I was just going over this with a buddy of mine so I have to agree with
In the very first photo you posted, you can see the beginning of necrosis on the top side of your leaf as well as leaf deformations. There’s also some spots that are really looking like the leaf is gonna go the way of the
great white buffalo soon, but if the leaf continues to fade into yellow and starts to get some Darker spots black spots as well as some brown burnt spots, you’re definitely looking at high pH and at first glance here, I’m seeing some precursors that
Otherwise, I have seen critters cause the same exact amount of damage to leaves definitely the twisting in the malformations and younger leaves because they definitely can’t stand barrage from fungus gnats especially younger growth.
But there is some key things that are popping up on some of your leaves that are making me lean more towards the pH issue. Good luck, man.