Nevil's Passing and the start of Operation Green Merchant

  • Thread starter agseedco
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Here is Nevil's 2 indictments for interested readers.

Let the truth be told.
Toad you dont have any connection between any list and any prosecutions out side of Louisiana area. Toad you are slanderous verbal and libel is published. You have no remorse to pummel me as bad guy for Nevil and anyone that got caught in OGM on ambiguous assertions that i turned over list of all 11,000. When two interpretations of anything are equally plausible, to claim one true the other false without independent verification is dishonest. Toad u are not a journalist, you dont care about truth you are just going after me. You show your true colors when you go beyond claim on list, to claim connection between them and all the OGM bust. You are reckless with disregard of any truth and with Animus to me and my brand. which is libel actionable on proof of damages, economic or to my reputation. Like Steve Hagar you wrap a kernel of truth inside layers of lies. Toad you are egotistical who has been lieing so long you cant see truth.


Toad you dont have any connection between any list and any prosecutions out side of Louisiana area. Toad you are slanderous verbal and libel is published. You have no remorse to pummel me as bad guy for Nevil and anyone that got caught in OGM on ambiguous assertions that i turned over list of all 11,000. When two interpretations of anything are equally plausible, to claim one true the other false without independent verification is dishonest. Toad u are not a journalist, you dont care about truth you are just going after me. You show your true colors when you go beyond claim on list, to claim connection between them and all the OGM bust. You are reckless with disregard of any truth and with Animus to me and my brand. which is libel actionable on proof of damages, economic or to my reputation. Like Steve Hagar you wrap a kernel of truth inside layers of lies. Toad you are egotistical who has been lieing so long you cant see truth.

HA HA - I am not coming after you - your Karma is!

I don't know you, I just reported on what YOUR AFFIDAVIT said!

The truth is what you told the DEA - and we can all see your truth, and none of us respect you, ot think of you as anything other than being a rat.

I am just the messenger, you are the loser in the documents - and that is all on you Cogo.

You are the slimy toad, and a rat and clearly an unstable psychopath.

Keep writing, let the world see how you can't spell, or construct a coherent sentence.

I am so glad that the internet came along and outted you and what you did to Nevil and so many people for your own gain.

Attached is your affidavit of truth for all the world to see - I hope it eats you alive.


HA HA - I am not coming after you - your Karma is!

I don't know you, I just reported on what YOUR AFFIDAVIT said!

The truth is what you told the DEA - and we can all see your truth, and none of us respect you, ot think of you as anything other than being a rat.

I am just the messenger, you are the loser in the documents - and that is all on you Cogo.

You are the slimy toad, and a rat and clearly an unstable psychopath.

Keep writing, let the world see how you can't spell, or construct a coherent sentence.

I am so glad that the internet came along and outted you and what you did to Nevil and so many people for your own gain.

Attached is your affidavit of truth for all the world to see - I hope it eats you alive.
HA HA - I am not coming after you - your Karma is!

I don't know you, I just reported on what YOUR AFFIDAVIT said!

The truth is what you told the DEA - and we can all see your truth, and none of us respect you, ot think of you as anything other than being a rat.

I am just the messenger, you are the loser in the documents - and that is all on you Cogo.

You are the slimy toad, and a rat and clearly an unstable psychopath.

Keep writing, let the world see how you can't spell, or construct a coherent sentence.

I am so glad that the internet came along and outted you and what you did to Nevil and so many people for your own gain.

Attached is your affidavit of truth for all the world to see - I hope it eats you alive.
[/QUOTE I can see I'm dealing with a child . I hope u don't do this for a living.


HA HA - I am not coming after you - your Karma is!

I don't know you, I just reported on what YOUR AFFIDAVIT said!

The truth is what you told the DEA - and we can all see your truth, and none of us respect you, ot think of you as anything other than being a rat.

I am just the messenger, you are the loser in the documents - and that is all on you Cogo.

You are the slimy toad, and a rat and clearly an unstable psychopath.

Keep writing, let the world see how you can't spell, or construct a coherent sentence.

I am so glad that the internet came along and outted you and what you did to Nevil and so many people for your own gain.

Attached is your affidavit of truth for all the world to see - I hope it eats you alive.
i can see im dealing with a child i hope you dont do this for a living


HA HA - I am not coming after you - your Karma is!

I don't know you, I just reported on what YOUR AFFIDAVIT said!

The truth is what you told the DEA - and we can all see your truth, and none of us respect you, ot think of you as anything other than being a rat.

I am just the messenger, you are the loser in the documents - and that is all on you Cogo.

You are the slimy toad, and a rat and clearly an unstable psychopath.

Keep writing, let the world see how you can't spell, or construct a coherent sentence.

I am so glad that the internet came along and outted you and what you did to Nevil and so many people for your own gain.

Attached is your affidavit of truth for all the world to see - I hope it eats you alive.
toad it seems you either cant read or you cant comprehend what you read or says clearly in the affidavit that... i sent out 11000 orders... it also shows in the affidavit that there are 8 pages not 11000 like you are trying to insinuate useing the reasoning in that pea brain of yours... if you look closely the prosecutor list there are 30 names out of those 30 only 6 show on the 8 pages if you cant see this get some glasses. you also make a point about keeping the list instead of destroying them that would be a total of 8 pages the rest were destroyed...viable seeds are legal in Holland to to 5 seeds unless you had a export license which Nevil did not because he was a heroin dealer that sold junk to a minor and not only that was working with authority to monitor heroin including his own uncle. Not only that but he also participated in eliminating me the question you should be asking is how did Nevil distribute seeds around the world from Holland since he was violating the country's laws and how was he able to advertise in high times when the magazine was not protected by the 1st amendment? these are points that as a reported you should be willing to ask but you dont which suggest you are a spook now i have no problem in answering any questions anyone might not going to let a pipsqueak like you put me on the proud of taking that cat out and if i could have taken out high times i would have however i found out they are also bunch of follow the same mo as high times they purvey propagate and promote the shit where you sleep indoor market they sold seeds and put on a cannabis cup to build and identify the demand in the market then when they has enough useful idiots fooled by activist non sense they participated in handing all their readers list over and 4 people from high times including Steve Hagar were subpoenaed by a grand jury that gave the prosecutor the indictment...just like what you did Mr toad you have the same m/o you wanted to build your rep as a compassionate cannabis community guru that sucked people in including lieing about your illness you went to Holland to meet the junkie then your grand idea was to get a mansion in belair no less in a neighborhood where Ronald Reagan lived "probably not a good choice" your boyfriend gave you $120,000 to grow over 4000 plants and while doing so had anyone who was anyone come to your house where you were growing i mean of you want to identify a lot of people in the industry you lay out a trap like you admitted you grew for the money and while on bail you ran from the cops...your trial is even shadier as instead of being charged for manufacture with intent to delver which is a 10 year sentence you pleaded to committing a crime against the us government? wow that's a new one. On top of this your case set precedent for... not being able to use medical necessity for a defense which is a big one...whether you realize it son your a spook everything you did benefited those that dont want cannabis legal. now if you truly want to be a hero and truly be what you pretend you are then i have the goods on all the players dont.

magic man


“Last year his company supplied $500.000 worth of seeds to 15,000 American growers”

“he is a protected national asset nonetheless”.

“Every day letters pour into his post office box, letters containing American dollars wrapped in carbon paper to avoid detection”.

In the Netherlands, the sale of cannabis seeds for growing plants that produce psychoactive substances is permitted. The seeds are considered no different from any other seed,


cultivation is limited to 5 seeds.

They're sold as souvenirs

it is lawful to import hemp seeds into the US. (Hemp is defined as the cannabis plant, and any part of the plant, with delta-9 THC concentrations that do not exceed 0.3%.)

However, because marijuana (any cannabis that is not hemp) is federally illegal,
it is unlawful to import non-hemp seeds in to the US. The only exception to this rule is when the seed has been rendered non-viable prior to shipping.

dont care how you try to fit to your narrative . Unlike most people here i know who you are Mr McCormick and your record speaks for itself .


This thread is great, the attempt to 'darvo' by 'argo' is amateur at best. A sworn affidavit is a solid legal document that is rarely refuted, but he still tries to explain his actions. I have no dog in this fight, but it is still hilarious.

Would have been a better read if 'argo' could spell and split a paragraph but education in the US just isn't what it used to be...


And yet, Ray Cogo is still sitting over in Lansing, MI selling his old Dutch fertilizer recipe.


I do hope everyone realizes that "ARGO" was/is, Raymond Anthony Cogo, the former employee of Nevil who turned him in.

The guy has been attacking me everywhere he can on the Internet ever since we published the article with the information that I read in his sworn affidavit.

You can read some of his pathetic grammar (which matches how "Argo" wrote in this thread) in the comments of a YouTube video where I was interviewed some years ago:

It is not even slightly odd that I and many others, are openly selling seeds after the passage of the 2018 Hemp farm bill, which made all parts of the plant with less than 0.3% THC LEGAL.

Seeds contain ZERO cannabinoids and are legal.

In fact, all cannabis/hemp is legal until it tests above 0.3% THC, simply ask any CBD/hemp farmer who has a field of cannabis maturing in the sun and who is testing regularly so they do not cross the 0.3% threshold.

Furthermore, seeds are not refined, distilled or manufactured in any way, they are 100% a product of nature that contain zero drug/cannabinoid content, no matter how many kilos of them you happen to have.

I have never in all of my years of being prosecuted for growing cannabis cooperated with the cops, simply because it goes against everything I believe in. I have however, self surrendered every fucking time I had to go to jail or prison without a whimper. After getting out of federal prison after doing a 5 year sentence, I started making more documentaries, writing more books, organizing more events and writing magazine articles for:

As somebody who knew Nevil and as somebody who has gone to prison rather than grovel at the feet of my oppressors, I freaking hate snitches and people like Raymond Anthony Cogo. When I was given his affidavit, which I will attach to this, I was blown away, because it put together the whole story and filled in the holes that made no sense to me over the years after I met Nevil, and Nevil started spreading the rumor that Skunkman Sam turned him in and was DEA.

I was in fact arguing with somebody who practices law and is a grower, about the rumor Nevil spread that Skunkman Sam turned Nevil in. I was arguing that it was bullshit and after knowing Skunkman Sam since 1994, I have come to the conclusion that I did not believe Nevil, or Mario Lapp, both gentlemen I knew personally while living in Amsterdam, and both gentlemen I know factually to be heroin addicts. And do not even try to tell me different, as I once sat in Mario's living room and saw it all myself, and Nevil openly admitted his problems with heroin addiction. I personally lost my cousin to a heroin overdose, and I understand the lies they tell all too well.

Sam on the other hand, smokes hash, does not drink alcohol, has only indulged in psychedelics and has recently celebrated his 50th anniversary with his wife. He is one of the most grounded and considerate humans that I have ever met. The rumors spread against him about being DEA were atrocious fantasies by junkies who back then, did not understand what he was doing with cannabinoids/terpenes/hemp/ in the slightest.

Also, I have no doubt that Nevil did not see Raymond Anthony Cogo's testimony until after the case was closed. Which means that when Nevil started spreading rumors about Skunkman Sam, he really did not know who turned him in or what had happened.

Nevil did know that he (Nevil) had done Skunkman Sam dirty as Nevil was reproducing the Skunk 1 seeds and no longer paying Sam for his seeds, so Nevil knew that Sam had a reason to dislike him. The two men had had a falling out and Nevil used his own bad business dealings as an opportunity to try to assassinate the character of good person.

The gentleman I was arguing with went to (you can too) and downloaded and paid for the documents related to Nevil's case (attached below). After reading them, he messaged me and apologized and told me that according to the court filings and the affidavit of the actual snitch, Skunkman Sam had nothing to do with Nevil being busted, it was the guy who was sending the seeds for Nevil within the United States. I asked him how he knew all of this and he told me to read the court's filings and sent them over.

Prior to reading the indictment and the affidavit of the snitch, I had never heard of Raymond Anthony Cogo in my life, after reading his name, I looked and realized Cogo was following me on every social media platform and sometimes twice, using his nutrient company and his real name, sometimes as Raymond or Ray Cogo, and other times as Anthony Cogo. Go check yourself, if you are anybody in this community he is probably following you as well. And I have to ask: do any of you really think that Cogo stopped providing information to the DEA? In my opinion, someone who is once scared is always scared.

About a week later I got a call from Ben Dronkers who told me that Nevil passed away, and it hurt. Nevil was once someone I looked up to as a grower and a breeder. When I met him he was nice to me, when I got high at and even slept at the Cannabis Castle, it always felt like an honor. I sat down and put together the pieces from that affidavit and the two indictments and wrote the article titled: Legacy of a Legend, which outed Cogo as the POS snitch.

Since that time, Cogo has threatened to sue GROW magazine unless we take down the article and we will won't, and has harassed me everywhere he could find the opportunity on the internet, including this thread.

I urge you all to read the documents yourself and come to your own conclusions about what happened to Nevil. I think it is clear as a bell; the only question I am left with is whether or not Cogo was actually paid a portion of the seizures that stemmed from him turning over the thousands of addresses of people who received Nevil's seeds during the 18 months that Cogo was mailing them.

Happy Holidaze!


One-Part 4-3-5 Liquid Fertilizer

Add 500 ml RO/DI water to a jar

Fully dissolve:
Ammonium Monobasic Phosphate 35 g
Potassium Sulfate 68 g
Chelated Micros 3 g

Then fully dissolve:
Calcium Nitrate 109 g
Magnesium Nitrate 107 g

Top up to 1L and use just like Cogos Original
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

I also hate a snitch. I did 7 years behind bars, and 5 years supervised release. Federal. I had given a partner 500 clones, and he got busted with them on his farm, and he ratted me out, and they came and found almost 600 more. I ended up getting charged for manufacturing ALL of them. Partner also rented the home I was operating out of. He bought all the eq2uipment on my recommendations.
I pled guilty to 10-Life Mandatory Minimum in 1997.

FBI, and the Federal Prosecutor, Kevin Dicken tried to get me to rat, and I told them straight to their faces... FUCK YOU. The RAT got Zero Time. He was an older guy of 70 at the time, and I was 39. He was my friends uncle.

I remember when Nevil got Detained in Australia. Im also pretty sure USA did not have an Extradition Treaty with USA at the time.

While Skunkman may not have ratted out Nevil, he DID rat out Sacred Seeds, working with the Feds, and they left the plants, and seeds in the garbage, outside, unguarded, and he came back and got all the genetics. He was an Apprentice Grower for Sacred Seeds, got into trouble, and ratted them out, and got the genetics.

He at least admits there was a bust in Santa Cruz which he now says never happened
Do you know what exact bust is Sam referring to when he said he wasn't even in the
US? Is it the Sacred Seeds bust...Sam claims that he never got busted and never served
a day in jail. He also said he was the only founding member of Sacred Seeds, and he has
never mentioned any other growers/members in S. Seeds. If no one else was a member then
who did the police bust in the US since Sam claims he was in Holland at the time?
Sam did not start The Sacred Seeds Collective... it dates back to pre-illegalisation
and had seed stored at that time that went all the way back to seeds imported in the
teens and early twenties for the then legal market.
Sam The Skunkman and also Romulan Joe formerly known as Mendocino Joe are both snitches and thieves who ran off with genetics they did not develop and then claimed
the genetics and made beaucoup money. The ONLY thing Sam did with Skunk #1 was to
remove the skunk from it, yet he has the nerve to use the name "Skunkman".
Watson was never anything more than a hang around with Sacred Seeds and Joe was a hang around who could not make the grade to gain a patch with several East Bay Biker groups who fell in with the Korean War vets who brought what became Romulan back during the Korean War and carefully cultivated and selected in greenhouses in the East Bay and South Bay for a decade and a half before Joe showed up.

Sam the Skunkman was in fact present for the famous Santa Cruz bust of Sacred Seeds. Somehow
he got out before anybody else. Long before. And somehow the DEA threw all the seeds, stored pollen, equipment and whole plants into a dumpster and left it guarded by nothing but crime scene tape. And then Sam disappeared. Along with a big chunk of the Sacred Seeds seed bank.

Skunkman IS a RAT, and Thief.
Last edited:


I do hope everyone realizes that "ARGO" was/is, Raymond Anthony Cogo, the former employee of Nevil who turned him in.

The guy has been attacking me everywhere he can on the Internet ever since we published the article with the information that I read in his sworn affidavit.

You can read some of his pathetic grammar (which matches how "Argo" wrote in this thread) in the comments of a YouTube video where I was interviewed some years ago:

It is not even slightly odd that I and many others, are openly selling seeds after the passage of the 2018 Hemp farm bill, which made all parts of the plant with less than 0.3% THC LEGAL.

Seeds contain ZERO cannabinoids and are legal.

In fact, all cannabis/hemp is legal until it tests above 0.3% THC, simply ask any CBD/hemp farmer who has a field of cannabis maturing in the sun and who is testing regularly so they do not cross the 0.3% threshold.

Furthermore, seeds are not refined, distilled or manufactured in any way, they are 100% a product of nature that contain zero drug/cannabinoid content, no matter how many kilos of them you happen to have.

I have never in all of my years of being prosecuted for growing cannabis cooperated with the cops, simply because it goes against everything I believe in. I have however, self surrendered every fucking time I had to go to jail or prison without a whimper. After getting out of federal prison after doing a 5 year sentence, I started making more documentaries, writing more books, organizing more events and writing magazine articles for:

As somebody who knew Nevil and as somebody who has gone to prison rather than grovel at the feet of my oppressors, I freaking hate snitches and people like Raymond Anthony Cogo. When I was given his affidavit, which I will attach to this, I was blown away, because it put together the whole story and filled in the holes that made no sense to me over the years after I met Nevil, and Nevil started spreading the rumor that Skunkman Sam turned him in and was DEA.

I was in fact arguing with somebody who practices law and is a grower, about the rumor Nevil spread that Skunkman Sam turned Nevil in. I was arguing that it was bullshit and after knowing Skunkman Sam since 1994, I have come to the conclusion that I did not believe Nevil, or Mario Lapp, both gentlemen I knew personally while living in Amsterdam, and both gentlemen I know factually to be heroin addicts. And do not even try to tell me different, as I once sat in Mario's living room and saw it all myself, and Nevil openly admitted his problems with heroin addiction. I personally lost my cousin to a heroin overdose, and I understand the lies they tell all too well.

Sam on the other hand, smokes hash, does not drink alcohol, has only indulged in psychedelics and has recently celebrated his 50th anniversary with his wife. He is one of the most grounded and considerate humans that I have ever met. The rumors spread against him about being DEA were atrocious fantasies by junkies who back then, did not understand what he was doing with cannabinoids/terpenes/hemp/ in the slightest.

Also, I have no doubt that Nevil did not see Raymond Anthony Cogo's testimony until after the case was closed. Which means that when Nevil started spreading rumors about Skunkman Sam, he really did not know who turned him in or what had happened.

Nevil did know that he (Nevil) had done Skunkman Sam dirty as Nevil was reproducing the Skunk 1 seeds and no longer paying Sam for his seeds, so Nevil knew that Sam had a reason to dislike him. The two men had had a falling out and Nevil used his own bad business dealings as an opportunity to try to assassinate the character of good person.

The gentleman I was arguing with went to (you can too) and downloaded and paid for the documents related to Nevil's case (attached below). After reading them, he messaged me and apologized and told me that according to the court filings and the affidavit of the actual snitch, Skunkman Sam had nothing to do with Nevil being busted, it was the guy who was sending the seeds for Nevil within the United States. I asked him how he knew all of this and he told me to read the court's filings and sent them over.

Prior to reading the indictment and the affidavit of the snitch, I had never heard of Raymond Anthony Cogo in my life, after reading his name, I looked and realized Cogo was following me on every social media platform and sometimes twice, using his nutrient company and his real name, sometimes as Raymond or Ray Cogo, and other times as Anthony Cogo. Go check yourself, if you are anybody in this community he is probably following you as well. And I have to ask: do any of you really think that Cogo stopped providing information to the DEA? In my opinion, someone who is once scared is always scared.

About a week later I got a call from Ben Dronkers who told me that Nevil passed away, and it hurt. Nevil was once someone I looked up to as a grower and a breeder. When I met him he was nice to me, when I got high at and even slept at the Cannabis Castle, it always felt like an honor. I sat down and put together the pieces from that affidavit and the two indictments and wrote the article titled: Legacy of a Legend, which outed Cogo as the POS snitch.

Since that time, Cogo has threatened to sue GROW magazine unless we take down the article and we will won't, and has harassed me everywhere he could find the opportunity on the internet, including this thread.

I urge you all to read the documents yourself and come to your own conclusions about what happened to Nevil. I think it is clear as a bell; the only question I am left with is whether or not Cogo was actually paid a portion of the seizures that stemmed from him turning over the thousands of addresses of people who received Nevil's seeds during the 18 months that Cogo was mailing them.

Happy Holidaze!
Thanks for this Todd. Appreciate all you have done, all you do, and have yet to do for our community. Much respect.
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

  1. It was a lovely day, spring 1985, when a heavily built American landed at Schiphol
  2. airport. He wore glasses, his long blond hair kept together wih an elastic band.
  3. Without problems he passed customs and shortly afterwards received a warm welcome
  4. from another equally heavily built American.
  5. Seemingly nothing special, certainly not in the crowded arrivals area of an airport.
  6. No one could have known that the lugage of the ponytailed man contained a box full of
  7. seeds- Cannabis seeds.
  8. The box was the reason for Sam Selezny's trip to Holland. He was here by invitation
  9. from two pioneers in the weedgrowing industry. Two companions: Michael Taylor and
  10. Wernard Bruining, the owner of the first coffeeshop in Amsterdam. Although they
  11. already grew some nederwiet, the quality of it was not particulairly special, the
  12. knowledge they possessed of growing wasn't extensive enough.
  13. During that time in Holland, there were probably no more than three big growing
  14. sites, covering a total a maximum of two thousand square meters. In coffeeshops
  15. Marrocan hash was still the most popular.
  16. Sam Selezny, the super grower from the states, as Taylor had announced him to
  17. Bruining, would change this.
  18. It proved to be true. Hardly three months after his arrival the first harvest from
  19. Fat Sam's seeds could be smoked. The connoisseurs where excited, the wiet tasted
  20. good, with a "high" high.
  21. Hardly anyone knew at that time, especially not in Holland, that Sam Selezny, who in
  22. Holland presented himself mainly under the name David Watson, was arrested on the
  23. 20th of march that same year in Santa Cruz, California.
  24. It was nine years later in the summer of 1994, when Mario Lap, at that time working
  25. for the Dutch Alcohol and Drugs Institute, tapped Hedy D'acona on the shoulder in
  26. Brussels.
  27. "Hedy, can you tell me why you provided David Watson with a license (to grow)?" Lap
  28. asked the newly appointed MEP and former minister of Health. Lap had only just before
  29. that found out, to his utter astonishment, that Watson, who he only knew by the name
  30. of Selezny, was granted a license to grow marijuana for scientific purposes.
  31. Why on earth Watson, a man with what he had heard a shady past in the states as
  32. illegal grower, a man who also had been detained and who certainly was not a
  33. scientist?
  34. And why not the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, which had been after a license
  35. for years to research the medical workings of the plant?
  36. MEP D"Ancona didn't know.
  37. The ministry itself couln't provide Lap with any clearance on the licence which had
  38. been granted on 16th of september 1994, signed by "plaatsvervangend" director general
  39. of health, Drs RJ Samsom.
  40. Lap; "I couldn't find out how it had happened. Very strange. A bit scary too."
  41. In two big greenhouses in Rijsenhout, a village near Schiphol airport, the process
  42. was already under way to develop a cannabis plant with a high THC content, which in
  43. due course could be used as a basis for medicine. Or rather, it was on those terms
  44. that, after years of negotiating, the license was granted.
  45. Three years, with limiting conditions; only chemical analytical research, not more
  46. than 10 grams of THC and a spotless administration.
  47. The office and lab of Hortapharm are based in Schinkelhavenkade in Amsterdam. A
  48. little green building, a big window which in the evenings is covered with a steel
  49. sliding door. Inside it smells of fresh wiet. David Watson is on his guard. He wants
  50. to talk, but demands the final say on every sentence written about his firm. It is
  51. the end of September and Watson is waiting for the decision on the renewal of his
  52. license. "I want to continue with my research" he says, "I cannot use any publicity
  53. which might be possibly disadvantageous to my business.
  54. He is startled when he hears we know the location of his greenhouse. "There are
  55. millions worth of plants and apparatus, no one is allowed to know."
  56. Hanging on the wall behind him are 5 licences, granted by the DEA, a worldwide
  57. operating organization, whose task it is to fight drugs.
  58. Watson doesn't receive his longed for renewal of his license.
  59. The ministry announces at the end of September that, since the minister forbids the
  60. medical supply of cannabis, a license to grow cannabis is no longer in line with the
  61. health ministries' policies. Besides that, during repeated inspections of Hortapharm,
  62. it was found the Admin was not run according to the requirements. The decision is
  63. definite, the two locations where hortapharm is based have to close their doors. On
  64. 29 October the Ministery confirms their decision in writing to Hortapharm: The head
  65. officials of Justice in Haarlem and Amsterdam have been informed of the fact the
  66. license has now expired.
  67. On Schinkelhavenkade however, it is business as usual, the director and only
  68. shareholder told us last Monday. He saw the decision of the minister in a different
  69. light. "There are people who want it that way" he said, was his cryptic explanation,
  70. but there are also people who want it in a different way"
  71. From his point of view nothing has changed, an "on-going situation". "There is info,
  72. and there is correct info. They are false statements from the ministry and it's not
  73. the first time. "
  74. He didn't want to comment any further on the matter.
  75. It is not surprising Watson, Alias Sam Selezny is not very willing to talk. Him and
  76. his firm came under fire only recently during a broadcast from the VPRO. This
  77. broadcast even lead to questions being asked in Parliament (about the licence)
  78. The radiomakers had contacted the sheriff of Santa Cruz, who confirmed the arrest of
  79. Watson on March the 20th in 1985, in relation to illegal cannabis growing.
  80. How it was possible Watson could set foot in Holland a month later, no one
  81. understands. Why wasn't he, caught red handed, in prison? As a rule the American
  82. Justice system doesn't show clemency to drug criminals.
  83. There are presumptions, also mentioned in the radioprogramme. Is it possible Watson
  84. struck a deal with American Justice, mainly the DEA? In other words, has he, in
  85. exchange for his freedom agreed to cooperate with the justice system from time to
  86. time?
  87. Questions which are left unanswered.
  88. The DEA never talks, something the enquetecommitee "van Tra" discovered too.
  89. On the 5th of November, Minister Borst answered the questions in Parliament.
  90. No, there had not been a antecedenten investigation in regards to the person
  91. requesting the license.
  92. There had been doubts though about the reliability of the request, especially wether
  93. the cannabis would only be used for scientific purposes. But there was no proof to
  94. turn these doubts into hard facts. On the basis of doubt a license could not be
  95. rejected, in the court of law.
  96. Actively requesting personal information from the police register had never been
  97. done, but she was planning to do so in due course.
  98. Subject closed.
  99. But the case is even stranger than it actually seems.
  100. How did Watson acquire the funds to found Hortapharm? After some research it shows
  101. Watson wasn't only involved in illegal weed growing in the USA, but in Holland too.
  102. Not weedgrowing as a hobby, but on a grand scale, a business worth millions.
  103. It was clear the Dutch Wietgrowers caught a big fish with getting David Watson on
  104. board. A man fascinated by the secrets of the cannabis plant. A man on a mission,
  105. convinced of the blessings of cannabis.
  106. Like every American, he thought big. Just like Michael Taylor, also known as Michael
  107. Rich. They became companions, throwing themselves on the big scale growing of
  108. nederwiet.
  109. Wernard Bruining declined. "It became too big and too fanatic. They wanted to be the
  110. best and biggest, which wasn't necessary for me."
  111. It was annoying for him though that two of his greenhouses were busted shortly after
  112. wards. A coincidence, the police told him, they just happened to come across it. "But
  113. it was the first time they busted a big greenhouse. Before that they had never
  114. managed to do so"
  115. In the summer two big sites where busted, the third empty upon arrival. Various
  116. employees where arrested, Watson and Taylor stayed out of sight. In the "us knows us"
  117. world of growing they were already for some time known as people who pulled the
  118. strings. Shortly after wards stories circulated the two Americans had started again.
  119. Within a few months they had set up a new greenhouse. This one was busted too, but
  120. again no sign of the Americans.
  121. Were they simply too smart, or was it something else, something invisible
  122. (untouchable)?
  123. No one paid too much attention to it. There were suspicions, but the were erased
  124. when the two continued a few years later, undisturbed.
  125. It was the era when partially thanks to Watsons' seed, Holland's masses switched to
  126. nederwiet.
  127. It became an internationally recognized product, the new pearl of the dutch
  128. horticulture.
  129. But in 1992 the calm tide turned, when in the vicinity of Tilburg two massive
  130. growsites were busted, with according to the police 40.000 plants.
  131. Sirens, squat teams, broken doors and a lot of screaming. Two of the approximately
  132. fifteen suspects broke down practically straight away under questioning and mentioned
  133. the name Watson as the big man and investor behind the wiet operation. Justice didn't
  134. act. Didn't ask questions about him, didn't even investigate the large amount of
  135. funds which apparently left the country via Luxemburg.
  136. Watson was and remained, to the surprise of many, a free man and founded Hortapharm
  137. that same year.
  138. Supported by advisers he started negotiating with the health ministery about
  139. acquiring a license. One of these advisors was ex police commissioner (?) K Sietsema,
  140. at that time already active as Private detective. "If I know Hortapharm? If we're
  141. talking about the same firm then yes, " Sietsema says; "but I don't talk about my
  142. clients, a kind of code of honor"
  143. In the world of the wiet growers suspicion arose. One after the other growsite was
  144. busted, tens of people disappeared behind bars, but one of the biggest and probably
  145. best could continue without any disturbances.
  146. That the American Godfather of Nederwiet had such good contacts that he could
  147. continue to practice his profession legally for three years, the ultimate breeders'
  148. dream, was considered utterly strange.
  149. Coincidence?
  150. The arrest in 1985, the large scale busts of grow sites without any consequences for
  151. Watson or his Companion, Hortapharm and its first license, the advisor Sietsema, it
  152. was too much of a good thing.
  153. Were Watson and Rich DEA informers after all, as some people had claimed them to be
  154. before?
  155. "They started at the right side, but Watson had little choice" Bruining thinks; "It
  156. was or going to jail or cooperate with the American Justice system."
  157. Mario Lap, who amongst other things advices the PVDA (dutch political party) on
  158. drugs problems, is sure of his case.
  159. His last bit of doubt dissapeared upon discovering that the Australian Police was
  160. in possession of a list, compiled by Watson, of renowned Dutch breeders, including a
  161. precise description of their products, even mentioning the genetic codes. Handy
  162. with the eye on the plans of the ministry of health to make growing indoors illegal.
  163. "Instantly those creeps have the monopoly, later on they'll be the only ones
  164. allowed to breed the seeds, which is what it is about" lap says bitterly.
  165. Which would make the DEA mission successful. They have the names of the breeders,
  166. their products and eventually the market of neder weed in hands.
  167. The DEA has thus proven not only to be champion of controlled drug flow, but has
  168. also proven itself to be the best wiet grower in the world."
  169. Copyright: HP/De Tijd 5-12-1997.[/quote]
  170. Neville said:
    [*]Neither Marco or Joe Pietri checked the statements that JP attributed to me before
    [*]publishing. Before making statements that are damaging to someone's reputation, you
    [*]need to be sure of your facts, or have first hand knowledge.
    [*] I stand by my testimony re Sam. I was there, I had the documents from the Australian
    [*]Federal Police that Sam gave me and I passed them on to Mario Lap. The rest is
    [*] I don't know what Sam has said to Marco, to do an about face like that. JP's article
    [*]was not factual and therefore an apology is in order, however it does not mean that
    [*]ALL of the allegations were false, I know they are not.
    [*] N.(nevil)
    [*]Very true Nev, Sam has cleverly swung this to look like the victim, there is a thread
    [*]at icmag where guys like chimera and tom hill are screaming mad and saying Marco
    [*]needs to do this and that to make right, give money to a charity of skunkman's choice
    [*] I would love to step into that thread and say 'hang on, just cos JP was talking
    [*]shite, doesn't make Sam an angel' but it would be deleted asap so why bother.
    [*] Maybe it is time to tell your side of the story Nev. I've had some articles
    [*]published in Marco's magazine, if you wanna provide the info I'd take the time to
    [*]write an article, but given Marco's new stance he might not want to publish it.
    [*]I've done that. I've limited my story to the facts. I could speculate what else Sam
    [*]and Rob had in mind when they tried to get me to explain my pedigrees to the feds
    [*](patents), but the fact remains that they tried to get me to work with the cops in
    [*]order to give people more jail time for what we all do, grow dope. This makes him a
    [*]"dog" in the Australian vernacular. It's all I need to know.
    [*] N.
  171. dbud1369 said:
    It is about seeking the truth. So with that in mind, we all know that
    [*]Nev spent time in jail for his bust (about a year) without ever being charged.... but
    [*]when Sam got busted in '85, then showed up in Amsterdam - did he spend time in
    [*]jail, was he charged? And name ONE other company that has a DEA exemption to use
    [*]Cannabis in the US, just one??? any one???? There aren't ANY? There have been
    [*]Doctors who have tried to get permission to get and use Cannabis to do studies and
    [*]have been repeatedly DENIED > But they [Hortipharm] get the only Import/Export
    [*]DEA approved Cannabis use. They (GW) own about 11 patents on cannabis (cannabinoids)
    [*]and uses and extractions. How does the ball bounce so high in one direction for
    [*]Sam, he got all the breaks in the early 90's and all the way through. I know for a
    [*]fact that there have been many uses of Cannabis for testing purposes (like Brown
    [*]University) and the DEA won't even acknowledge that they DID a study. But let's
    [*]ask someone who would know about the FEDS caring about patients, like their OWN
    [*]FEDERAL PATIENT Irv Rosenfeld - the federal gov't never has done a follow up on any
    [*]of the 13 original IND patients(ya know the ones who can legally smoke cannabis
    [*]WHEREVER THEY WANT per FEDERAL GOV"T) check out the Missoula study for a follow up on
    [*]Irv (done by my friends here in Montana)
  172. There's no jail time in '85 for Mr. Sam. and if served it was very short and
    [*]un-documented. Then showed up in EUROPE with Ed Rosenthal? weird connection to make
    [*]along the way. The "third party DEA " permit to Import/Export Cannabis in US. There
    [*]are doctors and universitys that apply for this to to studies and repeatedly get
    [*]denied.... In fact there are now reports in one state that when a Laboratory filed
    [*]for Sched. I drug handling permit .. they got raided the next week (THIS HAPPEND
    [*]TWICE ) - The DEA permit allows the handling and possesion of Cannabis for research
    [*]and Scientific purposes only. - (ya know like what GW is doing) but for them to deny
    [*]any other University or Doctor access to handle this plant and to continue on with
    [*]recoginized studies.... they control it all. The DEA has colaborated with GW and SAM
    [*]- in ca-hoots if you will.
  173. Marco Renda upon lawyers consult made a public apology to sam for a previous article
  174. written in TY in which Joe Petri, another DEA informant, was quoted outing 'sam the
  175. skunkman' as a fellow DEA Snitch.
  176. Matt Rize said:
    [*]TRUTH will never be revealed on this topic, because sam won't let it out. He denies
    [*]an '85 arrest...? That's just the start.
    [*] He hasn't commented on marco's apology on ic... and you know he has seen it, he is a
    [*]damn mod with 1000 snitches/fanboys over there, and they censor every post with
    [*]financial and political scrutiny.
    [*] Seems if he is hiding the truth it is most likely for a good reason. No one wants to
    [*]deal with the skeletons, especially regarding huge illegal transactions, lol.
  177. Marco Renda said:
    [*]All I was told is that Sam has 3rd party contracts. Sorry but I have never seen a DEA
    [*]contract before so I really don't know what is on 1.
  178. Sam the Skunkman is the one collaborating with Monsanto to produce GMO modified
  179. cannabis along with herbicide ready varieties and strains ****with NO THC content****
  180. HortiPharm ( Clarke and Watson) sold the HortiPharm genetic library to GW
  181. Pharmaceuticals. And GW is connected to Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Bayer is the money
  182. behind the acquisition of close to 40k acres within the Emerald Triangle. That
  183. partnership bought Bayer the licensing for Sativex in the US as the only competitor
  184. for Marinol.
  185. Read Dr. David Malmo-Levine sometime on where all this crap is going
  186. Google patent number 6,630,507
  187. "sam" is a conspiring thief who cornered the market by turning in his competition to
  188. the DEA
  189. Lets put another myth to rest , Sam wasn't the FIRST American to get to The
  190. Netherlands , nor was he the first to bring Kush region genetics to Norcal or even
  191. the primary source of 'em.
  192. In point of *fact* there are records of Indica genetics in this country dating
  193. ***from the days of prior legality*** and mostly in the regions in which the medical
  194. cannabis of that time were raised. And Bigpharma of THAT era was heavily invested in
  195. cannabis.
  196. Sam's beef with Neville seems clear enough: Neville sold strains to Ben Dronkers’
  197. Sensi Seeds while Sam sold the same ones to GW Pharm leaving questions of "property
  198. rights" for when cannabis became normalized.
  199. If it was just ego on the line, that would be one thing. Unfortunately there is much
  200. more at stake, especially in light of the fact the Bitter Petrols, Original Gangsters
  201. and M16s of the world are all in fact hybrids derived from lines Skunkman and company
  202. would like everyone to believe are their responsibility. And it doesnt take very long
  203. to see how that benefits these individuals in the long run and how that could affect
  204. the "community" later.
  205. Its amazing what one can find with a little bit of research. I found the information
  206. below quite significant, in that it clearly shows Hortapharm is providing samples of
  207. cannabis (presumably Skunk #1 and other common varieties used in today's modern
  208. breeding scene) which are being used to "establish conspiracy in the cultivation of
  209. marijuana"
  210. How many varieties of cannabis are hybridized with Skunk#1, or Northern Lights,
  211. White Widow, Haze, etc? If these samples are sent to testing facilities funded by the
  212. United States government, which are then being used as evidence in conspiracy charges
  213. against growers and maybe even breeders, think of the ultimate implications of
  214. Hortapharms cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Administration. If you've got a
  215. variety of cannabis related to the samples provided by Hortapharm, and find yourself
  216. on the wrong end of the law and your plants are then analyzed and found to be
  217. genetically related to the samples provided by Hortapharm, that information can then
  218. be used as evidence to support a conspiracy in cultivation charge not just against
  219. you, but perhaps those who provided the seeds to you and even the breeder themselves.
  220. With some time pondering over the ultimate outcome(s) that this research could yield
  221. in terms of potential legal ramifications against many well known names in the
  222. industry today, one can not take this information lightly or simply over look it as
  223. so many of you have chosen to do thus far. Potentially anyone not associated with
  224. Hortapharm could find themselves a target from the samples of cannabis provided to
  225. the US government for this research. Pillars of the breeding industry such as Skunk
  226. #1, Northern Lights, Haze, White Widow etc. are the basic building blocks of
  227. commercialized seed today. Their prevalence in breeding programs around the world
  228. today is not questioned, thus making professional and amateur seed alike related in
  229. some shape, form or fashion to these lines extremely common. And thus rounding into
  230. the potential for anyone not associated with Hortapharm to become a target simply
  231. based on genetic relation of their strains to those of the samples Hortapharm has
  232. provided the government to use in the aiding and abetting of bringing conspiracy of
  233. cultivation charges against anyone who finds themselves on the wrong end of the law.
  234. Genetic Variation in Hemp and Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) According to Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms*
  235. Shannon L. Datwyler, Ph.D. 1,2 ; and George D. Weiblen, Ph.D. 2
  236. 1 Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota, 1445 Gortner Avenue, Saint
  237. Paul, MN 55108.
  238. 2 Present Address: Department of Biological Sciences, California State University,
  239. Sacramento, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819.
  240. Correspondence to Additional information and reprint requests:
  241. George D. Weiblen, Ph.D
  242. Department of Plant Biology
  243. University of Minnesota
  244. 1445 Gortner Avenue
  245. Saint Paul, MN 55108
  246. E-mail: [email protected]
  247. *HortaPharm B.V. (the Netherlands) and Kenex Ltd. (Canada) provided controlled
  248. substances for research registered and permitted by the United States Drug
  249. Enforcement Administration and the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy with support from the
  250. David and Lucille Packard Foundation and the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment
  251. Station. The study was first presented at the Botanical Society of America Annual
  252. Meeting in 2004 at Snowbird, Utah.
  253. Copyright Copyright © 2006 by American Academy of Forensic Sciences
  255. forensic science • DNA typing • amplified fragment length polymorphism • analysis of
  256. molecular variance • heterozygosity • DNA fingerprinting • sex linkage


Hi guys,

Let me start by saying that you have both been misled by a government informing name to Joe Pietri, who wrote the book "KING OF NEPAL", which was more like an affidavit than a book. I first encounter Joe at the University of Miami in March 1995 when I was there at the request of Florida NORML with Elvy Musikka (She is the first woman to ever legally receive medical cannabis from the federal government, she is a glaucoma patient and one of the first real activists fighting for the medical rights of others) and we were there to debate the Southeast quadrant leader of the DEA, Wayne Roques (I do believe), Joe showed up with the DEA agent under the name "Konsupsa" and was clearly being handled by the agent.

Konsupsa was supposedly some well-known smuggler who was supposedly using an anonymous name and nobody from Florida NORML knew who he was. I have always believed there were government plants and snitches who are used as agent provocateurs within the social network of any political movement, Konsupsa, was clearly one of these puppets.

At the time, I was videotaping everything and when "Konsupsa" was introduced he started talking and in less than 15 seconds of him starting to speak and say "Konsupsa means hippy in Laotian" you can see the DEA agent reach over and touch his arm and audibly say: "No, I do not want to do that", at which point Konsupsa repeats the DEA agent and says: "No, you don't want to do that, ok." Just like he is a fucking in puppet.

Please watch the video for yourself, the DEA tells him what to say at the 20 second mark, and there interactions over by the 25 second mark:

In 1995 I did not know who the hell this guy was, but I realized he was being handled by the DEA, because NORML did not know who he was and we did not invite him to the debate and he showed up with the DEA. After the event Konsupsa tried to befriend me and talk to me and I told him that I only had one question for him: "How the f do you get to be both anonymous and a well-known smuggler?" At that point he looked like he was dodging bullets and he just wanted to get the f away from me because I was obviously not playing softball.

Years later when I was in prison (2000 to 2004), I was sent the book by Joe Pietri, KING OF NEPAL, and in the pages there was the answer, he admits to cooperating with the federal government and them dropping charges against him if he would just tell them everything he knew about the ganja trade. I will take pictures of the pages and post them here for your reference.

Sometime around 2009 Marco Renda, who was publishing "Treating Yourself" magazine out of Canada, decided to start publishing the absolutely BS propaganda Joe was writing about Skunkman Sam and the entire Dutch seed industry. Marco would later write to me from Mexico and apologize for the hit pieces he let Joe run in his magazine. Marco wanted the attention to his publication even if it meant he was publishing lies and allowing people to attack the character and credibility of good people. It was a marketing tactic that backfired and Marco soon went out of business due to his own fault.

The article above is BS written by Joe about Skunkman Sam. I believe that Joe has been working as an agent provocateur for the federal government ever since he started cooperating in the early 90s. Once a puppet, always a puppet.

Nothing that Joe has written should be taken seriously and you should question the source of everything you read.

The rumors that both Nevil and Joe started about Sam have been proven false.

The truth is that Nevil had not a damn clue what Skunkman Sam was up to when he moved to Amsterdam. Nevil knew nothing about Roxanne labs creating Marinol or that Sam saw an opportunity to create a generic version of THC for the international market (just like every other patent medicine available as a prescription) and was clueless about cannabinoids, terpenes or how a pharmaceutical company doing research could operate in the Netherlands.

My friends who owned seed companies in Holland in the 1980's and 1990's were like ants next to a skyscraper and could not comprehend what was happening in the penthouse above them or how the building was constructed. When they learned that Skunkman Sam was using an alias (Duh) and that his real name was David Watson, and he somehow got a license to grow cannabis in the Netherlands, (which they could have done as well if they had known what he was doing) none of them understood how he did it, or what he was doing, because none of them, and I mean none of them, had a damn clue about medical cannabis, the chemicals contained in it, or the potential it had as a medicine.

As for the rumors that Sam snitched on Sacred Seeds, it is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard, because Sam was Sacred Seeds, he started his own seed company in the mid-70s after coming home from the hippy trail with his wife (who he just recently celebrated his 50th anniversary with). They came back from living in India after crossing through London to Morocco, from Morocco to Germany, through Turkey, through Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and ended up living in India, collecting seeds the entire time. There is literally a picture of India on his very first Sacred Seeds seeds brochure.

Sam ended up living next to "G", who was the initial breeder of Haze and down the street from "R.L", who was the guy who made the famous Original Haze poster. Sam developed Skunk #1 sometime in the early 70s and started selling seeds of it in 1975.

At the time a young Robert Clarke was studying at the University of Santa Cruz and working on what would become his first book: "The Botany and Ecology of Cannabis", published in 1976. I was told that Sam purchased a copy of the book and when Rob realized the address was close by, he hand delivered it and the two guys became friends for life.

The contributions they have made to the community in both disseminating high quality cannabis genetics and high quality information is second to none. Were it not for their close relationship, Nevil would have never gotten Sam's seeds, because it was Rob who put Sam in touch with Nevil in the first place.

It is really hard for me to under-emphasize how absolutely ignorant Nevil and other Dutch seed breeders were about medical cannabis, literally like ants next to a skyscraper they had no clue what Rob and Sam were trying to do with Hortapharm, nor did Rob or Sam want to tell them. Pharmaceutical companies rarely share their proprietary information so that ignorant idiots can pretend to be able to compete with them in a field that they do not even understand. That was the situation between Nevil and Sam imho. After buying Sam's seeds, Nevil started to knock them off and sell them as originals and his relationship with Sam quickly ended.

Imagine if a whiskey distillery got their hands on Jack Daniels ol' #7 whiskey and decided to continue to make the whiskey and not pay ol' Jack, there would probably be some bad blood and that is exactly what happened. Nevil, Ben Dronkers and many others went on to make a lot of money off of Sam's Skunk #1, and in many cases, claimed that it was theirs while lying through their teeth the whole time.

In 1979 Sam wrote this article which I am sure any of you will admit is extremely advanced considering it was written in 1979 for an LSD magazine called BLOTTER, published by the guy who would later publish The Psychedelic Encyclopedia, he was one of Sam's neighbors as well.

Sam's nickname while tripping was Jingles, because he wore a jesters hat with jingle bells on it at parties, when Sam wrote the article for BLOTTER, he simply spelled his nickname backwards: Jingles became Selgnij.

Sam was trying to teach everybody how to breed and was at a level 41 years ago, that most BS IG breeders could not even comprehend today.

Sam is not a bad guy and he did not turn himself in and snitch on his own seed company. Back in the 1970s, seeds were not a big deal, as most all cannabis came seeded, people traded genetics quite openly and Sam did not have to steal anything from anybody in order to collect varieties from people like Mel Frank, who openly talks about how he gave Durban Poison and Afghan #1 to Sam before he left for Holland.

Sam also had what was to become the most popular hybrid of the 1970s, which is Skunk #1, and I have little doubt that growers were more than willing to trade genetics with him considering his vast collection of indigenous cannabis varieties that he personally collected while hitchhiking thousands of miles across the hippie trail.

For those of you who do not know, Sam had a wife and children in the 70's and was already a well-known grower in the Santa Cruz Mountains in the 1970s. After Ronald Reagan became president and the war on drugs took off, he saw the writing on the wall and new that he had to get out of America or he would probably wind up in prison and his family broken up.

Yes a field of his did get raided, but no they did not find his seeds. Sacred Seeds was just Sam and his collection of seeds.

I believe that the federal government hates Sam and has employed Joe Pietri to try to assassinate the character of a very good person. Nevil, was a heroin addict who ripped off most of his partners and burned almost every relationship he had. After Nevil passed away, I could not find anybody that wanted to go on record to speak highly about him, which speaks volumes.

I know that I am popping a hole in an internet fantasy of making Sam out to be something he is not, but it is the truth.

If you look at Sam's career from the 1970s of being a hippie making the world's most famous cannabis hybrid to crossing over into international science, and becoming the founder of the International Hemp Association, founder of Hortapharm, co-author of numerous books, supplier of hemp and drug-cannabis genetics to most everybody: in my opinion, Sam is the hero in the story and not the villain. Other people like Nevil and Joe have come along and tried to take credit for his work and to destroy his character because they were motivated to do so for their own personal gain.

And after watching that video of Joe sitting next to the DEA agent, do you really want to get your information from somebody who is obviously nothing but a puppet of the DEA?

I first got to Amsterdam in 1994 and started getting that BS information from Nevil, Ben and Wernard about Sam being DEA. They were the first in a long line of the cannabis industry trying to show up and convince us all that they invented cannabis, when in all irony, there ain't no skunks in the Netherlands, and none of those guys knows what a skunk smells like, because none of them have spent time in North America where skunks are only found.

I have been studying this story since 1994 and it saddens me that people like Steve Hager, have just parroted lies instead of doing their homework and publishing truth.

I believed Nevil initially, but over the years I learned that he was a liar, as are most heroin addicts.

I never believed Joe Pietri, because he showed up with the DEA to try to debate me and looked like a fool on a puppet string. Unfortunately, here I am so many years later having to address his rhetoric against a good person.

I am writing this today because I feel that good people deserve people to stand up for them when other people are lying about them. I have no problem standing up for the reputation of Skunkman Sam or speaking out against the lies of Nevil, Ben and Wernard in relation to Sam. If any of the destructive lies they had told about Sam were true, there would be affidavits and documents to prove it. Nobody has ever stood up and said that they were a founder of Sacred Seeds and that Sam turned them in.

I urge you all to do your own research, look for the sources and find out their motivations. As somebody who has had to go to jail multiple times and served half a decade in prison, I would never stand up for a snitch. I deplore them, which is one of the reasons I have taken my time today to write this history about Joe Pietri, as I for one, cannot wait to fertilize his grave.
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Well that was a good read. Well at least the last couple of posts. I don't know WTF all that other shit had to do with anything. Sounded like a couple of 5 year olds going back and forth. I will say yes people do need to do there own research before judging anything. In my experiences if the government can't use you or get ahold of you then they will try to destroy who you are by any means they can.
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