Living dead girl
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Hrm... Just posted to logic's thread, because I could have sworn the link was up top there.
Hi smoky. It sounds like you're still learning your way around forums and such.I want to attend the discussion but I did not know how start. Help me anyone to start discussion in the forum and tell the rule of this forum.
It's too late for that run, because it's now 2015 and you're on your next run probably. For the future, work, work, work. That's the solution. Vacuum your leaves and soil every 2 days, without exception. Try Neem Oil, a natural pesticide, available at supply stores. Use as directed to on bottle, a small container goes a long way. Emulsion is required, dawn dish soap can be used, but that's not organic. Lemon juice or citrus juice can work to emulsify, pH check before applying. A 2.5 gallon sprayer, not some quart sized sprayer, and spray like hell, WITH LIGHTS OFF, (an hour before lights on will do). Frequency required, every four days to six. I've never needed more than a few applications at that rate. Soil spray them too, if your method necessitates. It is systemic, so it will enter your plant and remain. I have read as long as a five week residual, so mid term on a typical plant in budding, and it should be good. I've tried other things, a lot, nothing works as well as a vacuum and Neem oil, nor will anything work as fast. Watch your plants closer, look for their dots remaining on leaves as a first indication, and don't stress your plants with a lack of ferts or water. Isolation of cuttings from outdoors is key, and equally important are ANY clones from friends. I vacuum, spray, isolate, and watch... and then repeat. Be relentless, be a madman, go ahead, no ones watching... and in the end stand proud by your girls, knowing no one else could love them like you... then enjoy the fruits of your labor.I just found some Mites. I am in my third week of bloom. And on top of it they are Russet mites? I guess they are hardy. Any Ideas?
use liquid ladybug, it is what i use. non-toxic and you can use it at any stage of the plant lifeI just found some Mites. I am in my third week of bloom. And on top of it they are Russet mites? I guess they are hardy. Any Ideas?
hey does any one know if i could make wax with a co2 paintball tank, with a bho extractor
use liquid ladybug, it is what i use. non-toxic and you can use it at any stage of the plant
there was a vidio that said if you extracted under 2000 psi that the wax is gooierNo, CO2 is used under pressures exceeding 2000psi , IE Super Critical extractions... Its not something anyone can do at home, you need very expensive equipment to pull it off safely.
just want to do it safely as posiblethere was a vidio that said if you extracted under 2000 psi that the wax is gooier
Liquid Ladybug works, on a small scale and is more costly than a vacuum and Neem. Advantage given to Liquid ladybug is that it can be used with lights on and longer throughout your cycles. Nothing is as effective safely to eliminate bugs as Neem, but it requires a long flush.hey does any one know if i could make wax with a co2 paintball tank, with a bho extractor
use liquid ladybug, it is what i use. non-toxic and you can use it at any stage of the plant life