itscheese`s cheese thread

  • Thread starter Itscheese94
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Oh look🤣
buzzing im already following i remember jotting, some stuff down now. the rosemary sage and thyme👍 will have a re read now buddy.


I’m too old to wrestle with the two piece toilets! Was leaking at the base! He pulled it and replace the seals like it was nothing! Kind of embarrassing! 125 bucks! Probably took him a half hour Total! And a couple shims! 125 bucks an hour around here!


I’m too old to wrestle with the two piece toilets! Was leaking at the base! He pulled it and replace the seals like it was nothing! Kind of embarrassing! 125 bucks! Probably took him a half hour Total! And a couple shims! 125 bucks an hour around here!
What would take you all day and couple trips to Home Depot takes us maybe 30 minutes, shims and all. Another 225-500 if I gotta replace the floor flange and gotta jackhammer out concrete and cast iron pipe😉


gotta love growing smoking dope chucky😁🍻 actually helps me concentrate sometimes😆
the other night my step daughter was pulled over at 2am and the cop who pulled her over called my cell phone. he was like is this so and so and i was almost going to say who the fudge is this but i restrained. he was like can you come and pick her up we are at this address. i arrived there with her mom and she is in her pj's and robe and they cop asked her mom if she had 250 bucks or her daughter was going to jail. i had never heard of cops riding around with ca credit card devices to pay fines or go to jail. she had missed a court date and had a warrant out for her arrest. cop was like sorry we had to get you out of bed. i was like no biggie i was up anyways. i was smoking a bowl when he called. so her daughters license was suspended and i had to drive her home. i thought that was pretty wild. Edit: i forgot to put why i responded to this email haha. i can smoke a bowl and drive better than when i am sober lol hell when i drank i was all over the road. i was like mr Magoo. haha weed keeps me focused too.
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