I couldn't have said it better myself! One day she was at the bottom of the list, the next she took the top spot

genetics are a real mystery. Whenever you feel like doing a pheno hunt let me know, I have done MANY! I used to have a tent with 4 premium hunted clone mothers I would run over and over again, some time ago now about 5 years. I grew in coco back then though which felt like easy-mode compared to soil. I'm slowly starting to get the hang of soil now haha.
Yep, exactly! I'm not 100% on which is the best, beccause 4 of them smell almost exactly the same hah! I am pretty sure it is going to be pheno 3

her terps legit came out of nowhere! This is pretty unusual, most people can make up their minds fairly quickly with pheno hunts but I am a little rusty, so I am going to run the best 4 again. It will also give me a much better look at how they develop for a 2nd time.