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Yeah, they are easy to get! But want to try a Mexican fiesta! Oaxacan, Sinaloa, and Michoacán! La Cucaracha, la Cucaracha! L O L! And some Afghani!
Looks like a variety pack awesome workMy fantasy basketball team, starting lineup!View attachment 2361131
Can’t love hockey without loving Canadians! And I love hockey! You’re a good bunch up there! Salud!Nice turd work bro! Tell the truth Chucky you love us Canadians just way to polite is all !
What a space case!Also, picked up one of these gizmos! To use with my, bear water approved Armstrong press! A Vice and my old crank torch! Ha ha!
And what that folded up wad looked like a couple hours after I took it off the scale and threw it on a plate! Unfolded itself! It’s alive!10.8 of melt. Works for me! I didn’t use much product! Will ball it up when I make the dirty balls a little later! Need more of a buzz on to do that!View attachment 2361109
got to the point we wouldnt even make blotter we would just keep it as liquid lsd, so you really never knew how much you were getting,. like a whoops, too late now kinda thing, hahaOnly Gnick could pull off 10-15 hits of Sid one of a kind gotta love him! Hell I would eat 5 g of BC shrooms and see and talk to the totem pole gods Varoom!!
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while!nice chunk of hash!!
Be careful! LOLFirst, Landrace press! 10 months in the making! Stoked! about 75% panjshir and 25% Arcadian! 110 and 160! A shout out to,GNick55, for cajoling and prodding me to get my ass off the front porch!Ain’t no going back to that porch now, brother!
About 16 Gs!View attachment 2361904View attachment 2361905