Is Anyone Using Oco Labs' Superc Co2 Extraction Machine For Cannabis?

  • Thread starter CannaOilGirl
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I’m new to this group but recently purchased a Super C but sadly not getting results like on their how 2 video.
Any advice ?
I am also looking for some advice on this machine! My father and I got one to make medicine for a family member who has seizures. And I have an issue I cannot seem to fix/get resolved. It is an issue with not being able to get the system fully sealed after changing the O-Rings for the first time since we received the extractor.


That happens when the O-rings wear out. It's an easy fix, if you have replacement (high-pressure) O-rings. If you don't have replacements, you need to order some from the ocolabs website. There are hidden seals under the metal block holding the pressure gauge (on the post connected to the Auto-Pilot (threads-for-the-chamber and all).

I haven't looked at the help-videos lately, but I know that they had some good how-to maintenance videos on their web-site when the company was owned by its founders. Take a look there and they might have some tips for you.
I need some help with mine!!! I am having some issues with some leaking around the extractor tube where it connects to the extractor. Is there anyone here that has advice on how to fix this?


I am also looking for some advice on this machine! My father and I got one to make medicine for a family member who has seizures. And I have an issue I cannot seem to fix/get resolved. It is an issue with not being able to get the system fully sealed after changing the O-Rings for the first time since we received the extractor.
...and now I see that you already replaced the O-rings. (I only saw your first post when I looked, but now I see your reply to WilliamInLondon.) Maybe it was a problem with the hidden ones? Those stumped me for a while because I didn't realize that the block with the pressure gauge is somehow/why involved in the transfer of CO2 from the pump to the extraction chamber. I snagged a screenshot off their website of the part I'm talking about -- that shaft has three O-rings on it, and I missed the inner two the first time I 'repaired' the leak I had at that spot.

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