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Can Temperature Affect How Well My Cannabis Clones Root?

Cannabis cloning is a popular method for propagating plants, but many factors can influence the success of clones taking root. One such factor is temperature. In this article, we'll explore the effects of temperature on cannabis clones and their root development.

The Importance of Root Development in Cannabis Clones​

The root system of a cannabis plant plays a crucial role in its overall health and growth. A strong, healthy root system enables the plant to absorb water and nutrients effectively, which leads to optimal growth and high-quality yields. Therefore, creating an environment that promotes robust root development is essential when cloning cannabis plants.

The Ideal Temperature for Cannabis Clones​

Cannabis clones, like any other plant, have specific temperature requirements to thrive. Temperature plays a significant role in determining how well and how quickly the clones will develop roots. Generally, the ideal temperature range for cannabis clones is between 72°F and 78°F (22°C and 25°C).

Too Cold Temperatures​

When the temperature is too low, it can slow down the metabolic processes of the cannabis clones, resulting in stunted growth and delayed root development. Clones exposed to cold temperatures may also be more susceptible to diseases and pests, as their immunity is weakened.

Too Hot Temperatures​

Conversely, when the temperature is too high, it can cause the clones to undergo heat stress. This can lead to wilting, yellowing of leaves, and even root damage. Additionally, high temperatures can increase the rate of water evaporation, causing the clones to dry out and struggle to take root. The risk of mold and fungus growth also increases when temperatures are too high.

Monitoring and Controlling Temperature for Cannabis Clones​

To ensure that your cannabis clones have the best chance of developing strong roots, it's essential to maintain an optimal temperature range in their environment. Here are some ways to keep the temperature in check:

Use a Thermometer​

Monitoring the temperature in your cloning area is crucial. Place a thermometer near your clones to get accurate temperature readings. Check the thermometer regularly and make adjustments as needed to maintain the ideal temperature range.

Insulate Your Cloning Area​

To help maintain a consistent temperature, insulate your cloning area. Insulation can be as simple as placing cardboard or foam around the space or using a grow tent designed for temperature control.

Utilize Heating and Cooling Devices​

Heating mats, space heaters, and air conditioning units can help regulate the temperature in your cloning area. Use these devices as needed to maintain the optimal temperature range for your cannabis clones.

Adjust Lighting​

The type and intensity of lighting in your cloning area can also impact the temperature. Fluorescent lights are a popular choice for cloning, as they emit less heat compared to other lighting options. Adjust the distance between the lights and clones to help control the temperature.


Temperature significantly impacts the success of cannabis clones taking root. By maintaining optimal temperatures, you can promote healthy root development and increase the likelihood of your clones thriving. Keep a close eye on the temperature and make adjustments as needed to ensure a favorable environment for your cannabis clones.
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