Improving the dab pen

  • Thread starter CloudSurfer7
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Hello fellow pot smokers,
A friend and I are conceptualizing a new device for weed vaping oil products. We are looking for ideas in order to create the best device possible. I am currently looking for any criticisms or suggestions that will make the modern-day dab pen even better!
I currently use a Yocan UNI and here are my criticisms or suggestions to make it better:
  • Criticisms/suggestion
    • Harsh hits for a beginner dab pen user or someone attempting to do tricks\
    • Want opportunity to do vape tricks ie, more vape smoke
    • Get too high after a few hits, I know it's supposed to happen, but I am looking for a more casual experience (kind of like hookah)
    • The top of the cart can get clogged and sticky
    • Want some sort of vibrating/tactile feedback
    • Lower concentration of weed so exhale smoke smells good... like a nicotine device
    • Design of dab pens can be improved (ex: make the iPhone of dab pens)
    • Cheap carts are known for using cheap metals when heated up arsenic and lead may be consumed
    • Carts are often thrown away and end in a landfill
Please let us know if these Dab pen complaints/suggestions are valid and if you have additional complaints about your own specific Dab pen, please let us know.
I am also a big fan of nicotine devices, I would like to know if there are other pot users that use nicotine, and any complaints and suggestions for your nicotine device.


Hello fellow pot smokers,
A friend and I are conceptualizing a new device for weed vaping oil products. We are looking for ideas in order to create the best device possible. I am currently looking for any criticisms or suggestions that will make the modern-day dab pen even better!
I currently use a Yocan UNI and here are my criticisms or suggestions to make it better:
  • Criticisms/suggestion
    • Harsh hits for a beginner dab pen user or someone attempting to do tricks\
    • Want opportunity to do vape tricks ie, more vape smoke
    • Get too high after a few hits, I know it's supposed to happen, but I am looking for a more casual experience (kind of like hookah)
    • The top of the cart can get clogged and sticky
    • Want some sort of vibrating/tactile feedback
    • Lower concentration of weed so exhale smoke smells good... like a nicotine device
    • Design of dab pens can be improved (ex: make the iPhone of dab pens)
    • Cheap carts are known for using cheap metals when heated up arsenic and lead may be consumed
    • Carts are often thrown away and end in a landfill
Please let us know if these Dab pen complaints/suggestions are valid and if you have additional complaints about your own specific Dab pen, please let us know.
I am also a big fan of nicotine devices, I would like to know if there are other pot users that use nicotine, and any complaints and suggestions for your nicotine device.
Puffco plus - solves most of the issues you describe 100$


  • Get too high after a few hits, I know it's supposed to happen, but I am looking for a more casual experience (kind of like hookah)
I agree that dabs get me too high, more often than not. The answer to that is smoke weed, not dabs.


I agree that dabs get me too high, more often than not. The answer to that is smoke weed, not dabs.
I was also referencing 510 carts so they are usually not as potent as wax. The beauty of smoking oil is the smoke you exhale does not stink up the place, I can do it anywhere.


Does anyone have experience with filling their own carts? I wanted to look into that. I may be able to control THC and maybe even put something in it to make it taste better.


Salutations CloudSurfer7,

...looking for ideas in order to create the best device possible.

Oh, i hadn't read this far: i stopped at pen although i do happen to have comments to make about it.

...currently looking for any criticisms or suggestions that will make the modern-day dab pen even better!

Well, 1st remove all obligation to hold a high-density power source under severe stress just a few inches from our nose. IMO it can be done, except the strictly linear/cylindrical share intrisincly closes the door to some potential solution i envision about what i called heat "focussing", my solution being to impose a 90 degrees change of airflow direction right into the bowl which is only a feww mm thick, e.g. collecting cannabic vapour through circumpheral holes aligned on that bowl's dead center, while a pair of 100 Joules heat sources flood it from both sides as fast as cold fresh air follows behind. The technology been there since Y2K and it from the aerospace industry: silicon carbide foam.

Use of such fine hi-tech material is already patented for flames by VaporGenie but i don't suppose this manufacturer will ever care to add electro-magnetic induction to their initial concept, not to mention the fig. #11/#12 items of that patent never actually got implemented neither... So, as long as there's no fire that's virgin territory if you're wise enough to take real benefit from that alternative source of heat and i'm thinking of Curie alloys just as JAi's "PyroFoil" for their "Curie Point Pyrolizer" - patented in 1969 exactly.

Maybe go ask question to these people who happen to share something with dabs: conductive/radiative heat.

Personally i came to conclude IH Driving will pave the way to "solid-state" (no moving parts) magnetic heat gears, so to speak. In Pulse Mode the different materials "specific heat capacity" combined to components contact surface & mass basically implies there's some potential candidate scenarios in this tool box and TIMING comes big on the top list i believe. That's an opportunity waiting for the grasp, because as an ex-smoker who did evaluate quite a few things the evidence was that no tricks as a bag can be seriously seen as any substitute for the real smoke. Magnetic heat gearing might help change that by allowing strict 3-vectors control by separately adjusting the conductive, radiative and convective heat sources, but for that it shall take more than air-core selenoïds.

Etc., etc.

Want opportunity to do vape tricks...

The idea of "scanning" a cannabic path to extract & record data as opacity, velocity and pressure gives me great hopes. Training machines could someday assist non-smokers who need to "medicate" late in their lives, while others socialize around a simili-karaoke application allowing groups to share their experiences and learn from others. It may even have "Harm Reduction" features to please the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists, to succeed where they failed for decades ad nauseam, by giving access to healthier lifestyles without ever coercing any habit modifications. Simply propose the average responsible adult a chance to gain some better sense of self-awareness, by supporting multiple choices besides the monster toke. I'm thinking of a "more with less" contest in social forums, for example. Etc.

Inclusion of persons with disabilities is another unavoidable corner-stone.

...clogged and sticky...

The top-of-bowl screen in my pipe seems eternally clean, it darkens gradually as seasons pass but never so much to get clogged and i ain't even using the purge cycle of my magnetic gear fantasy...

Want some sort of vibrating/tactile feedback...

Me too, to the point i don't see a need for displays, buttons nor even a power switch...

As for the stealth effect vs sensitive neighbourhood noses i'd point out perhaps it would help cut the waste, then there again i feel IH Driving can promise a level of precision "Micro-Dosing" that will make the rest belong to "stoner"/"droÿé" museums.

...the iPhone of dab pens...

Hummm... The pen format sure imposes severe design restrictions but i'd certainly wish to promote connected consumption methods myself, for all OSes imaginable!

Cheap carts are known for using cheap metals when heated up...

I'm afraid it's the method itself which awaits for a significant revision. Like to lower that metal temperature instead of wasting energy for no good purpose; the prospect of copying water heaters in miniature ain't appealing neither because that's repeated waste heating and i feel concerned that's no ideal pattern when it comes to the needs of a "purist".

Carts are often thrown away and end in a landfill...

How about a type of re-usable devices that the consumers themselves can "charge" at home by transfering noble nugget molecules to a food-safe substrate, thanks to Pulse Heat which limits "baking" (hence the eventual production of secondary/tertiary by-products)...

Please let us...

Me thinks with IH Drivers the cigarette King Size format might be a reasonable expectation in terms of trade-offs, exchanging the unrealistic shape of a magic stick, essentially, for gains no less desirable as i explained. Separate the Power Source from that stick and some immense progress is accomplished at least when considered from my perspective, because absolute confidence in a device is one important aspect of the ritual and failed ritual eventually lead to abandon - or worse: the never-ending quest for a pen-looking Saint-Graäl destined to vanish into forgotten land once the next frenzy has arrives. At least i don't personally teased by fashion & fame, reliability and durability serve me much better i guess. But that's only me and i'm no influencer making dragon clouds while flying in an airplane, literally...

The beauty of smoking oil is the smoke you exhale does not stink up the place, I can do it anywhere.

The beauty of trichome glands is that these can get visually inspected using a cheap USB microscope, besides being compatible with Pulse Heating as a result of their tiny features, though it too looks like resinous clumps of oil to me. How about transfering the oil as a film on the microscopic arms of ferro-magnetic metal foam, for example? That would be conduction and radiative much the same.

I may be able to control THC and maybe even put something in it to make it taste better.

A simili-burning cannabis flavour would certainly help to reconnect with those who value the characteristic smell. As for control i suspect a lot of development remains to be based on Pulse Heating; "Slow & Steady" was plain catastrophic if one asks me, i prefer a time-compressed "bouquet" experience. Too day "légaleezation" kills aroma/taste appreciation so badly!

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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