Looking for windows software for documenting home grows. Any ideas?

  • Thread starter MIGrampaUSA
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As the title states. I'm looking for windows software to record information about our home grows. Is there anything out there that is not "seed to sale" that can be used to record data through out our grows? I need something easy to use for my visually challenged wife. Hopefully someone out there has something they have used and can recommend.


windows apps are harder to come by for home growers, mostly made for business you will have an easier time using one of the many android apps available


Too bad Clippy isn't still around. "Looks like you're documenting a grow..."

I've found Excel to be useful.


i have found that a pin and notebook work wonders for documenting
A pin? Are you poking holes in something? I've never used a pin to write anything ...

We already use a PEN and notebook. I want to go paperless.

Too bad Clippy isn't still around. "Looks like you're documenting a grow..."

I've found Excel to be useful.

Excel would work for me but not my wife so much. I'd have to buy the office suite to set that up and I know that she wouldn't use it. I set one up using Google Spreadsheets about 6 months ago that she's never used.

We document every grow and have been doing that for several years. Now I have a collection of half used note books and in the name of clutter I want to phase that out.

windows apps are harder to come by for home growers, mostly made for business you will have an easier time using one of the many android apps available

We did find "Grow With Jane" or something like that and we downloaded it onto her Android tablet. She says she will give it a try. Let's see how that works for her.
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