Is my plant ready to harvest?! W/ pic

  • Thread starter onslaught232
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hey guys, im new to this forum.

I started my first grow ever a lil bit ago and im really close to harvest.

I did two plants, one went south and I'm just gonna use it to make bubble hash, the other is looking real good and im not sure if its ready to come down.

I'm hearing use high zoom magnify glass to see when half the trichs are amber, half are clear?

Can anyone here just tell me their ready to come down by these pics before I go out and buy a magnifine glass?

Is my plant ready to harvest w pic

Is my plant ready to harvest w pic 2

Is my plant ready to harvest w pic 3

Thanks guys


ive got a similar thread going but ya i would say chop her& enjoy the fruits of your labor
j wizzle

j wizzle

its $13 to get a 60x-110x scope at radio shack... honestly, you spend 2-3 months growing it out, dont you want to make sure you at least get a finished product that you will really enjoy. its hard to tell from the pics, hairs look like theyre a bit yellowish and still too light but like i said, its hard to tell from the pics.

have you started the flush yet? if you chop without a flush, it will leave a nasty after taste in your mouth

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