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hey newty, i'm just gonna throw this out there, i don't agree that too
much light slows the stretch. in my system we used to run 12-1400ppm
veg formula (usually like week 4 of gh growth chart). we would run this
into the flip under 1k watt hps. usually only 3-4 days bc of incredibly
fast growth - up to 12-14 inches per day!. i would then go to a transition
mix of equal parts gh g-b-m @ 1000 - 1200ppm to slow them down
some, otherwise they'd be into the [ceiling mounted] lights in no time.
after 1 week transition period back to full strength bloom starting
900-1000 & increasing ea day, over 3-4 days, until back up to 12-1400.
now i'm not saying do what i do, i'm saying this is what i 've done.
i'm just pointing out the absolute potential of this truly magical,
magnificent and miraculous plant. don't sell them short due to
others preconceived or flat out wrong information. i'm rusty &
crusty now, but back in the day i was fecking good @ this shite.
oh, we were growing a NL hybrid. (allegedly)
hoping not to offend (too many, maybe just @Gmix)
ps you already know how i feel about flushing "if in doubt, flush it out"
me personally, every 7 days religiously. there is no "flush recovery time" bc
they are only without for 1-2 hrs then immediately replaced 100%