Electro-magnetic (IH) power injectors and a need to get rid of ghosts in the machine!

  • Thread starter Egzoset
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Zippy update...

Reddit Credentials for Egzoset u Egzoset on October 12 2020   Lets heat up the soup 2020

That's 4 x { 300 + 300 } = euh...

In principle, just 2.4 Kilo-Watts of pure/compact (5 x 5 x 1 cm) madness!!



Or twice the madness @ 4.8 Kilo-Watts by using both PCBoard sides...


As usual my next drawing sample was performed using nothing else than a web browser, MSPaint, XnViewMP and GIMP - the later since only a couple days ago in practical terms:
Egzosets 7x7 cm Eddy Curie Semi Torod Duplex Cardan Topology IH Driver with RF Chokes 2020

Those chips are still Ti's TPA3255 300W + 300W Class-D (in MONO mode), so in a duplex multi-mode context that's plenty of potential rated output while i managed to devise some novel trick which may help further optimize components placement, including the parts count as well:
Egzosets 1 Phase 2 Poles Hybrid Torod Duplex IH Driver after RF Choking Baluns 2020 Oct 21

Guess where i yet got to draw IH Energy Injection WorkCoils...

🔭 🔍 🔬

As for those 2 copper-like coils above it's about illustrating my intuition that RF Choking can be conveniently implemented in such manner without much risk to significantly interfere with the normal (presently absent) WorkCoils function culminating at a central focus point (marked by an orange cross), which would be hard-wired to add their magnetic flux constructively instead.

IMO that's as far as one can go with the simpler 1-phase Mazzilli-topology modules, possibly refurbishing some suitable ferrite powder core(s) similarily shaped as suggested next (and not necessarily plain round nor square...):
Air Gap Ferrite E core Layout
In that later case it may feel more intuitive to envision a pair of relatively large RF Choke bobins installed on the outer arms while 2 IH WorkCoils would reside each on their own middle arm, with one set of coils hard-wired to behave as the classic RF Choke previously evoked wthile the other must actually boost its field strength in between where it's marked "gap".

I'll leave the rest to the reader's own imagination.


Good day, have fun! ☮


What? Just a thumbs up!


Oh common Galvatron, don't you realize what this hypothesis could lead to if ever verified beyond that simple basic intuition:

Egzosets Twin E core Air Gap 1 Phase 2 Poles Ferrite Layout   Bifilar RF Choking 2020 Oct 22

When configuring Ti's TPA3255 Class-D HiFi "Digital-Audio" chip for hard-wired "MONO" the total rated output capacity ranges up to 600 Watts (hence no practical limitation there!) and since that's via a "Full H-Bridge" power stage this actually requires ONLY *1* RF Choke. So, i say we get rid of choices mostly imposed for no good purpose related to function, except perhaps the environmentally-wise recycling of some primitive PCBoards!


M'well at least such type of "smart" power chip clearly implies we don't wait for forbiden catastrophic conditions to take place in hope an external intervention can stop the train of events, like often fatal "shot-through" when "ZVS" is no longer "ZVS", expecially in absence of power interfacing as when Flyback Transformers used to supply very high voltage for Tesla Coil experiments i think... The prospect of a chip we can expect to just shut down during a short-circuit condition sounds appealing, and if it's still not completely up to the manufacturer's claimed ratings when transposed to an IH context then i'm sure there are many more chips (plus those coming soon) to investigate anyway. Realistically the main obstacle seems to revolve around some convenient availability of a PCBoard to populate, once again...


But i heard the DynaVap enthousiasts would like their IH Driver to be less than an inch thick too, on top of battery-operated, so it seems to me if there's got to be mechanical compatibility with 5/8" (dia.) plumbing then that IH Aperture has got to be made perpenticular to the larger surface and for this i envision the cigarette pack format, with space for a couple days supply of dry flowers + a docking bay for adapted delivery tools, presumably starting with DynaVap's GLASS VapCap IMO. Euh... Or maybe a long pack more similar in shape to a portable scale i presume, since that's a long stick to shuffle in to begin with!


For this we already know that Flux Concentration material as that used in Flyback Transformers (e.g. for Mazzilli's "ZVS" Tesla Coil "modules" or better...) actually allow multiple-parameter optimization, just as with toroïd cores for "RF Choking" to be exact. Although the choke's signals are expected to cancel each other and not reach that IH WorkLoad directly i got to wonder if it still wouldn't cause some indirect power feed-back, nor if it significantly matters considering that Energy Injection shall only last a few seconds at most.


In any case i feel if flux concentration material is ever put back into our application's WorkCoils then the resulting circuitry should be one more suitable for comparison with that which Mazzilli worked on over a decade ago; briefly put i predict unattented Insertion & Removal of the WorkLoad in an air-gapped twin E-cores layout as presented here won't affect inductance the same as those everage transformer-less implementations presently spreading like mushrooms after the rain...

As a by-product users get the option to go thinner than 1 inch or so, maybe as far as 15 mm, maybe 12. This includes at least 2 layers bifilar winding for the RF Chokes (if AWG #12!...), wrapped around a flat core probably 2.5 ~ 3 mm thick of Fluxtrol (heat-cured) paste, so ultimately the real limitation may happen to be from battery size instead. But yet my point was that flux bending made possible with a solid magnetic core may give IH vaporists what Mazzilli-topology enthousiasts have been unable to envision so far for some obscure reason.

Good day, have fun!! ☮
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So, how do we reconcilliate apparently incompatible camps around Mazzilli's legacy??

Well, here's one possibility i think:

Egzosets 1 Phase 8 Poles Royer OK WorkCoils per PCBoard side Concept with safe AC  DC

It's been a while so that's hardly making sense without also posting about my "U-Core" Dipoles system:
Egzosets Single Side Flat Magnetics IH Driver scenario integrating Royer secondaries and more

Actually, in the creative process (...), i didn't immediately notice this is not a familiar type of winding, not even to myself! Yet if the intuition was right then such magnetic Flux-Concentration trick might easily solve a few puzzles which remain challenging otherwise. Lets imagine the implementation of a fault-tolerant battery setup where 1 single failing cell won't stop the rest to work collectively, yet electrically isolated from it...

Many years ago i was vaguely thinking of 2 cells after the Loto Labs Evoke/Lux demonstrated that just 1 sufficed for e-Cig missions:
My Lava fantasies FC Fault Tolerant 2 Cells IH Driver KISS design 2014 Sep 24

Please admire my recent "revised" version:
Egzosets 2 Sides 65 sq cm Transparent View on LAVAWand compat 25 D IH WorkCoils Assy

Which by the way equally requires an explanation on my "2.5" dimensions thing...

The illustration's purpose is to communicate a concept of magnetic power combination (e.g. possibly providing "galvanic" isolation), in contrast to parallel and/or series connected circuits. These days i much prefer to gamble on 3 cells because if 1 goes down that's only 33 % lost while in a 2 units scenario i'd already loose 50 % with no other margin left. Plus i don't like to waste free PCBoard space when so much more awaits ahead!

While there's an appearance of IH frenzy currently going on, over some "DNA"... Well one could attribute to Steven Ward's "Self-Resonant SSTC" (1983!!) just the same, euh... Allow me to show you what makes me dream instead:
Egzosets Concept of a Flat 25 D composite U Cores WorkCoil Assembly 2021 Jan 22 460x480

Using magnetic power combining 3 electrically isolated cells can work just the same as before except now ONLY 2 contacts are involved at a voltage that's a 3rd what it would be in typical series-connected solutions. As a trade-off for such fault-tolerance all 3 drivers must work in synchronism: TOGETHER.

Lucky me i discovered this little gem at some point, during my information quest:
Infineon MERUS MA120x0P Multilevel Class D Filterless Cascade Topology with i2C Error Status

No D.C. paths for a "shot-through" to cause some catastrophic failure event! And another direct consequence of this topology is to rely on much smaller RF Chokes since the junk to filter out gets somehow folded into the upper electro-magnetic band, no to mention it may be of importance to filter in a Class-D Digital (HiFi) Audio application though not necessarily for Induction Heating unless the susceptor is intended to send/receive audible/ultrasonic vibrations too... And that's the part of dream that motivates me most, to imagine a display-less/button-less user-interface offering an extended range of accessibility even for people with disabilities otherwise unable to inhale alone. So i've always been careful NOT to block any evolutive paths toward features as haptic/audio inter-action, including tap-touch command to be exact.

At that point all elements are gathered to reach new hights in portability by offering both 3-cells fault-tolerance AND Flat-Magnetics altogether. Consider a magnetic flux-concentrating core measuring 5 mm (dia.), if we use AWG#16 Litz wire (eq. 100 x AWG#35...) then include thickness for 1 single PCBoard side then it becomes 2 x 1.29 mm (dia.) or 2.58 for 1 "U-Core" dipole element, plus 1 mm of PCBoard + solid casing + clearance margin, hence we get a grand total of about ~11.6 mm thick... Not even the diameter of an "AA" cell actually! So in other words thickness is no longer a problem with circuitry: it's a power-density thing. And soon we may get AA cells just as capable as today's e-Cig monsters i bet.

And unlike e-Cig users there's no way i'll ever want to carry an electrically-stressed power pack near my nose on a chronic basis anyway, the solution being to rely on a lightweight-yet-efficient wireless heat source residing inside a delivery tool with NO other power source inside than what's been temporarily stored in a metal and only by virtue of my "Packetization" approach where the amount must match its workload, so too little residual heat is left to cause unwanted denaturation between cannabic intakes.


Instead of the ultimate thickness i prefer to add all the functionality that fits besides a trio of ordinary e-Cig cells. A PCBoard having 2 copper sides it's only inviting yet another evolutionary step above: the addition of a 3rd axis! Almost...

To be honest i wasn't sure it qualified as a full "Z" axis to alternate between the 2 planes of a pair of "U-Core" trios distributed on each side and combined as "Left" + "Right" nearby couples (abstracting the fact they're not on a same plane). Such layout should result in useful properties and i predict some level of 3rd-axis made available from that 2-sides strategy, and i got more ready for desert...

But this is a long text and i ain't explained quite a few details requiring attention, for example the NOT "Fault" signal on Allegro's ACS733 current-sensor chip might serve to control the NOT "MUTE" or NOT "ENABLE" pins of Infineon's MA12070 Class-D Digial Audio driver - while i'd have prefered to simply lower its sound level (via an hypothetical "VOL-" pin...) so a closed-loop item of the analog days is put to good use again: the "AGC" function. Briefly put, "VOC" adjustment ("adj") would set the maximum safe operation limit; events violating this threshold otherwise sending a pulses stream to force the amplification gain down until its resolved, or a watchdog ultimately cancel the show via the NOT "ENABLE" pin, eventually going into High-Z state if i'm not mistaking.

In any case it's supposed to be about RESONATOR circuits where intense currents only need to circulate between the "Tank Capacitor" and associated magnetic inductor, swapping energy which passes from the electrical field to its magnetic alter-ego, respectively. Which brings the crucial point of measurement and that's where this concept might prove successful. Because having access to data reflecting both fields using magneto-resistivity + simple induction (from "secondary" windings) it shall allow a whole range of possibilities just not imaginable with a Mazzilli so-called IH "module". The later still making some sense i suppose if only it came with an ACS733 chip installed, for basic protection (or more, a lot more even!)...

More "classic" Royer alternatives though are directly supported as a short/affordable lengths of copper wire (AWG#26 in my last drawing) will suffice, with a bonus: i figured maybe it can equally operate in "duplex" mode: DC for LEDs and AC for listening to the secondary. Specs for Allegro's ACS733 announce excellent support for the 38 KHz "Flyback" band and i feel optimistic past 100 KHz as well. I wonder about "scanning" susceptors too, quite especially Curie alloys for obvious reasons; thanks to having 2 planes 3rd-axis feedback i go as far as to envision operator-guiding feedback to facilitate ideal magnetic alignement.


Little else is needed for a micro-controller to manage the rest, paving the way to Synthetic Radio technologies as synchronous quadrature demodulation, since we can extract/rejuvenate the fundamental resonator frequency to define a master local clock reference. With pulsed Infra-Red scanning through the glass of a delivery tool it should be convenient enough to measure (and perhaps even hear) cannabic "fumet" opacity, pressure and speed (+turbulence) of flow. Making it all to tempting to envision a device capable of recording "sessions" for later sharing on karaoke-like "social" forums where newbies can obtain quick guidance and acquire operator skills painlessly.

In conclusion if i ever come as far as to experiment it myself then "microphonics" rank as a top priority, because nothing can be safer in absence of electricity than to only listen at a dynamic earphone in hope permanent magnets and coils are sufficient to excite it... If negative then i'll know that was a mirage, but i really doubt so.

Make your bets! It's already been done before, just not yet...

Good day, have fun!! ☮
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Well it seems i didn't feel like talking to myself in this previous post linked below, actually intended to express unfinished views on my "LAVACapsule" ideas (or yet-undefined fantasies...):

Observation enforces a most intuitive principle that 3-D airflow geometry, or simply "Path Layout", actually impacts on a session's ritual and/or a device's "personality" - and reciprocally. In other words the consumption method shapes a person's consumption "profile", with variable/individual influence and long-term persistance.

Anyway here's my evaluation in retrospective of 3 vaporist "tools" carefully selected among ready-made, patented and commercially-available products going to get transformed (customized) into "Prototyping Platforms" at the cost of implicitely voiding its manufacturer waranty. So, briefly put that DiY experimention quite reminescent of my 1st attempt to find a one hundred buck$ pipe for vaporists.

The outcome of such venture boils down to these VaporGenie configurations:

#1) Above all, my fully-customized (PinHole-modified) VG aluminium Classic-like pipe-handle equiped with its associated Full-Metal "Top" (e.g. half-a-capsule).

#2) My custom Bronze Sherlock handle with short neck (e.g. a "Mating Junction" doubling as cotton holder, plus "Optical Probe" accesses as an option...), also featured with 1 custom Full-Metal "Top", though preferably not fitted with exactly the same Hybrid Core configuration installed - as an effort to support "Near-Symetrical" Reversible self-maintenance/reclaim for further/future evaluation.

#3) A 3rd more recent semi glass-based hack (shown in past quote) only depends on VG's stainless steel "MonoBloc", as i tagged it. Still using one of those 2 reconfigured Hybrid Cores which cost me their fair share of personal involvement in quite multiple manners. The glassware itself is bare-bones, all i ask of it is transparency and relative food-grade neutrality over a whole range of operating temperatures, silicone would do find if transparency loss is compensated by bio-feedback - which relies on IH Driving and a special type of capsule.... For example, wouldn't that prove great to finally apply electromagnetic Induction Heat to my LAVACapsule concept? A top without it MonoBloc in place has significant solid volume inviting more efficient use of material, like creating possibly sealed room for 1 pick-up coil aligned to a common central axis, completed by a semiconductor, a LED (or even 3 for nicer symetry!), and also some other discrete component(s) as "passives" (zener, power resistor, capacitor). In retrospective, i've already considered removing excess material but that was with lightweight in mind, while now that gain could also come as a tiny "secondary" power source sufficient enough to diver just what it takes to feed LED lighting *IN SEQUENCE* with IH Driver frequency.

Each half-capsule or "Top" will conveniently hold at least 1 auxiliary inductor coil, no need to bother deciding if it can be done. What's on my mind instead is the need to decide between 2 types of light driving, depending on IH Driving modes. Preliminary impressions suggest maybe Pulse Heating is equally capable of emulatin the "Slow & Steady" thermostatic behaviour of popular Hot Dry Air Ovenizing Portable, go figure. Yet, assuming a capacitor will effectively extend a charge's useful/brief duration then it seems continuous lighting can probably get generated long enough to enjoy a toke in full Light & Sound style for a reasonable suplement. Paradoxically i might foresee continuous beam(s) of light as an alternate substitute for the lact of visual hints reflecting variations in cannabic cloud opacity, though i'd favour pulse-mode/time-coherent bio-feedback transducing for precision and freedom to prefer zero displays. Consequently a user-interface based on sound and/or vibrations makes more sense than dump/blind sensor-less thermostats working more like rheostats in open-loop fashion, all in denial of development potential relying on Curie aloys, with a proper scanner at hands... Semi-automation offering at least a fair degree of "haptic" return would enable human operators by easing control over closing a pleasurable regulation loop. Think of musical instrument play as in a flute!

What's great with a no capacitor(s) pulsing LEDs alternative is that i can still imagine nice Light 'n Sound entertainment but only while IH energy is actively injected, so the glass bong setup will seem more appropriate. As a trade-off this light source gets implicitely synchronized to the driver's own "clock" source, directly accessible to double as "reference" for synchronuous demodulation, hence conveniently providing the means to extrapolate a pair of "I/Q" analog signals from cloud opacity, since turbulence inter-actions can be safely expected to show up in audible conversion as well. So IMO it may suffice to run a Software-Defined Radio under some free GNU Linux environment connected via a bare-bones interface. For this i'd want to explore opportunities from the use of galvanically-isolated current-sensing chips as Allegro's ACS733; it has 1 analog comparator-adjust input and 2 outputs - 1 analog + 1 digital. Looking at the manufacturer's documentation i'd predict a lot of pleasurable prototyping, assuming basic fail-safe security has been integrated to the whole project. Besides of it i'm also dreaming of CMOS "timer" chips, including programmable ones.

The initial goal revolves around handling A.C. power and this implies energy transfers based on field reversals, ideally withing an L-C resonator circuitry to conceal high-intensity currents locally. In any case A.C. designs shall intrinsically involve the notion of finite-duration events refered to as "pulses"... Perfect simplistic "KISS" type reasoning should evoke the need to do more with less, e.g. presumably to "enslave" the control-gates of each power device (Si, SiC, GaN) in a way NOT denying higher functions while simultaneously implementing a power protection via elementary timer-based hardware destined to ALWAYS self-extinguishes (or "Reset") unless the cycle gets shortened/synchronized by some regenerating "resfesh" signal. The trick being to keep sensitive input(s) electrically isolated from the most powerful output of an amplifier, basically.

15 Volts CMOS programmable timer chips would offer relative noise immunity for a potentially-challenging electric environment. I even suppose this can spare my old KISS concept of an "OverRide" jumper, to force falling-back into "dumb" autonomous mode (without the bells & whistles) when a controller goes eventually defective - which is better than zero output at all. It's important NOT to block evolutive paths as synchronization via SDR PLLs, etc.; long-term features could emerge from exploiting data generated in the process, like skill-acquisition helpers (teaching) applications to tame down negative aspects of uncontrolled consumption. Rendering a consumption method eventually more acceptable both to cannabis enthousiasts and their rivals, the moderate prohibitionists - e.g. those capable/willing to welcome "Harm Reduction". Personally my 1st data-gathering scenario was about socializing applets for iphones and tablets, something like karaoke toking with real-time animated curves directly echoing cannabic stream opacity in the participant's favorite tools.

Etc., etc.

In my dreams, a couple decades from now maybe!

Good day, have fun!! ☮️


Well, since i've mentioned Infineon's MA12070 Class-D Digial Audio driver before...
Egzoset King Size cig pack USB C 6P Master Slave 2 AA size cells Mer 2021 Dec 20 840x700

It's low-voltage enough and being "filterless" (no heavy RF Choke) is some blessing, but a need for large capacitors remains considering i wanted all of it to match the same 3-D volume of a King Size cigarette pack... Add the glue logic and it should be fun playing with .MP3 media, litterally! Only guessing. But large 13 mm thick capacitor take up so much space in a tiny 16 mm thick box there can't even be a PCBoard under it and more remains to be done that will consume PCBoard space until more trade-offs become necessary. And talking of which...
One Egzoset Royer IH concept that fits inside a King Size cig pack box Xmass 2021 840x700

In this scenario the trade-off was made at the cost of loosing a storage compartment for its consumption tool, consumable, etc. The gain is an additional "AA" size power cell and the Mazzilli/Royer ZVS topology in mind, in this case tamed down by 2 high-speed voltage-programmable comparators provided in Allegros ACS733 chip equally mentioned before i think. Take note the 3rd current monitor is reserved for the LC Tank Resonator itself...

Using USB-C and cooperative magnetic merging the 2 power sources should give confidence of implementing a 25 Watts IH Driver which truly fits the pocket, while the cable can withstand 20 Volts @ 5 A (e.g. 100 Watts), as i recall.

Merry Chistmass, happy New Year!! 🎄
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