30 years since i was able to grow some weeds. i am now the proud parent of some beautiful girls.... : )( :

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got some very peculiar growing behaviour from the overwatered plants initially.

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the ladies start to emerge. 😌

had a number of issues this time but so far so good. haven't been satisfied with the pictures of the plants or the way they are growing this time so i haven't been posting many.
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Its okay we all have problems from time to time no matter how much you know. Seems like maybe they got a bit overwatered and over fed? I see a few slightly burned tip and edges and the leaves being droopy is either too much water or too little. Also the purple stems, that happens too when you overwater. Sometimes is genetic or a sign if disease too. Do you have the problem localized and fixed? Im just throwing what I think in case you dont know whats going on.


Its okay we all have problems from time to time no matter how much you know. Seems like maybe they got a bit overwatered and over fed? I see a few slightly burned tip and edges and the leaves being droopy is either too much water or too little. Also the purple stems, that happens too when you overwater. Sometimes is genetic or a sign if disease too. Do you have the problem localized and fixed? Im just throwing what I think in case you dont know whats going on.
from my assessment it's from being heavily over watered when i transplanted them from the first containers. took me til now (about 4 weeks to finally zone in an effective watering regime. still refining it but they appear to be rebounding well. wasn't used to the soil i used this time. last time i used yard soil mixed with compost and had very few issues. this time with a store bought soil (formula 420) i had a bit off trouble assessing how much water they needed.


the ladies appear to be recovering well from the problems i've been having. better color, fewer and fewer anomalies with regard to leaves deformed and discolored. still not happy with the pictures i'm taking up til now. new place and getting appropriate lighting is an issue but this picture is fairly decent.

20241031 132729


the oregon grape is showing notable trichomes and #2 is showing the beginning of trichome production.

FYI: i have looked for info on the oregon grape online a couple times and only once came across a description of the buds being purple while all other info sources state the buds are green. the buds the seeds i got were dark purple for the vast majority so i have to wonder if this would even be oregon grape but that was what i was told they were so i am calling it that.

20241101 090917
20241101 091641


finally getting some better pictures and more developements worth capturing. still working out final issues with 2 of the 4 plants. mainly heavily purple stems and yellowing leaves but they are about a month into flowering so i'll be contending with the natural yellowing of the leaves. the 2 plants that were affected the most are several inches shorter than the "oregon grape" which was a replacement for another seed from the plants i had previously harvested.

the previous plants were of unknown origin (seeds accumulated over several years from dispensary pot). half of the previous plants were slightly hermaphodidic which was the pollen i used to seed them. i pollenated a few of the lower small buds on each plant for seed stock.

the "oregon grape" was started a week later than the others and i was able to aquire some insight on how the soil i used this time behaved so it was always the healthiest plant and is notably taller than all the rest. it doesn't appear to have gone through nearly as many issues as the others but has had some marginal fan leaf color motling, brown patches and blotches but to a fairly minor degree.

i haven't seen any indication of hermaphodidic behavior which i was concerned with given the mishandling the first 3. in addition from some of the info on oregon grape was suggesting the strain was noted for hermaphrodite behavior. lost a good deal of size on the first 3 but how much i produce means far less to me than taste and to some degree the buzz.

it would appear that the foil sheet insulation that i used for the last grow was far more conducive to getting a good picture as opposed to the white background they are currently in.

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They look nice! Just a little burnt and perhaps a bit overwatered? Did they just not take the nutes well or you went a bit overboard? Anyway is nothing serious, just the burnt tips and some droopy leaves. Purple stems can be overwatering or just genetic, I like how they are more bright red than usual. It can also mean fungal infection but you clearly dont have that. Even if you didnt feel satisfied with this grow, happens, they were a bit weird from the start werent they? hahaha but I think it will be nice buds to smoke ✌️ nothing major.


They look nice! Just a little burnt and perhaps a bit overwatered? Did they just not take the nutes well or you went a bit overboard? Anyway is nothing serious, just the burnt tips and some droopy leaves. Purple stems can be overwatering or just genetic, I like how they are more bright red than usual. It can also mean fungal infection but you clearly dont have that. Even if you didnt feel satisfied with this grow, happens, they were a bit weird from the start werent they? hahaha but I think it will be nice buds to smoke ✌️ nothing major.
much thanks. my assessment was severe over watering initially when i moved them to the larger container. i use 1 gal clear containers that have no drain holes. chose this approach a a way to minimize messes. did the same last grow and they were sweeeet, they were a truelly healthy green color over all with very few issues at all. this time i used a different soil than last time and severely watered them at first. took about a week for the accumulated water at the bottom of the containers to dissipate. three of four of the seeds i produced form the last grow germinated and a fourth (the oregon grape) was germinated a week later to replace the seed that didn't germinate. been working out an effective watering regime but it's fairly late in the cycle so i've been going with the flow.

given the degree of the watering error i have to assume all the problems were from it. the oregon grape was done after i saw my error with th others so it didn't have as severe a issue. got it from a bud that was deep purple and it's showing purple in the flowers and under some of the small bud leaves suggesting they may develop into purple bud like the parent.

one of the others, #2 i was able to correct the best of the first 3 and it seems fairly healthy and full but it has had an issue with colloring. has a somewhat pale and overall patchy mottled coloring.

the other 2 are the most severe in stunting but their color is more even but the stems are very purple on one of them and somewhat purple on the other.

i'm also not happy with the lighting where i am as the pictures are so different from what i see with my eyes. the oregon grape shows easily recognizeable purple developing in the flower pods and bud leaves but i can't get a pic that actually retains that quality. i need to figure a different lighting situation in order to get real good shots.

in the end it ain't over til the fat lady sings so i'll keep monitoring them and doing what i can to minimize any issues until their finished but i really loved the way the last ones grew, they were so lush and healthy.... 🫠

best case is they'll turn into some tasty bud. if the taste sucks i won't be happy. the taste is the most important to me.


newest pics showing in particular the bud areas filling in on #3 and the trichome development on the oregon grape. #2 has filled out the best. #1 which suffered from the worst mishandling has some filling in as well. not much to speak of by way of trichomes on #'s 1, 2 or 3. my guess is the overwatering problem has stunted the growth of #'s 1 and 3 shortening the spacing between nodes which from what i would think would produce a few nicely filled in cola's.

Or gr a
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the rrock

the rrock

Nice job JB , I love the purple stem'age. your experience here now will make you a expert before you know it,keep up the good work.!


much thanks. my assessment was severe over watering initially when i moved them to the larger container. i use 1 gal clear containers that have no drain holes. chose this approach a a way to minimize messes. did the same last grow and they were sweeeet, they were a truelly healthy green color over all with very few issues at all. this time i used a different soil than last time and severely watered them at first. took about a week for the accumulated water at the bottom of the containers to dissipate. three of four of the seeds i produced form the last grow germinated and a fourth (the oregon grape) was germinated a week later to replace the seed that didn't germinate. been working out an effective watering regime but it's fairly late in the cycle so i've been going with the flow.

given the degree of the watering error i have to assume all the problems were from it. the oregon grape was done after i saw my error with th others so it didn't have as severe a issue. got it from a bud that was deep purple and it's showing purple in the flowers and under some of the small bud leaves suggesting they may develop into purple bud like the parent.

one of the others, #2 i was able to correct the best of the first 3 and it seems fairly healthy and full but it has had an issue with colloring. has a somewhat pale and overall patchy mottled coloring.

the other 2 are the most severe in stunting but their color is more even but the stems are very purple on one of them and somewhat purple on the other.

i'm also not happy with the lighting where i am as the pictures are so different from what i see with my eyes. the oregon grape shows easily recognizeable purple developing in the flower pods and bud leaves but i can't get a pic that actually retains that quality. i need to figure a different lighting situation in order to get real good shots.

in the end it ain't over til the fat lady sings so i'll keep monitoring them and doing what i can to minimize any issues until their finished but i really loved the way the last ones grew, they were so lush and healthy.... 🫠

best case is they'll turn into some tasty bud. if the taste sucks i won't be happy. the taste is the most important to me.
Im glad that you made them bounce back! You need drainage though, you either need holes or a textile pot with clay pebbles inside the pot on the bottom or outside on the plate below the pot. If the excess moisture cant get out this will be a recurrent problem. Maybe the Grape Ape is more resistant to humidity, it all depends on the strain, but no drainage is never good.
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newest pics showing in particular the bud areas filling in on #3 and the trichome development on the oregon grape. #2 has filled out the best. #1 which suffered from the worst mishandling has some filling in as well. not much to speak of by way of trichomes on #'s 1, 2 or 3. my guess is the overwatering problem has stunted the growth of #'s 1 and 3 shortening the spacing between nodes which from what i would think would produce a few nicely filled in cola's.

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Nice! I think you will get tasty buds but the main stem is getting red now aswell which means you still have humidity problems, sorry for being so persistent but without drainage this and worse can happen even if you dont water too often. The moisture will sit on the bottom on the pots and eventually start rotting roots and make leaves pale with brown stains. Drill some holes in there and lift the pot, or next time use textile pots with arlite on the bottom, theyre the best IMO.


Nice! I think you will get tasty buds but the main stem is getting red now aswell which means you still have humidity problems, sorry for being so persistent but without drainage this and worse can happen even if you dont water too often. The moisture will sit on the bottom on the pots and eventually start rotting roots and make leaves pale with brown stains. Drill some holes in there and lift the pot, or next time use textile pots with arlite on the bottom, theyre the best IMO.
i'm hoping for some real tasty bud, time will tell 🥲🤗🫠

i'm still refining the watering schedule which i am zeroing in on by a daily visible check of the soil, at this point they may end up being harvested before i get the watering perfect 🤔🫣🙄🤣. one of the plants is severely afflicted with purple stems but it has been slowly receding and the newer growth is green. the others are in much better shape as to stem color.

i appreciate the input as it is a good way to get different perspectives and insights i might have overlooked. the last plants were really healthy til i cut them down so i know i can make this approach work. the main difference this time was the different soil which threw me a curve. i approach it the same way i did the last time but it didn't behave the same. it seemed to have a lot of moss which i have never used. the only other things i ever used besides soil was perlite and vermiculite and non organic fertilizer but that was many many years ago. the last grow was just soil from the backyard and compost that was about a 50/50 mix and a very small amount of organic fertilizer. oh yeah, when the last plants started showing yellowing leaves i did give the plants some coffee. 🤫

normally (well what i did last time) was to water them once or twice a day depending on how the soil looked. i would water enough so that there would be a pool of water at the bottom that would be completely absorbed within a half hour to an hour which worked real well. there was another reason i chose to use containers without drain holes was i wanted to go completely organic eliminating the salt buildup from chemical ferts and didn't want to be washing nutes out of the soil. once used i planned to compost the soil/roots that were left to recycle everything back to a usable form.

i'll definitely have a much better time next crop given what i now know about the growing medium i'm using. 👍
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the oregon grape is starting to show her true colors. notable purple color on the underside of some of the leaves and in some of the flowers.
20241109 202149
20241109 202258


i'm hoping for some real tasty bud, time will tell 🥲🤗🫠

i'm still refining the watering schedule which i am zeroing in on by a daily visible check of the soil, at this point they may end up being harvested before i get the watering perfect 🤔🫣🙄🤣. one of the plants is severely afflicted with purple stems but it has been slowly receding and the newer growth is green. the others are in much better shape as to stem color.

i appreciate the input as it is a good way to get different perspectives and insights i might have overlooked. the last plants were really healthy til i cut them down so i know i can make this approach work. the main difference this time was the different soil which threw me a curve. i approach it the same way i did the last time but it didn't behave the same. it seemed to have a lot of moss which i have never used. the only other things i ever used besides soil was perlite and vermiculite and non organic fertilizer but that was many many years ago. the last grow was just soil from the backyard and compost that was about a 50/50 mix and a very small amount of organic fertilizer. oh yeah, when the last plants started showing yellowing leaves i did give the plants some coffee. 🤫

normally (well what i did last time) was to water them once or twice a day depending on how the soil looked. i would water enough so that there would be a pool of water at the bottom that would be completely absorbed within a half hour to an hour which worked real well. there was another reason i chose to use containers without drain holes was i wanted to go completely organic eliminating the salt buildup from chemical ferts and didn't want to be washing nutes out of the soil. once used i planned to compost the soil/roots that were left to recycle everything back to a usable form.

i'll definitely have a much better time next crop given what i now know about the growing medium i'm using. 👍
Hahaha yeah sometimes that happens, youre trying to adjust and you cant before the grow ends but there's always the next grow!
I think watering every day until runoff es very very excessive. If you had such watering habits before the strain you grew was probably native to a humid area, or their parents.
I use textile pots and I water every 2-3-4 days depending on the stage and how big the plant gets. Usually when I do my first watering of all the substrate and not only the tap root, I wait 4-5 days before the next watering because the roots have PLENTY of wet substrate to colonize and that water is not going anywhere anytime soon even if its textile pots.
When youre watering to runoff you might be pushing some nutes out that might not make it inside again. The idea is to water the exact ammount, runoff is better left only used to meassure PH or to flush. You can water til you get a bit of runoff then next time a bit less and if you dont see no runoff then you stick with that ammount, there's no runoff but you know 100% sure that it made it to the bottom.


Hahaha yeah sometimes that happens, youre trying to adjust and you cant before the grow ends but there's always the next grow!
I think watering every day until runoff es very very excessive. If you had such watering habits before the strain you grew was probably native to a humid area, or their parents.
I use textile pots and I water every 2-3-4 days depending on the stage and how big the plant gets. Usually when I do my first watering of all the substrate and not only the tap root, I wait 4-5 days before the next watering because the roots have PLENTY of wet substrate to colonize and that water is not going anywhere anytime soon even if its textile pots.
When youre watering to runoff you might be pushing some nutes out that might not make it inside again. The idea is to water the exact ammount, runoff is better left only used to meassure PH or to flush. You can water til you get a bit of runoff then next time a bit less and if you dont see no runoff then you stick with that ammount, there's no runoff but you know 100% sure that it made it to the bottom.
Well Said, Well Said Indeed. this time around i certainly misjudged the initial watering but it will be a good lesson as i'll be using the same soil next time as well. the first 3 plants are offspring of the first grow so i imagine they should behave similar to the last grow. the only different plant is the oregon grape which given the hindsight of what happened to the first three i was able to adjust it's watering when it was moved to the larger container and it has been much healthier.

i feel that watering the exact amount is a perfect way to describe how much to water, Well Said 👍👍👍. the last grow i would only water when the soil looked like it could use it. toward the end they were using quite a bit of water to the point where i would actually have to water more than once a day. this i did sparingly as i preferred to water at the beginning of each light cycle when i figured they would be more likely to need it in order to not end up with an overwatering problem so mostly it was a once a day watering. if you look at the plants from the first grow that are posted here you can see they were beautiful, lush, a very healthy green color throughout for the entire growth.

i have to admit this grow has been very challenging for me given i was used to how the soil behaved in the last grow. i was no longer at the place i was at that time having moved to a different city so i chose to buy some soil. they are filling in nicely now and the color on the new growth looks very healthy so i imagine the worst affect of the watering problems will be yield which i am not concerned about. my main concern is taste so i'll have to wait and see.

the oregon grape is doing nicely, showing a good deal of trichomes and showing the first signs of purple which i'm thrilled with as i've never grown purple bud before. plant #4 from the last grow was showing some purple around the edges of the leaves which suggested it would have had more purple when fully mature but i had to take them down a little early so it never got the chance to show it's true colors.

this time i don't see any reason i'll have to harvest early so i'm very excited to see how nice they are when finished. 🥹🥲🤗

i would admit, i have rubbed some of the trichomes off of the larger leaves of the oregon grape to see what it smells like and so far the scent it has is not very strong or something i'd prefer but it's not horrible either so time will tell. 🤔
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Flashback to the last grow........ man those ladies looked so damn healthy!

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