Bogey’s First Grow Indoor Fish Tank Aquaponic

  • Thread starter Bogey
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What’s up everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this hectic post, y’all about to embark on this weed “growing” journey with me in the most unorthodox way possible.

Don’t be shy and let out your real thoughts on this help a guy out and lmk what u think is wrong, all comments are all appreciated 🙏🙏 I’m expecting to be roasted with what I’m bout to show you.

STRAINS: Modified Kush Mints, Modified Animal cookies

SOIL: Coco coir, Potting Soil, Aqua soil

Light: a saltwater reef light prime 16hd 😂 with a 10 watt grow light

Nutes: poopoo from my poor guppies living in this acidic water + APT Complete liquid fertilizer for aquariums

PH: 6.8 (tested with an aquarium kit that expired in 2020) Trying to buffer to a ph of 6 safely wit alder cones, aqua soil, and almond leaves.

My goal here is to grow these seeds using the equipment that I already have from keeping fish. I’m just trying to grow a weed plant to survive in this aquarium more as a show piece. I have zero expectations on this plant producing Bud for me or let alone even make it to the flowering stage LOL. I understand if I’m disrespecting the seeds by trying to grow it like this. I’m really hoping it does flower up cuz yo I really wonder how that shits gonna look and smoke, Ik this bout to be some real BUSH.

DAY 1 and 2

The two strains I will be germinating are Modified Kush Mints, and Modified Animal Cookies. They have successfully been germinated through the paper towel method after being soaked, I think y’all already know how it’s done. Three seeds were placed 2 kush mints and 1 animal cookies, all were cracked with roots on the second day, lovely.

Day 3

I planted both of the seeds in these acrylic boxes
Bogeys first grow indoor fish tank aquaponic

and filled the bottom up a black mesh, coco coir and sum potting soil that I found. I even put a layer of aquarium soil (Ada Amazonia) that’s the shit I usually be growing plants in underwater like some swamp activities. Near the top is where the potting soil and coco coir mix is.
Bogeys first grow indoor fish tank aquaponic 2

I removed most of the fertilizer ballz and that white stuff I think that’s like a rock I forgot what’s it’s called rn, I got memory loss fr.
Bogeys first grow indoor fish tank aquaponic 3

Day 4:
Bogeys first grow indoor fish tank aquaponic 4

I already messed up thinking my light would be enough for the seedlings which resulted in the plants being stretched like crazy, I had to add more soil with the hydration domes. (DAY 6) I added in another light that was actually meant for growing plants with the right spectrum. I’m lowkey on the spectrum but this is my light settings.
Bogeys first grow indoor fish tank aquaponic 5

This is peak hours of the light ^ there are many different settings and spectrums throughout the day. This is def an abnormal way of doing things.
Bogeys first grow indoor fish tank aquaponic 6

Day 5:

This when the stretching peaked it reached the top of the bottle that’s when I realized it needed more light. It’s probably already like 3-4” from where I planted it, big L.

Im bout to K imma edit this up and fix it tommorow on a computer my phone be tweaking with the water damage. We are supposed to be on day 7 btw the plants r looking surprisingly okay I see sum roots too.

Mods please don’t remove this post for my ways of showing my creation I will fix up my grammar and words so fellow growers can understand better. And yes my photos are ass I screenshot most from Snapchat. Imma get some nice quality picture soon.


Humidity is sitting around 38% def not enough for my plants right now.


Day 7:

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Finally removed the humidity domes and added made them into extension pots due to the stretching.

Finally seeing some root growth on the left side which is great.

I understand that clear pots are a big nono leading to algae, root rot, and many other problems but remember what I said about the most unorthodox way possible, I was serious.

DAY 9:

Growth is happening but it looks to be very slow compared to other people’s threads. My aquarium plants were showing many deficiencies so I started dosing APT Complete fertilizer, the NPK ratio is definitely off compared to traditional nutes for cannabis.

Day 10:

If you were wondering how my aquaponic setup looks like it’s a in a 10 gallon reef aquarium, the lid cannot be moved anymore or the roots are COOKED. I have hair algae in this aquarium and I’m hoping it doesn’t choke out the roots of oxygen, thinking about adding another air pump soon to add more oxygen on the back left side.

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The brown stuff in the water is Indian almond leaves, the water has turned into a Blackwater environment, ph is finally sitting lower at 6.6 but we still got work to do we want that lovely number of 6.

Humidity has still been an issue for me as my room sits around 30-35% def need more for the vegative state.

I’ve been trying to increase humidity by spraying the plant every couple of hours, it seems to be responding well to this.

Day 11:

I forgot to turn on the light on for the light directly on top of the plants you’re seeing (not the main aquarium light) which resulted in the weed leaves looking very unhappy.

Day 14:

Lots of new growth and root development, the roots finally made it into the aquarium. New leaves are coming in things are looking good for now.

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Again please leave some comments to criticize my growing I really want these plants to flower in the future! Thanks again for reading yall if u made it this far ✌🏻

Still never got a chance to edit my posts will be doing it fully next week with more photos on day 1-9
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However, a recommended ratio is one pound of fish biomass for every three to five square feet of plant growing area. This ratio provides sufficient nutrient inputs from the fish waste to support healthy plant growth without overwhelming the system with excess nutrients

What is the ratio of fish to plant in aquaponics?

From grow bed area, determine the fish weight required (kg) using the ratio rule 5 kg (11 lbs) of fish for every square meter (9.5 sqft) of grow bed surface area, assuming the beds are at least 300mm (1') deep. 3. Determine fish tank volume from the stocking density rule above.

i doubt you have enough fish to feed 2 plants or even one ...


However, a recommended ratio is one pound of fish biomass for every three to five square feet of plant growing area. This ratio provides sufficient nutrient inputs from the fish waste to support healthy plant growth without overwhelming the system with excess nutrients

What is the ratio of fish to plant in aquaponics?

From grow bed area, determine the fish weight required (kg) using the ratio rule 5 kg (11 lbs) of fish for every square meter (9.5 sqft) of grow bed surface area, assuming the beds are at least 300mm (1') deep. 3. Determine fish tank volume from the stocking density rule above.

i doubt you have enough fish to feed 2 plants or even one ...
Hey HerbalEdu!

Thank you so much for your informative reply, I’m going to be honest I did not think about the ratios of plants to fish. I currently have about 25 1” guppies inside this aquarium, it’s definitely overstocked already in terms of well being for the fishes. There are also blue dream shrimps but I doubt they add to the biomass.

As for the plants I have lots of other plants like photos, spider plants, ivys, bamboos, those are the plants that are growing out of the water. There are also many aquatic plants. Would you say I would be facing nutrient deficiencies in the future due to the ratios of fish to plant not being adequate? Where should I go from here, I’m assuming either adding more fishes (unlikely) or removing plants that are sucking up these nutritions? My apologies for my bad English and comprehension I’m a bit slow.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
This is a cool project! I have zero knowledge on your style of growing or even just growing “fish tank plants” but all what you have in there looks nice, seems to be off to a good start! : )

Welcome to the Farm!


Would you say I would be facing nutrient deficiencies in the future due to the ratios of fish to plant not being adequate? Where should I go from here, I’m assuming either adding more fishes (unlikely) or removing plants that are sucking up these nutritions?
yeah you 're gonna face nutrient deficiencies and also it's possible others plants in the aquarium sucks some of the nutrients,.

also i'd say that for one single small plant with short veg you'll need at least 555g of fish to produce enough waste to expect some results.

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