Chilling multiple reservoirs with wort coils

  • Thread starter kapowah
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Planing to chill multiple 15-gallon bins with stainless steel wort coils in a closed loop system.

Bins (coils) -> glycol chilled reservoir -> water chiller

Question is what sizing & length coil do I need? Most wort chiller coils are 1/4, 3/8 or 1/2 tubing size and 25-50ft length.

Hydro Innovations CoolCoil system has 20-ft 3/8 coils and claims to handle 100gal. But, that all depends on how cold the inlet temperature is chilled to. Read somewhere they instruct 45F.

If their numbers are true then I don't need that much coils. 3-ft per 15-gal bin is enough. Would save a lot of money buying those ss tubing which are expensive.
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