hi! heard about the site from a few friends... very informative site, great genetics... :yes
E El Daniachi 1 1 May 6, 2009 #1 hi! heard about the site from a few friends... very informative site, great genetics... :yes
M MIZZ ELVIS 289 0 May 6, 2009 #6 Welcome to the Farm bro!....This place has the nicest, most knowledgeable growers, breeders, and people on the net.......You made it to the right spot!
Welcome to the Farm bro!....This place has the nicest, most knowledgeable growers, breeders, and people on the net.......You made it to the right spot!
D dr. acula 5 0 May 6, 2009 #7 hola amigo!?! ahhaah :cool0010: nice to c u around....so have fun and enjoi yer stay ! :smiley_joint:
hola amigo!?! ahhaah :cool0010: nice to c u around....so have fun and enjoi yer stay ! :smiley_joint: