Yeah, I just messing around with it! It’s cold enough to sift! If it’s too warm the heads, start getting a little soft and messy. But you need static electricity to clean it with the nitrile glove method! And that seems to be a little tough to create when the humidity is 80%! But you can still sift and settle for what the screens give you. When you can’t feel your fingers after five minutes, and you get shocked when you touch the door knob when you’re getting into ideal, sifting conditions! Went out for a couple of days with my brother when he was up here! Saw a big boy Driving in on the goat track to the pond. Didn’t get a great look at it, but it was probably five points which is big for around here. Nowhere near a shot! And nothing for the next two days! No pigs either! But that’s Hunting! You go out and sometimes get lucky! Looks pretty cold up Your way! Keeping an eye on Gnick! Looks like he’s getting ready to throw down with the screens! But his humidity is pretty high also. At least outdoors. Maybe it’s lower indoors!