2024 Outdoor/Sexing. Is it too soon?

  • Thread starter Organic13
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Kindest soul ever. SQQQQQUUUEEEEE.

Thank you so much, Bear. It can be extremely mentally taxing outdoors. Could've been a little more level headed with my burnt up plant, but I was so pissed. Hahaha.

Indoors sounds so comfy and luxurious to me. No aphid bodies with each hit of smoke. 🤣

Still helping a buddy set his new tent up. He's also in the process of finishing his basement. Told him all the tent stuff needs to wait until he is complete, because of dust and debris. He started 3 seeds. 1 is still alive. Just ran him out some more bag seeds I found. Told him until he can keep a few bag seeds alive, he really should hold off on starting expensive seeds. My friend, his wife, has got her foot on his neck now though. She said since he purchased a $1500 set up, he has no excuse. Worried for him just a tad. 🤣🤣🤣

You can’t pay for experience and intuition when it comes to cannabis cultivation unfortunately lol.

Intuition meaning when you walk into a room…you know if the humidity or temperature is off…you know there’s a problem just from the look and feel of the room.

So in my opinion, you could have a few T5s and a pot of dirt to start out with lol.

I knew a guy back in college that killlllled it with T5s from seed to finish!


You definitely can't pay for either one. You also can't read about either. I mean, you can. I did. It just isn't the same as getting dirt under your nails, over and over.

Dude basically killed 4 plants I gave him that were months old, my plant's sisters, that I just harvested. He's also killed a handful of seeds now. While I understand it can be done with bare minimums, a little understanding of the plant and its needs are important to understand first. As long as he's learning from his mistakes, it will be worth it. Told him to get off reddit and get into this forum or any forum that he can actually see what the people he is taking advice from are growing. To me, that's important. There's conflicting information all over this site alone because there are many ways to skin a cat. All the good information can be hard to retain. When you start throwing in differences of opinions, gets even more overwhelming for a newbie. I'd just like for him to get a basic understanding down. He's trying. Told him a month ago, I wished his wife was still the one caring for them. She at least listened to me. Him not listening and making mistakes, possibly is the only way he will learn. I can be like that. 😊


Hey guys, I grew this. 😁😁😁
20241019 143529
20241019 143706

Can you tell I'm excited and proud? Now I know how people feel sharing their kid's school pictures. Before you get upset, I'm not comparing my cannabis to your chitlins. Just saying I understand the bragging.


Hey @Organic13, you did great this year! The outdoors is very fickle but you handled it well. As well as any of the rest of us and better than me. LOL

With your experience growing flowers, herbs and veggies, what other plant would you compare cannabis to.
Say, if you were to advise a first timer who has been gardening for years?


Hey @Organic13, you did great this year! The outdoors is very fickle but you handled it well. As well as any of the rest of us and better than me. LOL

With your experience growing flowers, herbs and veggies, what other plant would you compare cannabis to.
Say, if you were to advise a first timer who has been gardening for years?
Did you see how the POTM turned out yet? She was in the lead on Wednesday! Ha ha! Ooops! Probably Jinxed her!


Thank you, guys. Follow too many threads to have seen the notifications from POTM.

Also, @cbrians thanks for the nomination and the heads up. Greatly appreciated.

Sorry that I've been MIA. Prepping for winter and started a PT new job (bartending in the evenings). Miss chatting it up with everyone though.

Thank you. I appreciate that from you. Means a lot.

I've never grown a plant quite like this one. I'd say learning this plant personally is the way to start. Sure, you can read about it until your eyes hurt, but getting your hands dirty is the only true way to learn. With each new grow, you should be improving and learning from your mistakes. I also recommend not complicating growing her. Allow her to tell you what she needs. Biggest mistake I see across the board is overwatering. I constantly tell my buddy I'm helping to stop finger fu$*ng his plants. So, I'd also recommend to not being so handsy with this plant, especially when young. And if you are growing outdoors, genetics and locations matter the most.

Ha. That was fun. Thanks for asking me, @cpurola


Thank you, guys. Follow too many threads to have seen the notifications from POTM.

Also, @cbrians thanks for the nomination and the heads up. Greatly appreciated.

Sorry that I've been MIA. Prepping for winter and started a PT new job (bartending in the evenings). Miss chatting it up with everyone though.

Thank you. I appreciate that from you. Means a lot.

I've never grown a plant quite like this one. I'd say learning this plant personally is the way to start. Sure, you can read about it until your eyes hurt, but getting your hands dirty is the only true way to learn. With each new grow, you should be improving and learning from your mistakes. I also recommend not complicating growing her. Allow her to tell you what she needs. Biggest mistake I see across the board is overwatering. I constantly tell my buddy I'm helping to stop finger fu$*ng his plants. So, I'd also recommend to not being so handsy with this plant, especially when young. And if you are growing outdoors, genetics and locations matter the most.

Ha. That was fun. Thanks for asking me, @cpurola
It's just the best when you have a great grow, congrats.🙂
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