Can i veg my rooted clones in 3 gallon pots and finish my harvest in them?

  • Thread starter bartmart164
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Is it ok to veg rooted clones in 3 gallon pots for about 6-7 weeks and then flipping them into flower in the same pot size??

And also how long after do you guys flower after trnasplanting rooted clones?? What is your process like?


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
As long as you have your nutrition dialed in and you’re doing things correctly, there’s no reason in the world why you couldn’t finish in a three I finish cutting that I’ve grown a 4 1/2 5 feet tall in 1 gallon pot. It’s just about how well you understand, your wet, dry cycles, and what frequency of nutrients you need for the given stage of life that the plants in That being said I’d like to give a plant maybe 2 to 3 days to just kind of go ahead and get itself established if the leaves stay saggy from an aggressive repotting, I’ll give them a little bit more time but if they’re standing up in, they’re happy and they’re eating then fuck it flip them
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