I needed it.

Plus I can't help but wondering what the negative health effects are of smoking or ingesting a plant infected with Fusarium. It's systemic so it's in the entire plant. Who knows it might be nothing but I'm definitely not gonna chance it.


if your plants aren't all sharing the same soil bed you might get lucky and have some that don't get infected. But if they're all sharing the same bed then it's not likely gonna turn out to be a good situation unfortunately.


You could have some serious root aphids. They damage the rootzone and make your plants wilt like that when infested. After you battle them you almost always get root rot from the damage. As well as spreading the fusarium or pythium with the traveling crawlers or flyers.


It was none of the above. It was vaseline on stems. This did all the damage. Ive put more plants in garden. No issues. It was never fusarium, or root aphids, or any of those.


I wish i could just toss and start again. But, my garden is the only place that has medicinal smoke. I have a brain injury, and dispo only has thc. They dont have meds. Here is the best part. Fusarium seems to be taking landrace strains, or strains made from landraces. Like my iranian acapulco gold, or the northern lights x blueberry, or the burmese x afgani. Those are the medicinal plants. Fungus doesnt affect the modern hybrids. Girls scout cookie doesnt care. The o.g. doesnt care. I beleive its all the stressing that happens to modern hybrids.
Very interesting observation, woulda guessed landrace would be more hearty but that makes sense. The modern hybrids could have been exposed and developed better immune response vs landraces that may not have encountered it.

idk if this has been linked previously in the thread, but may be worth a read... Fusarium diseases of cultivated plants

might try one of the foliars recommended in that link, and meanwhile see if you can save any of your genetics by getting them cloned or transplanted into containers with fresh soil that's been pre-inoculated with mycos and all that.


This looks like the same thing that you have. So far only on one plant. I had some black fungus last year, right at the end of the bud cycle and the color was much darker, and in splotches. This is going all the way from the soil to the top of the plant. I hope I find some solutions in the ten pages of this thread, as it's one of my healthiest, favorite plants: )

The growing conditions: Outdoor, high wind.

The soil: Black earth, aged horse manure, peat moss.
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I had vaseline in stems to fight slugs. It caused the rot to occur on the stem. Have raised beds, and have had 2 successful runs since. Not disease at this garden.

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