best way to get high-THC vape juice using magical butter machine & alcohol

  • Thread starter showellyman
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hi guys,

random quick request - im gonna jot down my last go and id appreciate u guys telling me how im screwing up :D

decarbed 1 oz of stardog using Huanyu Decarb 119C @ 40 mins
bottle of everclear and ziplocked weed bag of decarbed 1oz Stardog in the freezer overnight 24 hrs
add frozen buds to jar and pout everclear over to cover level. mixup, shake well. returned to freezer.

removed twice a day and agitated then returned to freezer for a week.
ran mixture thru MB machine for tincture @ 4hrs strained and bottled.
reduced mixture to browny cough syrup texture after heating the alcohol off i
mixed that with some VG juice and turned the lot int a mess that wont vape properly (VG/feco like stuff) and the liquids keeps separating
in the vape tank. the feco isnt as strong as it should be too.

which glycerine is best to make vape juice - VG, VG/PG premixed 50/50, 60/40 etc

instead of burning the alcohol off i just i added the strained liquid to the vg juice instead of trying to make feco?

help me obi-wann kenobi's.... your my only hope! :D
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