Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants? New grower (pics inside)

  • Thread starter Attica
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Hello, I am finally growing my own plants.

But I am facing some problems and I would love some help.

I am assuming that I am feeding them too much and I will need to flush them out.

Thank you for your help in advance.

These plants are around their 2nd week in Veg growing in Mother Earth's Perlite + Coco 70/30 medium.

Age: Into 2nd Week of Veg

Ice Cream Cake (Indica), offspring of Wedding Cake and Gelato #33

Light: Around 53 DLI, as measured using this method:
It was around 45 DLI about a week ago.

Temp: 77-79

Humidity: 50-60

CO2: 1100-1400 since about first week of vegetative.

Nutrients: HGV Superior Plant Nutrition; Growth + Flowering Base (14.5 - 0 - 0) and Growth Formula (3 - 6 - 22). That is all.

PPM: 1550~

Media: Mother Earth's Perlite + Coco 70/30 Mixture

pH (of water going in): 6.2

What I have done so far:

I tested the run off of three plants. The test was done on January 3, but the last feed was on January 1. In order to test it, I pH'd the water at 6.2 and watered these plants until run off. Some of their pictures and details are below.

Healthier looking plant:

In - PPM 220, pH 6.3

Out (runoff) - PPM 810, pH 5.6

Sicklier plant:

In - PPM 220, pH 6.2 - 6.3

Out (runoff) - PPM 780, pH 5.8 - 5.9

Additional details:

December 28: Fed at 1570 PPM in pH 6.2 water.

December 29: CO2 began around 1100

January 1: Fed at 1570 PPM in pH 6.2 water.

January 3 (today), I notice what you see in the pictures.

They were suffering from an aphid infestation at the beginning of vegetative stage, and I sprayed them with an organic spray called GrowSafe. They are gone but I think I sprayed them too much because the flowers were drier than they should be.

The picture at the very bottom of the page is one of the healthiest looking plants (at least to me) in my garden provided for reference.

Thank you guys, have a happy new year
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 2
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 3
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 4
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 5
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 6
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 7
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 8
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 9
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 10
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 11
Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants new grower pics inside 12


How are you feeding 1570 and the next day or two you flush with a 220 and runoff is 800?

Theres no way in hell those plants are uptaking these nutes...weirdwell im watching this tgread 4sho


I ponder the same. Mag def and then I see the last pic and it screams pests. Weird growth, bubbly leafs, etc is a sign of pH issues and/or pests. I’d scope that plant for mites.


Pots look dry as fuck! How many times a day do you water?


I just water whenever they look dry and feel lighter than usual.
I've had them almost two weeks, since I bought them as clones.
I watered them once on December 23, fertigated them on the 28th and the first of January at 1550~ PPM.
And that is all. I'm beginning to realize that I am keeping them much drier than they should be.



I just water whenever they look dry and feel lighter than usual.
I've had them almost two weeks, since I bought them as clones.
I watered them once on December 23, fertigated them on the 28th and the first of January at 1550~ PPM.
And that is all. I'm beginning to realize that I am keeping them much drier than they should be.
Correct me if I’m wrong, you’re in coco right? Coco isn’t soil. It needs to stay 90% saturated at all time. Mother Earth? You also have to feed the plants every time.


@Aquaman is your guy for answers..among others...ill stay tuned!
dire wolf

dire wolf

Hey Attica , clones can arrive in your hands with all kinds of issues , like the aphids or many other pests , most people think that since someone is providing clones to new growers , that the seller of provider has integrity and means well , but in many cases they just pass along crap and issues that now become your problem , sort of like clone herpes ( ha just thought of that )
So your plants could have had nutrient uptake or overload issues even before you got them ....
Then as burnz said , coco isint really a beginner medium for clones especially if your going to just water them when they feel light , that's strictly a soil / promix type of philosophy , so you might have gotten into trouble there
Trips suggest a magnesium deficiency , it looks like a bit of that also , you can dilute 1/4 tsp of common Epsom salt into a gallon of water and water / foliage spray for some relief ....
I would transplant into promix or get a lot more info on coco gardening quick , also even though the plants look nute hungry , I would try to stabilize with less nutes and a better watering program to get the roots and whole plant to stabilize , also watch heat very carefully and proximity to lights ....maybe raise lights a bit .....
You can get them back on track but adding high ppm nutes isint going to do it ....
dire wolf

dire wolf

Most likely , you dried them into this stressful condition
This is where I would , maybe in 2 weeks introduce the greatly debated " super thrive " product , like 2 eye drops in a gallon ....
Be cool to see what happens
Could kill your plants or turn them into superman , but it will at least be fun for me to watch 😜


Grow for life🌱
You fed way to heavy. Flush them out heavy next watering. Then water with cal mag.
Also. How close are your lights to the canopy?



Trips, i was just reading this other similar thread that you came with the win; if you let coco dry to much you get nute lock out as well. I believe how it was worded is that the nutes attach to the media in a way not uptake-able by the plants, ie starving ie lockout. how often are you feeding?


Synthetic fertilizer is made from chelated minerals, salts and metals. If you let coco dry out those salts and such crystalize and garden on the coco husk. This prevents the fresh fertilizer from attaching to the coco. That's why you need to fertilize every watering and keep it moist.


More water frequent fertigation in coco is doing the job for me also back off the Nutes a lot 1500ppm is a lot for a new babie to handle also keep onto ph issues and pests neem oil works well as a preventative measure just my 2 cents worth good luck.


I would like to first of all thank everyone who replied to this thread. I've taken all of your advice into account and I appreciate the time you've taken to help me out.

I will make a more detailed and proper update post later. Life has been busier than usual.

As of now, some of my plants have been showing characteristics that I am finding difficult to diagnose and treat.
The other plants have been doing much better, thanks to the advice that I receive from everyone here and elsewhere.

For purposes I will get into later, I treat some of my plants different from the others.

The below plants are the ones that I am finding difficult to diagnose and fix.

These plants were overfed and dry. They had nutrient burn as attested to by run-off tests.

Here is some relevant history:

January 4, they were flushed but not enough because their run-off tests a while later showed that their PPM/EC was too high for the stage that they were in (Some of them had EC 2.5 or 1750 PPM!)

January 7, one of these plants was given a 600 PPM fertigation and its run-off tested at 1320 PPM!

Therefore, they were flushed more thoroughly on January 7. (I fear that it was a bit too thorough).
They received about two gallons of low Cal-Mag'd (580 PPM) and appropriately pH'd solution each. They are in three gallon containers.

It is now the end of January 13, and this is how many of them appear. I have some other strains in there and they are doing much, much better than the rest.

I gave them a bit of fertigation today at 800-900 PPM with pH 5.8 - 6.0. The pots were looking too dry.

Why are the leaves showing strange characteristics such as edges curling inwards, and heavy droop?

I can understand that the droopiness may be from overwatering. It has been several days now, and the droopiness is still present. I am a bit concerned.

Have you guys seen anything of this sort before? I and I am sure others would love some light on this issue.

Speaking of light, I am beginning to suspect that my lights (LEDs) are a bit too close to the plants. I will provide a more exact measurement tomorrow. Could this be light stress related?

Have an awesome day!
IMG 7096
IMG 7097
IMG 7112
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It could most def be, but with that list of compounded issues these displayed i think you know the reasons why. Now i dont know what lights your running and what intensities but theres threads pertaining to ideal heights. Agua or one of the indoor cats will chime in and set you straight. The deflated curling and generally pissed looking leaves i have only gotten from serious and chronic under watering. This issue will be compounded when using coco as folks mentioned here before. Best guess? The roots died back and the growth and leaves may have trouble recovering. If the roots are dead the plants has no chance. They may bounce back but you've knocked back any vigor they had, and your going to be dealing with nute lock out and hungry before too long If they make it thru. If you kill em bust open the root ball so you can see


Hello, I am finally growing my own plants.

But I am facing some problems and I would love some help.

I am assuming that I am feeding them too much and I will need to flush them out.

Thank you for your help in advance.

These plants are around their 2nd week in Veg growing in Mother Earth's Perlite + Coco 70/30 medium.

Age: Into 2nd Week of Veg

Ice Cream Cake (Indica), offspring of Wedding Cake and Gelato #33

Light: Around 53 DLI, as measured using this method:
It was around 45 DLI about a week ago.

Temp: 77-79

Humidity: 50-60

CO2: 1100-1400 since about first week of vegetative.

Nutrients: HGV Superior Plant Nutrition; Growth + Flowering Base (14.5 - 0 - 0) and Growth Formula (3 - 6 - 22). That is all.

PPM: 1550~

Media: Mother Earth's Perlite + Coco 70/30 Mixture

pH (of water going in): 6.2

What I have done so far:

I tested the run off of three plants. The test was done on January 3, but the last feed was on January 1. In order to test it, I pH'd the water at 6.2 and watered these plants until run off. Some of their pictures and details are below.

Healthier looking plant:

In - PPM 220, pH 6.3

Out (runoff) - PPM 810, pH 5.6

Sicklier plant:

In - PPM 220, pH 6.2 - 6.3

Out (runoff) - PPM 780, pH 5.8 - 5.9

Additional details:

December 28: Fed at 1570 PPM in pH 6.2 water.

December 29: CO2 began around 1100

January 1: Fed at 1570 PPM in pH 6.2 water.

January 3 (today), I notice what you see in the pictures.

They were suffering from an aphid infestation at the beginning of vegetative stage, and I sprayed them with an organic spray called GrowSafe. They are gone but I think I sprayed them too much because the flowers were drier than they should be.

The picture at the very bottom of the page is one of the healthiest looking plants (at least to me) in my garden provided for reference.

Thank you guys, have a happy new year
Not taking up nutz
Ph not rite

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