New Simplified Way to Water

  • Thread starter ComfortablyNumb
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Watering slowly seems to be quite important. I noticed drooping leaves occurs less when I water over many hours.

There are several ways I tell if I'll need to water soon. The tent humidity is highest after watering and lowest just before watering. The leaves show signs of needing water, too. I use a moisture probe to help know when to water, but not when to stop adding water. I test the soil in a few places every day. I'm interested in seeing the amount of moisture at several levels of soil, so I measure the moisture at 2 inches, half-way and the length of the probe.

I've noticed that moisture levels seem to be highest near the concentrations of roots. I suspect it's due to capillary action moving moisture toward the roots as the roots transfer it up to the leaves.

I found it if you can get them to 4 feet with a decent amount of roots they can handle pretty much anything you throw at them in the way of watering as long as you let them dry back every once in a while! Really crucial while they are smaller!
Growing healthy plants is all about healthy roots.


I've also requested prices from an injection moulder as well. If it's viable I will start selling them to my local grow shops. I can't be the only one out there frustrated by the lack of genuine options for actual even coverage when running a low pressure system. Hydro halos are good but to get good coverage across four large pots I need to crank the flow which creates holes and exposes roots, and still only waters one ring around the pot.
gravity is truly the best way. now to add nutes - total animation


The other day I had an idea and after testing, it works great.

To know if you need to water, get yourself a soil meter.
Poke or drill 4 holes in your pot 1/4 way up from the bottom spaced around the pot.
Insert the meter probe into the hole and test for moisture. If its dry, then water SLOWLY until it reads on the meter.
Stop when the meter reads the water. It's full.

The other day I had an idea and after testing, it works great.

To know if you need to water, get yourself a soil meter.
Poke or drill 4 holes in your pot 1/4 way up from the bottom spaced around the pot.
Insert the meter probe into the hole and test for moisture. If its dry, then water SLOWLY until it reads on the meter.
Stop when the meter reads the water. It's full.
Are you watering from the top or bottom while doing this?

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