Give me a cut of that old Mendo heirloom Durban that's in the GSC. I could work with that. I'm of the opinion that the GSC is a lot of hype as well. Never been impressed. In fact, most all these "dessert" vars I find to be lacking. Sure, they look good. Smell nice. Have a pleasant flavor. But, what they do not possess imho is a true quality effect. They tease a semblance of head effect for 15-20. Never deliver. Then fall flat. 15 after that and I'm wanting a nap. Blah! Dull and boring. I'm an NLD lover though so.... Not into what has been coined the "hybrid fuck-up effect" which is in reference to the high profile most all these newer vars bring. Even still, if I'm going to smoke a WLD dom hybrid, I don't want to be lulled to sleep. I would rather be hammered dick in the dirt stoned straight away. Like the old AirbourneG13 and it's x's used to do for example. Like getting punched in the face stoned. Disoriented, discombobulated, dumbfounded, STONED! Too many of today's most popular vars just bring it ass backwards. All the traits that were always considered just the aesthetics are put before true complex quality of effect. Effect now seems to be an after thought in the selection process judging from a lot of what's being put out there now. All bark no bite. Again, just my opinion based on my personal experience. To each their own as they say. I'll keep smoking my airy, stringy flowers that look like they were pictured in the centerfold of a 1970's issue of HT. Burn hot and spicy. But, split my mind in two and open up that 3rd eye with waves of blissful energy. No cookies cakes or crumpets for me, thanks.