Notice of intent on new project 1000W HPS VS. 357W Magnum plus

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I have been consulted and asked to do a direct comparison on the magnum plus versus a 1000w high intensity discharge set up. We will run them in comparison during the flowering period with controlled vectors. We will be solely comparing them to 1000 watt high pressure sodium fixtures.

The direct comparison which will be done side by side in the same room will last about 8 to 9 weeks depending on the strain's needs.

The comparison variables we will use to judge for this experiment are those listed bellow:

- Final dry weight
- Final quality of end product
- Density of final product
- Smell of dried product
- Bag appeal of final product

At the same time that this comparison is done. We will also have the chance to observe if the magnum plus fixture will influence the plants under the HPS fixtures or vice versa. This comparison will also allow us to observe if it would be beneficial to have both fixtures in the same room as opposed to them being segregated under their own separate fixtures.

Due to market constraints. We will have more plants under the HPS fixture. Due to the fact that their are more plants under the HPS fixture we will identify/mark the exact type of plants and pheno's in order to follow them for the comparison. EG. 10 plants under mag+ VS. 10 specific/marked plants and pheno's under 1000W HPS.

I hope i have peaked your interest and I hope you will subscribe to the topic. The controlled comparison should be starting soon; within a week or so. I am still getting prepared and I'm really excited to see how this works out with you.

Thank you for your time in advance.


My buddy did a test with 1000w Lumateks, 1500w MasterBlasters and a StealthGrow 1250HO. The Lumateks 1000w out performed them all.


I'm assuming you'll be starting a new thread when you get this up and running. Just want to make sure I sub to the right thread. Thanks man!


My buddy did a test with 1000w Lumateks, 1500w MasterBlasters and a StealthGrow 1250HO. The Lumateks 1000w out performed them all.

Sweet, could we have a link to the comparison thread. Might give me a good ideas on how to put mine together

I'm assuming you'll be starting a new thread when you get this up and running. Just want to make sure I sub to the right thread. Thanks man!

Yes sir. A separate thread will be dedicated to this project.


I know i said the comparison thread would be up in a week or so but I am finding myself overwhelmed presently with the holidays and all thus I think it might be in our best interest if I could start the thread perhaps sometime in the beginning of the new year. Somewhere around the first week of January.
Couple of of weeks of wait and a whole lot less stress. :) I apologies for the wait but I promise it will be special that cannot be missed!


Sweet, could we have a link to the comparison thread. Might give me a good ideas on how to put mine together

Yes sir. A separate thread will be dedicated to this project.


I know i said the comparison thread would be up in a week or so but I am finding myself overwhelmed presently with the holidays and all thus I think it might be in our best interest if I could start the thread perhaps sometime in the beginning of the new year. Somewhere around the first week of January.
Couple of of weeks of wait and a whole lot less stress. :) I apologies for the wait but I promise it will be special that cannot be missed!

Unfornatley he did not document any of his results. I cant wait to see your results! From what we saw quality was about the same from the 1000w to LED but not on production. My buddy came to the conclusion that production and wattage play a big part with one another.?? He says he would like to try a true 1000w LED. But were just hobbiest having fun.


Any idea as to when this grow is going to happen? I am chomping at the bit waiting to see what these mag+ units can do before a take the punge :)


Good to see a side by side to challenge the 'equivalent claims.

I would REALLY like to see a 400 HPS vs a 357 - a better watt for watt comparison, after all our bills are by the watt.



A 400 HPS vs a 357 mag is a waste of time, i think a 1000 vs a 357 mag+ will be a great comparison. im running a 600watt cooltube and a 357 mag plus next too each other and the mag+ side is by far out performing
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