2024 Outdoor/Sexing. Is it too soon?

  • Thread starter Organic13
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I kind of lost faith in the dunking. When I read that some bugs can survive 14 hours. Underwater! L O L! Maybe the peroxide will get them to loosen their grip! Good luck. And if you grow outdoors you’re gonna smoke a few bugs! Whether you like it or not! Maybe you ought to move indoors! Where you’re at It’s probably a good idea! Nice and sanitary also!😂
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I used peroxide. I also used citric acid and baking soda. Only thing I have done differently is I haven't sprayed my stems like I've seen Nick or the other dude with the bud wash video do. These were all submerged in the different solutions and then submerged in luke warm water for the rinse.

Guess I'm smoking insects. Fuck it.


I don't mind smoking some bugs. Just didn't want the idiots shitting in my buds and causing problems.

I've proven to myself that I can successfully grow and harvest outdoors. My lessons were learned (not blind to the fact that i have tons more to learn). Hopefully indoors is in my nearish future. Very sanitary. Much less stress.


I don't mind smoking some bugs. Just didn't want the idiots shitting in my buds and causing problems.

I've proven to myself that I can successfully grow and harvest outdoors. My lessons were learned (not blind to the fact that i have tons more to learn). Hopefully indoors is in my nearish future. Very sanitary. Much less stress.
Except that Mother Nature spent 4.5 billion years (on this rock) gardening and knows a thing or two about killing bugs and fungus. You’re going to be on your own indoors where one itty bitty mite will destroy your entire grow and require professional fumigation. Not be be Mr Negative, but moving indoors isn’t going to be a panacea.


Except that Mother Nature spent 4.5 billion years (on this rock) gardening and knows a thing or two about killing bugs and fungus. You’re going to be on your own indoors where one itty bitty mite will destroy your entire grow and require professional fumigation. Not be be Mr Negative, but moving indoors isn’t going to be a panacea.
Yeah, from what I’ve seen, you have to take too many showers and change your clothes too often! Lol! Not to mention the extra two or 300 a month it costs! But Ohio is a tough place outdoors, so I wouldn’t blame her!


Maybe you could get some food grade oxygen absorbers and toss them in the grove bags when you put the buds in there? Bugs need oxygen too so maybe youd be able to wipe them out a little quicker with that? Wish i had some real advice haha would hate to see a whole grow go to waste thanks to a bunch of little bugs


These plants are much more larfy. Have only received morning sun the sun positioned changed. Each stem was hollow. These were the only plants with hollow stems. No clue why either.

I'm allowing them to get room temp before working with them because it is still in the 40s here today.

Most beautiful bouquet I've ever picked for myself. And I GREW THEM. 😍😍😍
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These plants are much more larfy. Have only received morning sun the sun positioned changed. Each stem was hollow. These were the only plants with hollow stems. No clue why either.

I'm allowing them to get room temp before working with them because it is still in the 40s here today.

Most beautiful bouquet I've ever picked for myself. And I GREW THEM. 😍😍😍
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Congrats! And I bet your kitchen smells amazing! 😃


Once you harvest you really don't have many options other than budwashing. If you already did that then, as was mentioned, you get to enjoy your regional flavors!😄 Just for fun you can put them under the loupe and fry them with your dab torch while you smoke them and watch them fry!!


For most of my bug eradication needs I like to use a product called Azamax. It is OMRI certified and is a Neem oil derivative. Works very well in controlling bug populations but before I go there, depending on how bad the infestation is, I'll start with an insecticidal soap to see if that takes care of them. Azamax is my nuclear option.

@Organic13 - Unless they are everywhere I wouldn't worry too much. Every day we eat rat feces in our processed foods. A little mite with your smoke is fine.

Try some indoor growing. Much easier in regard to controlling your environment but you have to follow certain cleanliness protocols like not bringing in any outdoor plant material into your indoor gardens along with not going into your tent right after you came in from the garden.

I have a set of canvas coveralls I wear when I open my tent to keep any hitchhikers from infecting my gardens. I know it sounds like overkill but I learned all this working in licensed grow ops. I thought it was overkill also but I haven't had a bug problem in over 10 years.
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Thanks for all the info. I appreciate it.

Doesn't sound like overkill at all. Needs to be sterile like an operating room. I get it.

I'll check out the product you mention.

Can't wait to hear and taste aphid bodies popping. Could've definitely done without the rat feces sensory fuck though, PooToe. The horror.

Thanks again.


Thank you for nominating one of my photos. They aren't the biggest or the prettiest, but they are mine and I am proud. Thanks for keeping me laughing on this journey. Have appreciated you along the way. Need to come check out how your autos are coming along. See what your fucking up this month. 😁


Thank you for nominating one of my photos. They aren't the biggest or the prettiest, but they are mine and I am proud. Thanks for keeping me laughing on this journey. Have appreciated you along the way. Need to come check out how your autos are coming along. See what your fucking up this month. 😁
They’re beautiful! I know the excitement of getting a plant to harvest, and you’ve had a much harder battle than I have. You deserve all the praise! Us new growers gotta stick together!

It’s actually not that fucked up..yet..still early 💀


Once you harvest you really don't have many options other than budwashing. If you already did that then, as was mentioned, you get to enjoy your regional flavors!😄 Just for fun you can put them under the loupe and fry them with your dab torch while you smoke them and watch them fry!!


For most of my bug eradication needs I like to use a product called Azamax. It is OMRI certified and is a Neem oil derivative. Works very well in controlling bug populations but before I go there, depending on how bad the infestation is, I'll start with an insecticidal soap to see if that takes care of them. Azamax is my nuclear option.

@Organic13 - Unless they are everywhere I wouldn't worry too much. Every day we eat rat feces in our processed foods. A little mite with your smoke is fine.

Try some indoor growing. Much easier in regard to controlling your environment but you have to follow certain cleanliness protocols like not bringing in any outdoor plant material into your indoor gardens along with not going into your tent right after you came in from the garden.

I have a set of canvas coveralls I wear when I open my tent to keep any hitchhikers from infecting my gardens. I know it sounds like overkill but I learned all this working in licensed grow ops. I thought it was overkill also but I haven't had a bug problem in over 10 years.
Giving me flash backs from reading the jungle in high school. also why I can’t eat chunky peanut butter anymore. Higher chance of rat shit.

🌈 the more you know!


Total weights are in for the big 3 (big to me).

Plant harvested early: 1.89 oz. My brother took a jar, that hadn't been weighed. I'll say I got 2.5 (conservative estimate) from that plant. That plant was the only female in promix, worm castings, alfalfa and kelp meal. Was my biggest plant for sure. Too bad I fried her up.

The 2 I harvested later total 5.6 oz.
20241019 114902

My final plant is hanging. While they were pretty and frosty, didn’t have much weight to them. Didn't get a lot of sun in the end. Not expect more than an oz from all 3 of them.

This was an experiment I was trying to do with black walnut and cannabis. The black walnut sapling died. She's survived freezing nights in this little container. I'm going to let her stay outside and she what else she does.
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All and all, not bad for a first grow.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
WELL DONE ORGANIC! I didnt even finish my outdoor this year! Got to the mental drain part of the grow and gave up! You pushed forward! And even though you say some of the buds are “Larfy” the trichomes are looking awesome none the less!

You should definitely get into indoor! You would do great!!!😍


WELL DONE ORGANIC! I didnt even finish my outdoor this year! Got to the mental drain part of the grow and gave up! You pushed forward! And even though you say some of the buds are “Larfy” the trichomes are looking awesome none the less!

You should definitely get into indoor! You would do great!!!😍
A lot of people do both! Congrats on a hard-earned harvest! Hard head! 😂😍👍



Kindest soul ever. SQQQQQUUUEEEEE.

Thank you so much, Bear. It can be extremely mentally taxing outdoors. Could've been a little more level headed with my burnt up plant, but I was so pissed. Hahaha.

Indoors sounds so comfy and luxurious to me. No aphid bodies with each hit of smoke. 🤣

Still helping a buddy set his new tent up. He's also in the process of finishing his basement. Told him all the tent stuff needs to wait until he is complete, because of dust and debris. He started 3 seeds. 1 is still alive. Just ran him out some more bag seeds I found. Told him until he can keep a few bag seeds alive, he really should hold off on starting expensive seeds. My friend, his wife, has got her foot on his neck now though. She said since he purchased a $1500 set up, he has no excuse. Worried for him just a tad. 🤣🤣🤣


Not sure they make craniums much harder than this one. 😊
Thanks, man. Truly appreciate it. Thank you for the laughs too. We may not see eye to eye on everything, but I think you are cool people.

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