Tengu Seed Co-Triangle Kush x Okie(F) and Original Diesel x Okie(F)

  • Thread starter jonnyonthespotaz
  • Start date
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Got an awesome order from @Trustfall Gonna b starting 3x each of TK x Okie and Original diesel x Okie. Really looking forward to checking what's inside these beauties!! Especially after seeing what everyone is getting out of these seeds. These are some of the biggest 🫘 I've seen before, healthy AF, some nice striping which I personally like, dont know if it rly means anything or not but I like it!! Just doing the standard paper towel method until they get some tails then into some Happy Frog in 4" pots. Haven't ever rly been too good at doing this kinda stuff but gonna do my best to make weekly/ of importance notes. Gonna try n follow @SchwiftyGrower layout of a diary. Awesome job btw man!! Anywho, hope anyone who follows along enjoys and I'm always open to constructive criticism!!View attachment 2001003View attachment 2001004View attachment 2001005View attachment 2001006View attachment 2001007
Jonny will you take a pic of those beans sitting next to a dime for size reference? Those beans 🫘 can't be as big as they look. If they are Trustful has killer beans


Jonny will you take a pic of those beans sitting next to a dime for size reference? Those beans 🫘 can't be as big as they look. If they are Trustful has killer beans
Yessir. I was taken aback as well and yeah man they r!! Here's a few pics for ya. 1st pic is TK x Okie, 2nd and 3rd is OD x MF and the 4th pic is from another breeder. Now I will say this tho from personal experience and just my opinion. I do believe that the health, care given during and after harvesting, time of pollination and genetics all play a roll in seed developmemt. I've gotten beans from a breeder that was the same line but apparently worked in 2 different directions, indica and sativa leaning. Can't remember for sure but one side was dark, big, striped and the other side were smaller and paler, not undeveloped just way smaller. I've also noticed that it seems landrace type stylee seeds r always smaller and paler. Anywho, ramblings, regardless of what factors play into seed development and maturity @Trustfall has got that shit on lockdown👌
20230724 072149
20230724 072238
20230724 072403
20230724 072642


Wow those beans are so fat they look like a pregnant soon to be Mom.

look forward to watching them grow. Over the years I've learned that any size and color bean can turn into a beautiful plant. But percentage wise big fat dark stripped seeds always put out nice plants were any other size can but not always put out that perfect plant. Someone knows how to leave thier plants growing way past the peak time to harvest buds to allow the seeds to grow to there full potential.


Morning all!! Weekly update for everyone. For starters been HOT as MF here lately🥵and not much has changed. We've lost power a few times and w the heat, conditions have not been ideal but doing my best to keep them happy. This week I gave everyone a plain drink of water and then another w 1.5tsp of Grow Big, 2TB Big Bloom and 1/2tsp silica. They seemed to handle it well. Plans for this week are to give them another few days, possibly a week even tho I said it last week, sorry, jist this week has even killer. Will up-pot to 1gal when appropriate. Loving these little gals so far, I love when u can start noticing similarities in each group of plants, so fun to watch. Got a fun video and pic of the weather here to let u guys know what I'm dealing w, lol!! Thanks again to my man @Trustfall for this opportunity and his company Tengu Seed Co.

Have a great Sunday all!!

20230730 071530

1st up OD x Okie
20230730 050202

Left the door open and my 🐈 got a lil snacky!! Lil fucker, he's a good boi tho and does his nightly walk thru and inspection each nite w me lol, gets a lil carried away pruning sometimes tho!!
20230226 194803

2nd we got TK x Okie
20230730 050244


Happy Sunday!! The heat has finally let up, a bit lol. Hope everyone else is staying cool!!

Still in the 4" pots but chugging along amd making some progress. I did Transplant the other group of plants into 1 gals and the roots were still a lil under-developed for me so gonna continue to let these girls go before uppotting.

Girls got a drink this week of;

Plain h20

Per gal
1.5tsp GB
1/2tsp silica

Per gal
1/2tsp coconut powder

Temps have been pretty consistent in the high 80's lights on and right around 80 at nighttime. Humidity has been surprisingly good, sitting in the 30-35% range, yeah I know that sux but pretty awesome for here.

Lowered my light to about 20" and turned the ballast up to 450watts. Everyone seems to b enjoying life and happy so until next week or when something relevant happens, I'll catch yell on the flip side!!

OD x Okie
20230805 193758
20230806 052140

TK x Okie
20230805 193906
20230806 052146

And a whole family shot!!
20230806 052154


Man not much love here lately?!?! Maybe I'll try posting on a different day/time?!?! Any suggestions/opinions on a day??


Man not much love here lately?!?! Maybe I'll try posting on a different day/time?!?! Any suggestions/opinions on a day??
What up buddy! Little ones look good! Once you get to mid flower it will pick up. And as summer time starts to end people spend less time on the forums. Fall time is right around the corner!


What up buddy! Little ones look good! Once you get to mid flower it will pick up. And as summer time starts to end people spend less time on the forums. Fall time is right around the corner!
Thank u sir!! Yeah veg can b pretty boring for some ppl, I love watching the growth traits that come thru from the folks!!

Didn't even think about that to b honest!! It's all good, I jist got to much time pn my hands!! Appreciate u brother!!


I’ve been here for years brothA and see it every year. Hell I don’t even post mine till mid flower 🤣 but i do get it slot of people like to see all stages of growth.


I’ve been here for years brothA and see it every year. Hell I don’t even post mine till mid flower 🤣 but i do get it slot of people like to see all stages of growth.
Oh, and I'm sure there will b plenty to show!!


Johnny they are look healthy as hell. And thanks for the post with pictures. There's always only a few plants to look at and follow that makes me dream of the buds soon to come. It's just boring this time of the year on all the sites. I tried feminizeing a few different plants this year one photo and 4 Autos that is why I have not posted pictures of my grows. I had 100% success in getting them to grow pollin sacs. I did one Auto were I sprayed the whole plant it was covered with sacs but did not put out any pollin. I opened some up and no pollin. Had 3 females in the tent with her I harvested last week and zero seeds so far. I have not harvested the female I treated because it looks like it may be packed with tiny seeds I'm leaving her to grow hoping I get some useful seeds off her. The other 3 plants were I only treated a couple of limbs all grew male sacs but so far no pollin. They are in week 6 of flowering. I'm hoping to see pollin soon. If not I will hang the limbs to dry then I will cut open some sacs to see if I have pollin. I tried to feminized 1 plant last year and I only got a dozen or so sacs to grow and I didn't think I got any pollin but when I dried the plant to my surprise I had a few hundred mature seeds. If I don't get a lot of feminized seeds off 4 plants I will likely give up trying for a year or two. I was spraying the limbs on 2 every day and the other one had the whole plant I sprayed two times a day until I saw the pollin sacs start to form. Maybe I should have asked for help here. Maybe I should have kept spraying them after the sacs started to form. At least I know my colander Silver was good enough to make them flip from making buds to trying to make pollin.


What part of AZ you in? Wife and I are looking to relocate out there or NM
Hey there, Southern AZ. I wanna eventually move uo to the Payson area tho, alot more trees and bearable temps!! It's beautiful all over here but I've become rly fond of that area, I try n make a camping trip at least once a year up there. And u can't go wrong w NM either man, moved out to the SW 4years ago and haven't thought about looking back!!

Have a great week man!!


Evening everyone!! littl3 late on posting up and haven't had a chance to get any pics yet but I'll make sure to post something up tomorrow for sure. Hope everyone is staying cool and had a great weekend!!


Morning all!! Quik lil update..Girls r doing freaking great!! Got them a lil closer to light and turned it up to 450 and shaved their freaking legs!! Sexy ass bitches!! Anywho here's a few pics from this morning. Enjoy and I'll b back next week or sooner!! Peace all!!

Group shout of OD x Okie
20230814 071224

#3 my favorite so far
20230814 071218
20230814 071217

Group shot of TK x Okie
20230814 071317

Also #3 my favorite so far!!
20230814 071247

20230814 071245

It seems the #3s are popular!! @Trustfall I think I remember u having a few #3s u pulled from seed??


Changing it up this week, lol!! Happy Friday all!! All the girls got some new shoes yesterday!! Put them in Happy Frog in 1 gal plastic pots. Topdressed with a small pinch of each; neem meal, alfalfa meal, kelp meal and malted barley powder and watered in w coconut water!! Put my light on 100% and raised it to about 2 ft. Can't wait for them to dig their toes in and rly take off!! Anywho quik lil group photo of everyone!! Have a great weekend everyone!!

20230818 061402


Top o the morning everyone and happy freaking friday!! The girls r def loving their new shoes!! I'm hoping I can take cuts of everything within the next 3-4 days, 1-2 days recovery, transplant into their final homes and veg for a week n flip!! Tentative plan anyways.

Out of the TK x Okie, I'm still digging on #3 but #4 is also making some moves!!

Rly liking the structure and leaf pattern of the #3 OD x Okie but also liking #2 moving forward.

All of this is arbitrary until the end anyways, just fun to watch n pick out what u personally like and c if u picked right, lol.

Anywho, here's a few pics.

Everything TenguSeed except the bottom right guy/gal
20230825 081056

Group shot of the whole garden
20230825 081101

TK x Okie #3
20230825 081119
20230825 081123

TK x Okie #4
20230825 081128
20230825 081140

OD x Okie #2
20230825 081150
20230825 081154

OD x Okie #3
20230825 082257
20230825 082306


Morning all, I took cuts of everything the other day, sorry I haven't posted any pics, had some health issues that needed more urgent tending than anticipated. Anywho, working on getting on the mend and I'll try n post up some pics a little later today/tonite!!
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