Nevil's Passing and the start of Operation Green Merchant

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Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Not one word about isreal? say they're mossad is much worse...hitler was created by his ....... handlers..

Hell putin killed some snitches hes suddenly the bad guy

Bush and clintons have killed 500+ wgaf who killed who??

Putin tried to kill his political enemy who would run against him as president dude. Better get your facts straight, makes you look uninformed.

Dude wasnt/isnt a rat, he was a political opponent.

Also good for you that you think its ok that Putin uses Nuclear Material to kill, and poison people with. Lewts me know who you are. Even if the guy is a rat, Putin has no right to kill him.

Bottom line is though Nalvany is NOT a RAT. Get your facts straight. He leads Anticorruption vs Putin

Putin getting away with poisoning another political opponent

Aleksei Navalny, the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation headquartered in Moscow, is one of the last-standing political opponents of Vladimir Putin. His tightly researched, well-documented reports on the corruption of high-level Kremlin officials have been a thorn in the Kremlin’s side. Not only that, but Navalny has engaged in regional and local politics in a manner that could diminish Putin’s control over the vast Russian Federation.

Mossad are nothing compared to Hitler, and his SS, and Stalin. Not even close. And if was today, way more would have died, because there are more people. Both, were nuts. Hitler was a Meth Addict.


I doubt the feds want anything to do with my or anybody else’s hand full of state legal plants.
Some are smarter than others, there’s a reason I only had 90 some plants when they came to my door! Over 100 is federal.


Putin tried to kill his political enemy who would run against him as president dude. Better get your facts straight, makes you look uninformed.

Dude wasnt/isnt a rat, he was a political opponent.

Also good for you that you think its ok that Putin uses Nuclear Material to kill, and poison people with. Lewts me know who you are. Even if the guy is a rat, Putin has no right to kill him.

Bottom line is though Nalvany is NOT a RAT. Get your facts straight. He leads Anticorruption vs Putin

Putin getting away with poisoning another political opponent

Aleksei Navalny, the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation headquartered in Moscow, is one of the last-standing political opponents of Vladimir Putin. His tightly researched, well-documented reports on the corruption of high-level Kremlin officials have been a thorn in the Kremlin’s side. Not only that, but Navalny has engaged in regional and local politics in a manner that could diminish Putin’s control over the vast Russian Federation.

Mossad are nothing compared to Hitler, and his SS, and Stalin. Not even close. And if was today, way more would have died, because there are more people. Both, were nuts. Hitler was a Meth Addict.
Elections are rigged everywhere including the us of dont get it....hitler, stalin, churchill, etc were all buddies and if there is a life after death they are there to...hanging out and chillin...what happens to anti curuption voices here in the states?

They tell no tales bud. BRANDY VAUGHNN did more to save lives than this russian douche...she snitched in a very good way...she died!
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

The Republicans HATE WEED.

Starting with NIXON, it became even more hated because of the so called HIPPIES. Summer of Love... They smoked weed, protested the Vietnam War, and eventually got the motherfucker shut down. Weed and the Hippies, were Hated by the republicans, and still are a thorn in their sides. They hate the shit dude. It represents all thats wrong with America to them. Hippies, and weed were the beginning of the end in America.

Everyone should be protected, as long as you, nor I violate the others Civil Rights. Mine End, where Yours Begin. I hate the Klanne4rs ect, and when in proson had to live with a guy that was in for a Hate Crime. Burned a cross on a biracial couples yard, and set the home on fire, and almost killed 2 kids. He lied to me for months about what he was in for. I eventually found out, and told some of my black buddies what he did, and one of them gave him a boiling baby oil party on his head, and face while I was at work. They never got caught, and I never knew who actually did it. Nothing was ever said again. Dude also never came back. Peeled his skin off I heard. Boiling oil.
I hate a fucking rat, and racist. Im married to a minority, and have zero fucking tolerance.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Elections are rigged everywhere including the us of dont get it....hitler, stalin, churchill, etc were all buddies and if there is a life after death they are there to...hanging out and chillin...what happens to anti curuption voices here in the states?

They tell no tales bud. BRANDY VAUGHNN did more to save lives than this russian douche...she snitched in a very good way...she died!

Fake news dude. I dont believe in tin foil hat shit. Sorry. Sounds like you fell for the tRUmp bullshit. Not me.

They studied this shit to death, and put it to rest. Show me real facts. Not nut job, conspiracy theories. Show me the FACTS???? Where?? Im Waiting??

The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent.😮😮😮😮😮😮
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I doubt the feds want anything to do with my or anybody else’s hand full of state legal plants.
Some are smarter than others, there’s a reason I only had 90 some plants when they came to my door! Over 100 is federal.
If they take plants it'll be the growing part. Force you to buy from stores or tax every plant. No mother plants no seeds type a deal...maybe! Just ideas is all


The Republicans HATE WEED.

Starting with NIXON, it became even more hated because of the so called HIPPIES. Summer of Love... They smoked weed, protested the Vietnam War, and eventually got the motherfucker shut down. Weed and the Hippies, were Hated by the republicans, and still are a thorn in their sides. They hate the shit dude. It represents all thats wrong with America to them. Hippies, and weed were the beginning of the end in America.

Everyone should be protected, as long as you, nor I violate the others Civil Rights. Mine End, where Yours Begin. I hate the Klanne4rs ect, and when in proson had to live with a guy that was in for a Hate Crime. Burned a cross on a biracial couples yard, and set the home on fire, and almost killed 2 kids. He lied to me for months about what he was in for. I eventually found out, and told some of my black buddies what he did, and one of them gave him a boiling baby oil party on his head, and face while I was at work. They never got caught, and I never knew who actually did it. Nothing was ever said again. Dude also never came back. Peeled his skin off I heard. Boiling oil.
I hate a fucking rat, and racist. Im married to a minority, and have zero fucking tolerance.

KKK WAS started by jewish democrats! Lol

I dont care who's racist..humans are inherently racist...110% sure theres a racist gene in everyone. I dont hate because of skin color...a lot do though...i think we all do in our own way.

Mexicans are definetly the most racist ive personally dealt with.heard them call their white mother racist shit...quit hanging around them because of it


If they take plants it'll be the growing part. Force you to buy from stores or tax every plant. No mother plants no seeds type a deal...maybe! Just ideas is all
Every US president since Nixon had the ability to deschedule weed by executive order. Why haven't they done it? Biden could legalize weed next month, but he won't. Mitch could allow the Senate to give it a vote(and it would pass), but he won't. Not until they figure out how to make themselves richer from it. Our politicians only care about themselves.


Fake news dude. I dont believe in tin foil hat shit. Sorry. Sounds like you fell for the tRUmp bullshit. Not me.

They studied this shit to death, and put it to rest. Show me real facts. Not nut job, conspiracy theories. Show me the FACTS???? Where?? Im Waiting??

The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent.😮😮😮😮😮😮
Lol. 1,000 signed im not into politics...wouldnt jumpmon any of their weasel trains..child molesters...trump had 6 lawsuits paid out for raping 10 to 14 year olds...that never got brought up out on his campaign trail....oh but the 2 plaboy playmates. Got their $$$$...lmfao...creepy joe groping girls...hes a sick child rapist


Every US president since Nixon had the ability to deschedule weed by executive order. Why haven't they done it? Biden could legalize weed next month, but he won't. Mitch could allow the Senate to give it a vote(and it would pass), but he won't. Not until they figure out how to make themselves richer from it. Our politicians only care about themselves.
Mcconnel is connected to a cannabis firm too. John Boehner sits on the board of either the same one or different
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

What was the case about? News cant lie if im mistaken i thought the first amendment has something to do with them being homest...i mean hell how many folks have sued for libel?

The case was about Bovine Growth Hormone in Milk supplied by Monsanto.

The story was to be aired on Faux, and they canned it after they reviewed it before airing, and told the 2 eportors to go back and edit it, and make it Monsanto Friendly, and Monsanto is a Major Sponsor of Faux News.
The 2 people would not edit their report, and took it to court, and won.
Faux Appealed the ruling, and the defense was???

They have No Legal obligation to Tell the Truth.

Faux WON the Appeal on those gorunds. The Court Agreed.

Fox News wins in court

FOX asserted that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves.
December 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson, were hired by FOX as a part of the Fox “Investigators” team at WTVT in Tampa Bay, investigat bovine growth hormone (BGH), a controversial substance manufactured by Monsanto Corporation.
Fox executives and their attorneys wanted the reporters to use statements from Monsanto representatives that the reporters knew were false and to make other revisions to the story that were in direct conflict with the facts. Fox editors then tried to force Akre and Wilson to continue to produce the distorted story.
Akre and Wilson refused and threatened to report Fox's actions to the FCC, they were both fired.

August 18, 2000, a unanimous Florida jury found that Akre was wrongfully fired by Fox Television when she refused to broadcast (in the jury's words) “a false, distorted or slanted story” The jury awarded her $425,000 in damages.

FOX appealed the case, and on February 14, 2003 the Florida Second District Court of Appeals overturned the settlement awarded to Akre.

In a stunningly narrow interpretation of FCC rules, the Florida Appeals court claimed that the FCC policy against falsification of the news does not rise to the level of a "law, rule, or regulation," it was simply a "policy." Therefore, it is up to the station whether or not it wants to report honestly.
During their appeal, FOX asserted that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right to do so.

Fox then filed a series of motions seeking more than $1.7 million in trial fees and costs from both Akre and Wilson.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

First, legal scholars seem to mostly agree that the president can use the power of the executive branch to reschedule cannabis. The Controlled Substances Act currently classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug—more addictive than heroin! Less medical value than cocaine! No medical value, a high potential for abuse, and illegal in all circumstances. (You will notice this hasn’t stopped states from legalizing cannabis, nor has it stopped recreational marijuana from growing into a multi-billion-dollar industry.)

As Sam Kamin, the Vicente Sederberg Professor of Marijuana Law and Policy at the University of Denver’s Sturm College of Law, wrote in a 2016 article, the president can unilaterally reschedule cannabis, but the president cannot deschedule.

What’s that mean? Since the Drug Enforcement Administration is part of the U.S. Department of Justice—and part of the executive branch—the president can instruct the attorney general to reclassify cannabis, into a different category of controlled substances.

Moving cannabis to Schedule III or Schedule IV would solve at least one of the marijuana industry’s problems. IRS Section 280E forbids the sellers of illegal drugs from claiming certain business expenses on their taxes. This prohibition has crippled some businesses and shrunk the margins of almost everyone else.

But rescheduling alone would almost certainly not allow cannabis businesses to use banks. And particularly not if they continued to violate the Controlled Substances Act anyway, which is what all dispensaries in all states would be doing if President Biden rescheduled weed.

All drugs in the Controlled Substances Act that can be bought and sold are done so with DEA licenses, with doctor’s prescriptions. No recreational drug that is legal—tobacco, alcohol—are distributed in this way.

It’s generally understood, then, that rescheduling weed would blow up the marijuana industry’s existing model, of state-licensed businesses that are not pharmacies selling cannabis products, that are not Food and Drug Administration-reviewed and approved, to customers who are not medical patients.

Biden rescheduling cannabis “would only continue the state-federal conflict, and force both state regulators and businesses to completely reconfigure themselves, putting many people out of business and costing states significant time and money,” as Morgan Fox, chief spokesperson for the National Cannabis Industry Association, said in an email on Monday.

So what’s the difference between rescheduling and descheduling, and why can’t the president do it? For the same reasons why the president can’t pass laws or a budget or make war (at least not forever!) without Congress. Rescheduling cannabis, and making other points of law by executive action, is not within the powers of the office.

Descheduling is legalizing marijuana, for real: removing it from the federal government’s list of banned or controlled substances entirely. This would not prohibit the federal government from making laws restricting who can buy or sell the stuff, or in what quantity—a quick review of what the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms does is a good reminder of this!—but this is what’s understood as necessary for the cannabis industry’s dream situations: interstate trade, institutional investors, advertising. The works!

And the president cannot do this.

Cannabis prohibition has been challenged in the courts before. And while federal courts have given cannabis businesses some relief—a 2015 ruling in California, for example, affirmed that the federal government can’t shut down state-legal medical cannabis dispensaries—courts have also refused to address the scheduling issue.

Most recently, in October, the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal in Washington vs. Barr, a petition challenging cannabis’s Schedule I classification that lower courts has also shot down. Advocates have taken this to mean that the courts believe rescheduling is Congress’s job.

“It is Congress that imposed the federal prohibition of marijuana and ultimately it is up to Congress to repeal this destructive and discriminatory policy,” as Keith Stroup, NORML’s legal counsel, said at the time.

There’s also the open question of whether President Biden would expend political capital, testing the power of his office—and the appetite of Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Senate to swallow it—by legalizing cannabis rather than addressing the flu pandemic or the novel flu’s economic destruction.

Legally questionable, politically impractical. No, Joe Biden won’t use the powers of the executive branch to legalize cannabis. He could encourage more research. He could issue pardons or commutations, and he could tell the Veterans Administration to ease up on restrictions creating problems for military veterans seeking cannabis. But to legalize, Congress must act.

And for now, it’s still a Congress controlled by some of the same lawmakers who have reliably blocked legalization. That may change, but it won’t be President Joe Biden who does it.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

The American People are the Competition though. They are the Consumers, and have the right to know what chemicals are in the food water, and air.

Still liars in my book.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Thats waht the article says. It says if Biden fucks with the model, it will fuck everything up thats been gained.

Congress needs to fix this shit. Not Biden/President.
Presidents orders can be reversed by the next, as we have plainly seen. Must be LAW. Nothing less.


Thsts vets, who went into foreign lands to kill the yellow man its ok for them to have access to weed before anyone else?

Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Im taking about food, water and air dude. And if anyone selling Legal Weed knows there are chemicals in it, they should have to be legally disclosed.

Ive got the right to know anything Legally Sold. Period. NO EXCEPTIONS. NOT JUST WEED. You failed to mention I also stated about FOOD, Water, AIR???? Selective editing.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Nobody should have precedent when it comes to who gets weed access for recreational.

Medical as with any drug, they give to the sickest, and most in need first. Id say Cancer should get a high priority if medical.


Thats waht the article says. It says if Biden fucks with the model, it will fuck everything up thats been gained.

Congress needs to fix this shit. Not Biden/President.
Presidents orders can be reversed by the next, as we have plainly seen. Must be LAW. Nothing less.
You mean like when Trump tried to rescind DACA and the Supreme court just ruled he can't do that?
Congress can also undo laws. When Mitch and Biden(who are good friends and old drinking buddies) get together and decide how they can enrich themselves, then the federal ban will be lifted.


Im taking about food, water and air dude. And if anyone selling Legal Weed knows there are chemicals in it, they should have to be legally disclosed.

Ive got the right to know anything Legally Sold. Period. NO EXCEPTIONS. NOT JUST WEED. You failed to mention I also stated about FOOD, Water, AIR???? Selective editing.
Good luck with clean air, food, weed and water...that'll only happen once they cull 90% of the population...cig companies got sued wonder if the weed folk will can you prove they didnt smoke your product? That'll happen too...


when i produce cannabis for myself i no whats in it . those that sell it no whats in it the American people are mummies that relies on consensus instead of educating their self on whats in it... if sooome one poisons someone with a product there are already laws to take care of that the American people have turned into a bunch of koolaid drinkers and thumb suckers
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