Back after a loooooong break

  • Thread starter WhatWouldBobDo
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Hi all!

I grew about 25 years ago, but the risks with a career/family, combined with some pretty significant paranoia/anxiety, caused me to step away. Unfortunately, my anxiety/stress/depression has increased significantly recently, to the point that I had my first panic attack not too long ago. I started reading alot of the research done since I stepped away, and started giving some bud from a dispensary a few states away a shot, and it’s made quite a difference to my quality of life.

Based on alot of research I’ve done, and some trial and error personally, I believe I would most benefit from a higher CBD strain, and lower THC strain (<15%), with more linalool and limonene terpenes. Unfortunately my state doesn’t have a recreational, or a medical program. I’ve taken some long road trips to other states with recreational programs, but everything they offer is very high THC (25%+) and very low CBD (<0.1%), and none of the strains I’ve heard work better for anxiety/depression (ACDC, Harlequin, ErdPurt, to name a few). While I can get some GSC and Gelato versions, their high THC (at least for me) hits really hard. I’ve tried out straight CBD flower, which is legal in my state, or mixing with GSC, but CBD flower is unregulated in my state and you have zero idea what you’re getting. I smoked some CBD flower, and I had a hard time reading for a few hours (the words appeared on the paper, but my brain couldn’t connect what they meant) so I threw that one out, and I tried a different brand and got a migrane.

So the unregulated legal CBD that I have no idea what I’m getting and honestly makes me scared, and the inability to get what I think I need (even with a 12+ hour drive one way) has led me to believe growing my own would be the safer idea. Although, the risks it poses to my career/family, and even the thought of growing again is causing me some severe paranoia and anxiety. I’ve always tried to be a law abiding citizen, and the thought of committing a felony really doesn’t sit well with me. Any suggestions with the “moral dilemma” side of this would be appreciated.

But otherwise, I’m interested in learning what has changed in the past 25 years. Looks like alot!


hi there and welcome to the farm!
Really depending on where you plan on growing if you have an indoor setup in a house that is yours really shouldn’t worry unless you let the whole town know what you’re doing .
I know that here in Missouri they have much bigger fish to fry than the small pot grow but some states are really bad good luck 👍


Really depending on where you plan on growing if you have an indoor setup in a house that is yours really shouldn’t worry unless you let the whole town know what you’re doing .
I know that here in Missouri they have much bigger fish to fry than the small pot grow but some states are really bad good luck 👍
Yeah, I know it’s more irrational than anything else. The grow would be in my basement, in a secluded spot, in a grow tent with a carbon filter. And I’d tell no one (for a variety of reasons). I can’t tell you the last time I heard of someone getting busted for a personal grow in the state (although I’m not combing court records of course). Honestly, moonshine is a much bigger problem in my state than small MJ grows. The state has 3 different agencies charged with finding and destroying moonshine operations, and yet I still know tons that do it. A local homebrew shop sells stills, turbo yeast, and will teach you how to do it. The legality/punishments of small operations for moonshine and cannabis are comparable. This state doesn’t have the equivalent focus on finding, particularly small, MJ growing operations.

And I know of dozens of hydroponic stores in the state. Two in my city. And everyone knows they aren’t growing tomatoes.

But I just can’t stop thinking about what would happen if I did get caught. The criminal record alone would likely cause me to lose my job, possibly get blacklisted on future employment. Which is a big risk for my kiddos/family.

But this state’s laws are just so screwed up. Like, CBD flower is legal. But if you grow a CBD plant, it’s a felony. Until it’s cut down, then it’s legal (because you own the flower, not a live plant). I can go to the local store and buy CBD flower, and the grower is “supposed” to randomly test that it’s below the THC threshold, but they don’t have to test every plant. So, I could “accidentally” buy CBD flower that has 10% THC, and that’s legal. Because I bought CBD. But if I grew a high CBD plant that has 5% THC, that’s a felony. Until I cut the plant down, and then it’s a misdemeanor.

Anyway, I know it’s not rational and that it’s the anxiety talking. Which is ironic, considering I’m looking for medicine to deal with the anxiety, but acquiring the medicine is causing more anxiety.

But I really appreciate the insight and help.


Hi all!

I grew about 25 years ago, but the risks with a career/family, combined with some pretty significant paranoia/anxiety, caused me to step away. Unfortunately, my anxiety/stress/depression has increased significantly recently, to the point that I had my first panic attack not too long ago. I started reading alot of the research done since I stepped away, and started giving some bud from a dispensary a few states away a shot, and it’s made quite a difference to my quality of life.

Based on alot of research I’ve done, and some trial and error personally, I believe I would most benefit from a higher CBD strain, and lower THC strain (<15%), with more linalool and limonene terpenes. Unfortunately my state doesn’t have a recreational, or a medical program. I’ve taken some long road trips to other states with recreational programs, but everything they offer is very high THC (25%+) and very low CBD (<0.1%), and none of the strains I’ve heard work better for anxiety/depression (ACDC, Harlequin, ErdPurt, to name a few). While I can get some GSC and Gelato versions, their high THC (at least for me) hits really hard. I’ve tried out straight CBD flower, which is legal in my state, or mixing with GSC, but CBD flower is unregulated in my state and you have zero idea what you’re getting. I smoked some CBD flower, and I had a hard time reading for a few hours (the words appeared on the paper, but my brain couldn’t connect what they meant) so I threw that one out, and I tried a different brand and got a migrane.

So the unregulated legal CBD that I have no idea what I’m getting and honestly makes me scared, and the inability to get what I think I need (even with a 12+ hour drive one way) has led me to believe growing my own would be the safer idea. Although, the risks it poses to my career/family, and even the thought of growing again is causing me some severe paranoia and anxiety. I’ve always tried to be a law abiding citizen, and the thought of committing a felony really doesn’t sit well with me. Any suggestions with the “moral dilemma” side of this would be appreciated.

But otherwise, I’m interested in learning what has changed in the past 25 years. Looks like alot!

Seems to me CBD is overhyped as the cannabinoid that holds all the medical marvels. I'm a medical user and novice grower and some of my symptoms align with yours. Have you played with higher CBN strains by chance? If you grow your own you can get higher levels by harvesting very late, and if you buy your meds, you can get get it by letting your stash sit in a cupboard for 6 months, and over time the THC breaks down into CBN so it will be higher in CBN and lower in THC than when it was harvested. I enjoy getting high but I've learned to dial in for my medical needs. I keep one Sativa strain I harvest early that can be enjoyed first thing in the morning, and a hybrid strain I pull late that is my nightcap toke, and I mix both when I make my medibles.

Can you move to a non prohibition state? Shouldn't have to risk going to jail just so we can enjoy better health, physical or mental.


Good Morning Bob and welcome back! Glad you’re here at the Farm. A lot has changed in two and half decades but the game remains the same. Happy growing! ✌️

No joke! When I left, autoflowers were rumored about in dark corners, LEDs weren't in existence (except for one called the UFO), and you used a Martha Stewart Wardrobe or an IKEA cabinet because grow tents didn't exist.

It doesn't look like hydro mites changed too much though, lol


Have you played with higher CBN strains by chance?

I haven't. I've read a lot about the entourage effect, but not as much about CBN. Sadly, my current options are to drive 12 hours to a recreational dispensary and get hight THC only bud, or roll the dice on unknown hemp bid locally. But looking forward to being able to dial in the right meds, without getting stoned.


Can you move to a non prohibition state? Shouldn't have to risk going to jail just so we can enjoy better health, physical or mental.

Sadly that's not so easy. My job stems from a state based license. Moving states involves recertification, which is usually a 6 month process, and I have to surrender my current license in the process.

About two years ago I was looking for a job change, and applied to maybe 100 jobs in non-prohibition states. Most wanted me to transfer licenses before they'd consider hiring me. Which would mean 6 months of no income. I found a few that were willing to work with me on the issue, but they held drug testing programs that followed federal standards (so MJ, medical or not, would fail).

My wife also holds a state license (in a different field) that she's need to transfer (easier than me) but would lose her clients and have to start over. And kids would need to start new schools, and selling a home.

So together, I find it hard to find that it would be in the best interests of my family to move to a non-prohibition state. Although it's not cut and dry for sure.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
it would be worth checking your local laws and ordinances : ) some on here are just counties away in cali and have completely different laws and ordinances. Also I hate to say it but are you in the line of work where if you got caught you may get a bat of an eye and no harm no foul type of shit? If not then thats also something to look at.

Do you have a shed? You can absolutely hiesenburg the shit out of this if you want too and do something really small just to see how it feels. Couple hundred bucks Vs. a couple thousand! Slowly build your thing, become the outlaw! Hahahaha! Totally kidding man! But seriously that could be one way to go about it, just ease into it.
Dude you could start gardening in your yard full time seriously and then nobody’s the wiser to you bringing materials in and out. But also you dont leave “grow equipment” sitting out where others can see it. Like your fan order from ac infinity might say “Grow light or fan on it”!!! Hahahaha!

Charcoal filters absolutely work wonders also!

Welcome to the farm! Hope you get something figured out!!!✌️


it would be worth checking your local laws and ordinances : )
Oh yeah, I’ve been watching them like a hawk for a long time. I’m very familiar with my local laws and ordinances. As well as county/state enforcement agencies, and pending bills.
Also I hate to say it but are you in the line of work where if you got caught you may get a bat of an eye and no harm no foul type of shit? If not then thats also something to look at.

Sadly, if I get caught, it involves a hearing to determine “fitness” to retain my license. The odds I lose my license are really really small. But I’d have to disclose that I had a hearing/disciplinary action on all future job applications.

It’s not a guarantee that I would get fired. It would depend. I’ve been trying to move into “independent contractor” work, which means if I did get caught I’d still have the hearing (in addition to the criminal stuff), but I wouldn’t lose my income. Unfortunately the “independent contractor” thing isn’t going that great.
Do you have a shed? You can absolutely hiesenburg the shit out of this if you want too and do something really small just to see how it feels. Couple hundred bucks Vs. a couple thousand! Slowly build your thing, become the outlaw! Hahahaha! Totally kidding man! But seriously that could be one way to go about it, just ease into it.
Dude you could start gardening in your yard full time seriously and then nobody’s the wiser to you bringing materials in and out. But also you dont leave “grow equipment” sitting out where others can see it. Like your fan order from ac infinity might say “Grow light or fan on it”!!! Hahahaha!

Charcoal filters absolutely work wonders also!

Welcome to the farm! Hope you get something figured out!!!✌️

I would only do like 1 or 2 plants, and keep it small. I don’t need a big yield, and in the really rare occasion that I did get caught, there is always a possibility that I could try and argue it down to possession, over cultivation, as it’s a lower offense that wouldn’t require a hearing and disciplinary action (and probably wouldn’t show up on a job application).

And yeah, I already do tons of gardening stuff. I grow hot peppers and made my own hot sauce, nepenthes, pitcher plants, venus fly traps, orchids, bonsai, and herbs. In the past I’ve grown hops and made beer out of it, and gave away hundreds of pounds of vegetables to friends/family. I’ve done hydroponics just for fun on vegetables. My work space is basically a greenhouse. I have bags of potting soil and fertilizer around the house, and have for 15 years. No one would bat an eye over any of that stuff.

Some of the more tropical nepenthes and orchids require more specific growing conditions, like humidity and temperature control indoors. So it isn’t odd for a “plant humidifier” to show up either.


Man such a bummer not being able to grow do to nosy neighbors or ass grabbing laws. I worked in the medical field 25yrs at one hospital and 15yrs with VA hospital. We did grow weed when it was illegal and when they passed it for rec. use. Keep it on the silent mode and never had a problem with the law. Once it became legal i grew far too many plants one summer and i kinda sweated that out won't do that again. I'm a lady grower in my late 60's now.

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