I’m don’t know w to do.. and I scared 😭

  • Thread starter CurtisBlow916
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Totally. The cupping of the leaves are not just on the top, but all through it. It's going into hibernation mode. The first pix didn't show that.
Crank that heater up and get some insulation in the garage. You're going to have this issue until you do.
Got the heater an it’s doing work.. insulation is next.. I wanted to get insulation first but I seems like I need a quick band aid until I can


you have multiple issues going on so it will be hard to narrow down exactly which one/ones are causing you grief
Start with the most advantageous - temps. At 45°F, you stress the roots and plant kind of stops growing. Nutrients fail to upload from soil to the plant...this is WINTER!
SO many use heaters to heat up an area, but you have to heat up the tent and do it in a way that does not make hot spots and cause heat stress to plants or parts of plants
Personally, I do LIGHTS on at night, it helps keep the tent warmer when the temps are going down. Get something more between the plant containers and the floor...like a dish mat for absorbing water, they insulate the container (and thus keep roots warmer - cold floors, especially cement, transmit the cold right through to the plants roots). The plant itself can handle colder but the roots cannot.
I went on Amazon and purchased BLACK CERAMIC (can be on at night and not cause light issues)
I got 150w and 250w bulbs and hang them from the ceiling rods. Turn one on at a time to see what the temps wind up being...do not want to get over 80°F...best is 70-75 and colder when in flower 60-70.
It is easier to stay warm during the day tan night which is why I run lights at night, dark in the day except for the heat lamps
Once you have the temps and RH (it will change because of the heat lamps, then you can work on the substrate - feeding (strength and types of nutes and watering (how often)
^^ this^^^ first!!!!!!!


you have multiple issues going on so it will be hard to narrow down exactly which one/ones are causing you grief
Start with the most advantageous - temps. At 45°F, you stress the roots and plant kind of stops growing. Nutrients fail to upload from soil to the plant...this is WINTER!
SO many use heaters to heat up an area, but you have to heat up the tent and do it in a way that does not make hot spots and cause heat stress to plants or parts of plants
Personally, I do LIGHTS on at night, it helps keep the tent warmer when the temps are going down. Get something more between the plant containers and the floor...like a dish mat for absorbing water, they insulate the container (and thus keep roots warmer - cold floors, especially cement, transmit the cold right through to the plants roots). The plant itself can handle colder but the roots cannot.
I went on Amazon and purchased BLACK CERAMIC (can be on at night and not cause light issues)
I got 150w and 250w bulbs and hang them from the ceiling rods. Turn one on at a time to see what the temps wind up being...do not want to get over 80°F...best is 70-75 and colder when in flower 60-70.
It is easier to stay warm during the day tan night which is why I run lights at night, dark in the day except for the heat lamps
Once you have the temps and RH (it will change because of the heat lamps, then you can work on the substrate - feeding (strength and types of nutes and watering (how often)
I just got a nice oscillating heater in there and my environment is back to around 80 degrees and around 65 RH.. just hoping I didn’t do too much damage


I just got a nice oscillating heater in there and my environment is back to around 80 degrees and around 65 RH.. just hoping I didn’t do too much damage
now just leave her be for a few days or so unless you need to feed/water- do this slowly, little water over the surface let it sink a bit and than continue to water.
you have to wait to change things once you see the new growth and what it says to you..,


now just leave her be for a few days or so unless you need to feed/water- do this slowly, little water over the surface let it sink a bit and than continue to water.
you have to wait to change things once you see the new growth and what it says to you..,
So w do you think plain water next time, or should I add the usual kelp and silica etc with no actual npk value 🤔 I usually have to water Wednesday or Thursday


Yea there in 1 gal fabric pots.. it’s just weird how it seems like as soon as I started watering w purified water they are showing stress/deficiencies
It could of been a coincidence, however I think the water wasn't the issue. I think nutes and temp changes, most likely nutes.

PS- Your going to need bigger bags. 1 gallon isn't enough trust me. I was growing outside and 7 gallon grow bags weren't enough. I went to 15 gallon bags. You may wanna get at least 7 gallon bags minimum. The roots really need room and a lot of it for healthy growth and healthy development. Your buds will get much bigger and your plant roots will thrive from it.

My 2 cents here bro. I'd definitely get bigger bags.


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The roots need to run free. I'm serious. They are the building block of your healthy plants.
Roots are everything...They need room and oxygen. Definitely go to 7 gallon grow bags, I can't state this enough, heed my warning. I was told to move up to bigger bags, was warned and I listened...More room to grow than nutes, it is way more imperative especially in the early stages, plants don't need nutes...


It could of been a coincidence, however I think the water wasn't the issue. I think nutes and temp changes, most likely nutes.

PS- Your going to need bigger bags. 1 gallon isn't enough trust me. I was growing outside and 7 gallon grow bags weren't enough. I went to 15 gallon bags. You may wanna get at least 7 gallon bags minimum. The roots really need room and a lot of it for healthy growth and healthy development. Your buds will get much bigger and your plant roots will thrive from it.

My 2 cents here bro. I'd definitely get bigger bags.
Definitely.. I’ve got 3 gals and 5 gals ready to go.. I haven’t got 7 gals cause I don’t plan on veging for too long.. in a perfect world I’d have 30 of the 1 gallons and I’d already flip to flower


You have nute burn most likely. Lay off the nutes for awhile, let them mellow brother. The same thing had happened to me with tip burn from over nutes, my plants recovered and we're healthy... Less is more w nutes it's a weed..... The water isn't really your issue. However temp changes can be a problem, going from 80 to 50, But methinks it's the nutes. Are you using grow bags so the roots get oxygen?
I have a question I was just having a conversation w my wife and we came to a conclusion that I would love your opinion on..

Do you think the nute burn has anything to do with me continuing to feed nutrients while the roots are not being able to uptake them due to temperatures? 🤔


I have a question I was just having a conversation w my wife and we came to a conclusion that I would love your opinion on..

Do you think the nute burn has anything to do with me continuing to feed nutrients while the roots are not being able to uptake them due to temperatures? 🤔
I don't think so. If the plant can't take it up, how will it get there to burn it?


I have a question I was just having a conversation w my wife and we came to a conclusion that I would love your opinion on..

Do you think the nute burn has anything to do with me continuing to feed nutrients while the roots are not being able to uptake them due to temperatures? 🤔
Temp changes with Nutes I don't think so. However, It is a possiblity. Anything is possible. Nutes can be dangerous in the plants early stages. How old are your plants?
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Temp changes with Nutes I don't think so. However, It is a possiblity. Anything is possible. Nutes can be dangerous in the plants early stages. How old are your plants?
This is week 5 going on 6 of veg I might have started counting veg weeks too early if that makes sense.. basically with the next run I’ll probably be waiting until they get a bit bigger as seedlings before counting veg weeks


Hey there, I just read your post and a couple of ideas I would like to mention. Put about 2 inches of styrofoam on your floor to keep the cold transfer out of the equation then place your spacers for air flow on top of the styrofoam. Don’t use distilled water anymore your tap water hadn’t caused any issues stick with it. I’ve never grown in cloth bags but a friend of mine did and hurt the roots when he transplanted, he didn’t cut them off. I like plastic pots because they are wider at the top plants love to grow roots outwards on the top of soil it allows a larger area for the oxygen layer to work better. If you look at the 100-200 gal grow bags they are much wider than they are tall and grow huge plants. Check your root temperature and see what it’s at before you put styrofoam down and after a day or so check it again to see the difference. You said you didn’t like the soil you are in so when you transplant change it up to something you like. I like to cut 3/4 in. Holes say 3 in. From the bottom of the pots so I can check the lower part of the soil with my finger. You could have dry spots in your soil or the wetting agent isn’t so good possibly. I’ve seen it happen when the soil wasn’t premoistened when you first put them in your pots. These are just some of my learnings over the years buddy and just passing them on to you in hopes of helping you out. I’m along for the ride now lots of great growers on here that know their shit when it comes to nutes and lighting you’re in good hands Amigo!!!☮️


Hey there, I just read your post and a couple of ideas I would like to mention. Put about 2 inches of styrofoam on your floor to keep the cold transfer out of the equation then place your spacers for air flow on top of the styrofoam. Don’t use distilled water anymore your tap water hadn’t caused any issues stick with it. I’ve never grown in cloth bags but a friend of mine did and hurt the roots when he transplanted, he didn’t cut them off. I like plastic pots because they are wider at the top plants love to grow roots outwards on the top of soil it allows a larger area for the oxygen layer to work better. If you look at the 100-200 gal grow bags they are much wider than they are tall and grow huge plants. Check your root temperature and see what it’s at before you put styrofoam down and after a day or so check it again to see the difference. You said you didn’t like the soil you are in so when you transplant change it up to something you like. I like to cut 3/4 in. Holes say 3 in. From the bottom of the pots so I can check the lower part of the soil with my finger. You could have dry spots in your soil or the wetting agent isn’t so good possibly. I’ve seen it happen when the soil wasn’t premoistened when you first put them in your pots. These are just some of my learnings over the years buddy and just passing them on to you in hopes of helping you out. I’m along for the ride now lots of great growers on here that know their shit when it comes to nutes and lighting you’re in good hands Amigo!!!☮️
I’m gonna post a update when I get time but a question about the wetting agent.

I’ve only foliar feed twice and both with earth juice assist wetting agent. My question is do I use it when I water also 🤔

The soil is cool for now .. I was the drainage was the big problem but with the added smaller perlite pieces it’s improved a bunch.. after I run through the soil I’ve got now I’ll definitely be switching to the coco flora flex has to offer.. seems like the best washed.
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