For me and my style of growing I got my own way of adding amendments & conditioners. I started originally with hp pro-mix mixed that with some coco, peat, sphagnum moss, perlite, vermiculite,
diatomaceous earth & ewc. Ran a cycle of girls thru it & figured to amend it. Bought a bunny for free manure & he eats alot of alfalfa. So started adding that & greensand, zeolite & more ewc. Ran a cycle thru her. This last time I added
Happy Frog soil to it & some more bunny money, ewc, crab meal, insect frass, azomite, dolamite, more Diatomaceous, bio char and some broken ceramic aquarium bio rings. Before I plant in I flush it to check ph buffer. Then I start a nutrient cycle kinda like a aquarium lol -watering in a aerated imo & probiotic tea like EM1 on steroids
I add microbial products & live cultures to jump start it basically.. they are different strains of fungi like endo & ecto mycorrhizae & different strains of trichoderma & saccharomyces & the beneficial bacteria like lactobacillus & certain bacillus strains , paenibacillus strains, azotobacter, pseudonomas strains & different Lactic acid bacteria & purple non sulfur bacteria..there are many strains of bacteria that can do certain things like nitrogen solubilizing, phosphorus solubilizing, potassium & Silica solubilizers & produce certain enzymes. I add enzymes too to get a jump on all that organic matter in my substrate. Amylase, cellulase, galactosidase, hemicellulase, invertase/sucrase, lipase, peptidase, phosphatase, phytase, protease. They break down different things besides exudates as well as carbs, polyol sugar alcohols- like
triacontanol, mannitol, sorbitol & different starches, yeasts, proteins, fats/lacto, cellulose/dead organic matter, chitin/chitinase, different oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, different L form amino acids etc. So this is why I love organic growing - it is literally alive lol. So I let my soil brew basically on a cloner heatmat & water it when it's dry. I do this for about 2 weeks, I've found what live cultures I added are thriving, the hibernating microbes have awakened, enzymes in check & abundant. Then I use this substrate 2 plant in. I usually veg 4-6 weeks depending on training then before switch to flower I add more flowering type of strains of P,K,Silica & iron solubilizing bacteria. Other than that it's water unless I add some carb water or ewc/compost teas or probiotic natty pgrs like aminos, aloe,
triacontanol, chitosan & brassinosteroids. If I see her needing nutrients I may topdress some guanos or bsf frass or a vegan mix of alfalfa, kelp,neem & soybean meals & some malt barley.
As someone that has grown using salts & synthetics successfully , I know nutrients are nutrients inorganic or organic .. but there are organic processes that happen in the rhizosphere & in the plant besides a nutrient exchange or cation exchange and I believe that symbiotic relationship and the by product is what spurs & aids different processes inside the plant on a different level than what is achieved by directly feeding the plant like with using Synthetics. Don't get me wrong I still have the Canna &
Advanced nutrients connie line & 10 other bottles of theirs
- huge monster yields.. but the taste, flavors, terps & maybe it's placebo effect but I look at it like entourage effect too. I just prefer organics & using microbes, I feel like I created a better for me result. Call me crazy & extra but this is my hobby & what I like to do. I also supplement different light spectrums, uva, uvb , violets & blues during ripening. I supplement with far red in flower too, putting them to sleep faster, emerson effect at different weeks. Yeah it's not needed at all, but this is my hobby & in my head I think I'm making something special- even more special or unique. That TLC. Lately I've been looking research papers on sound frequencies, binaural beats, music's etc how that can affect plant processes and be beneficial. Sky's the limit