Let's see your 2024 outdoor grow!!

  • Thread starter shaganja
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Greetings from the Southern tip of Africa,

My herb garden is humming along, the sun is shining and the Girls are getting big and unruly, their personalities are starting to show but that’s to be expected at their age. I have done my best to strengthen them, keep them happy and prepare them for the storms that come like any parent would. But Hayyy they are young beautiful women and have already outgrown their existing 9ft wooden support frames and their 55 gallon bags. They are all, as some of you know Sativas or at least all very Sativa dominant so they may go as long as late May, if that’s the case I can promise you now, they will not look anywhere as nice or happy as this, hahaha. These girls are gonna have to toughen up to handle what the Cape of Storms will throw at them between now and May.

Have a good one all.

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Greetings from the Southern tip of Africa,

My herb garden is humming along, the sun is shining and the Girls are getting big and unruly, their personalities are starting to show but that’s to be expected at their age. I have done my best to strengthen them, keep them happy and prepare them for the storms that come like any parent would. But Hayyy they are young beautiful women and have already outgrown their existing 9ft wooden support frames and their 55 gallon bags. They are all, as some of you know Sativas or at least all very Sativa dominant so they may go as long as late May, if that’s the case I can promise you now, they will not look anywhere as nice or happy as this, hahaha. These girls are gonna have to toughen up to handle what the Cape of Storms will throw at them between now and May.

Have a good one all.

They’re beautiful. I think this is when they look the best. Before they get beat up by Mother Nature


Awesome, sides! How do you keep the lions and elephants out?😁🐒✌️
Oc, had a good laugh, I do have many wild visitors to my herb garden mainly lizards and snakes. The largest visitors are a Cape Mongoos family, who live under the wooden deck on the terrace below the herb garden. They keep the poisonous snakes like the Cape Cobra and the Puff Adder (Similar to a rattle snake but without the warning rattle) under control. Here are some pics of the ones that stuck around for a photo shoot, they are easily my most formidable ground troops, some are on duty during the day and others do the night shift, this lot eat any insect that moves, and they spend most of the day/night hunting on the ground in and around the herb garden.
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Happy Tuesday all.

1st pic is of an Angulate tortoise, it is endemic to southern Africa they are very territorial this chap has been living in my garden for about 15 years. If another male comes off the mountain and enters 'his" property the fight is on. Their fight consists of slamming into each other, the aim being to tip your opponent over on his back, you can hear the noise of their shells colliding from a fair distance.

2nd pic is of a juvenile Cape cobra who thought my garden was the perfect place to live, but unfortunately he had to be relocated as my dogs don't like snakes. Took me 15 days to catch him humanely, here he is in a 5gal bucket ready for relocation. He is really pissed off as they will only display their hoods when threatened or angry.

I must say both of these animals are in prime condition.
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Our Juvenile Cape Cobra


Happy Wednesday all...

This morning while working in my cannabis garden I watched a large Spider wasp kill a very big garden spider. While the fight between the Garden Spider and spider wasp was going on I noticed a Girdled Lizard watching the commotion, and just when the Wasp had finished killing the spider the Girdled Lizard ran out chased the wasp away and had himself a wonderful breakfast.

The girls are still stretching must be at least 11ft tall by now.

Have a wonderful day.........
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