Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble

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Hi all! As a long term smoker I was very excited to see our beautiful babies being legalized. Time to get this journey started.

But everyone has their own expertise I guess, some are really good a growing, I'm really good a smoking :-) But gardening in any form...let's just say none of them have made their first birthday.

However, I'm at a point in life where I'm excited to watch a plant grow day by day and father the ladies it into big 'ol buds.

So, I bought a small grow box (Minigrow One) and went for it. However, right after the first true leaves I noticed something weird and I haven't been able to a final conclusion in identifying it myself, so I turn to you experienced growers..

It's currently 18days since her seed was planted in a jiffy puck and about a week after sprouting they were transplanted into their final pot with lightmix soil.

Because I didn't know any better then, I started using (about half of the amount) Bio-mix nutrition schedule since first true leaves appeared (so maybe I fed too early, and this issue is the result of that?)

When they grew I started noticing some weird lighter spots and some leaves having small part of the start of their leaves curled up. I'm afraid they have a virus (some mosaic type maybe?), so I took the smaller plant and took it out of the growbox.

I'm planning to start a small tent up and would hate to see a virus spread and infect the plants there.

Does anyone have an idea what this could be and if I should finish her to the end, or if the risk of infecties outweighs the pro's of completing her.

Thank you in advance!
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble 2
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble 3
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble 4
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble 5
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble 6
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble 7
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble 8
Please help this first time grower with his first time trouble 9


Looks like it got to hot at one point or the light was to intense for there age.

Old damage nothing major

Looks good however can I ask how close is the light now is it dimmed and what watt is it

Btw you def don’t have a virus 🦠 😨😭🤣🙂

Looks good


Your right marbling leaves are a sign of TMV but if there's only one then it's probably a birth mark or a normal irregularity. Plus a sapling wouldn't have it unless mom had it, as they usually get infected from bugs, and respectable seederies are usually pretty good about not selling diseased product.

Sounds to me you did what many of us did as new growers, you went online and then just like the kind of result we would expect from WebMd, no matter what it is, "your plant has cancer."


Ok, thanks guys! Seems like I'm just suffering from the overprotective dad virus haha.

Going to let her dry up some more and test the run off water when its time to water. Meanwhile I've tested the tapwater for ppm and its at 350 ppm, even though is filtered, which seems high from what I've read so far, so that's my next current google search..

I'm also trying to find a dealer recommendation for intensities at different stages. It's a small table model grow box that came with preprogrammed schedules, or so I believed at least, so I've left it on auto setting until now. It's been two days since I've noticed the leaves turning slightly lighter. Also, one of the new tips seemed a bit burned. So I went ahead and cut the light from 100% to 85% yesterday and 65% today. Hopefully she will take this well..

Attached a picture of my little girl taken today, she is growing foliage like crazy and I've learned to put more soil in next time, so the canopy won't get stuck inside :D

Thanks again for the replies, reassuring words and tips!
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They look good. Def not a virus.
Be careful not to over water. Allow
a proper dry back.
Yes, I'm afraid this will be my biggest challenge.. I have a huge tendency to mess up the watering of my plants.

So far I have watered about 250ml per watering, about twice per week I would say. The last watering I went up to 500ml (and had a few drops of run off water) as I noticed she started growing quickly.

Is it correct to conclude this is when week 1 veg would start?


Yes, I'm afraid this will be my biggest challenge.. I have a huge tendency to mess up the watering of my plants.

So far I have watered about 250ml per watering, about twice per week I would say. The last watering I went up to 500ml (and had a few drops of run off water) as I noticed she started growing quickly.

Is it correct to conclude this is when week 1 veg would start?
Auto or photoperiod?


Looks like it got to hot at one point or the light was to intense for there age.

Old damage nothing major

Looks good however can I ask how close is the light now is it dimmed and what watt is it

Btw you def don’t have a virus 🦠 😨😭🤣🙂

Looks good
Thanks Gmix!

I just found this post from someone on a different site:
34x3W Osram Square LEDs. Real power loss recording LED panel about 65W - Full spectrum: 400 - 730 nm

Like mentioned in another reply, I noticed some discoloring and lowered the light from 100 to 85% yesterday and lowered it further to 65% today.

But I'm just guessing and winging it at this point to be fair, so if anyone has suggestions I'd be very grateful..


That pale spot is super common, specially with old seeds but not necessarily. I have that happen a lot with old bulk seeds, not so much with bank seeds but also sometimes. Nothing harmful.
View attachment 2362891
Ok great, that's reassuring!

From what I can judge, based on the litte info I have, is that it's not a common issue for these seeds. It's from a reputable seedbank and the strain has many positive reviews, meaning I haven't seen any other people with (similar) issues.

In other words, I believe it's probably a result my learning curve 🙃


The other symptoms are, but the pale spot is nothing harmful 😁 as I said it usually happens with old seeds but not necessarily. I buy from banks too and I had that happen. It mostly shows in the first node or two then it stops.


Yes early feeding, and/or stronger dosages will cause leaf curl in early veggers, I have repeated this many times over the years - lol, I will sometimes pick 1 plant to test feed higher dosages, just to see how hard I can push early Veg, curled leaf is just one of the results...
"Variegated leaf" - is just
varying levels of chlorophyll pigment in the leaf, Its built-in to many Plant species, I have also seen this many times, Ive had whole leaves split down the middle of each blade, half white half green, very cool looking - its usually early/mid Veg on 1 (or 2) leaves, then disappears...its fairly common, its pretty cool to see in the garden.. keep at it!


Thanks Gmix!

I just found this post from someone on a different site:
34x3W Osram Square LEDs. Real power loss recording LED panel about 65W - Full spectrum: 400 - 730 nm

Like mentioned in another reply, I noticed some discoloring and lowered the light from 100 to 85% yesterday and lowered it further to 65% today.

But I'm just guessing and winging it at this point to be fair, so if anyone has suggestions I'd be very grateful..
I am using new lights for my current grow and had some light burn/stress. I came across the PPFD Meter app from watching the Migro YT channel. It is a valuable tool for measuring light intensity and DLI. While the PPFD Meter readings may be off a little once you have a baseline measurement you can get a good idea of what effect changing your lights position or intensity has on your area. It is also helpful to know what light spread you have (where it's more or less intense). It's free, I would give it or a similar app a try, it is a valuable tool, especially when you're new to growing.


Hahaha, I'll happily take that! I've learned that trial and error is my preffered method to learn. After all, you don't know what to Google if you don't know..

But seeing a plant die that you've nurtered for many weeks will def ensure any mistakes made are not repeated 🙃

Thankfully nothing has spread to other leaves and she appears to be responding well to the light changes for now (pictures will follow in another update message).

The other symptoms are, but the pale spot is nothing harmful 😁 as I said it usually happens with old seeds but not necessarily. I buy from banks too and I had that happen. It mostly shows in the first node or two then it stops.
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