Tent getting too hot, but humidity isn't high enough. What do I do?

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We've started a new grow. Just put germinating seeds in the medium.

Between the light and natural heat it's 80F+ in there. (Where the filter fan is set to cool it down at.) Though the humidity is going down to 40 when it tries to cool down the tent which is dropping the humidity all the way to 40.

Is there a way to beat this?

We don't have heat or ac, we rely on the light for heat and just hope it doesn't get too hot.

Should we put clear bowls on top like little bio domes w a hygrometer in a few of them to see how they're doing inside the dome?

Again, they're still just seedlings that have only just started germinating. We'll find them on top of the soil randomly and have to check if they floated up or are growing up (usually floating) and we don't know why that is either.


Some moist baggys over the cups should do the trick.

You lost me at the seeds are floating up??


Some moist baggys over the cups should do the trick.

You lost me at the seeds are floating up??
Yeah it's odd. We didn't water them or anything to cause the displacement but the seeds floated to the top from the thumb deep burial.

Also, we let them start germinating in cups, but they're now in 5 gallon bags. Every day I go wet the top of the soil with some dechlorinated water.


In the future you might want to leave them in cups till they're established, makes watering a lot easier. What medium are you using, and how much water are you giving them to make them float to the top?


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What stage of growth are you at?

What light brand/model are you using?

What do you have the light set at?

If you're only in the germinating, seedling, or veg stage, you might have your light turned up to high and dimming it will lower temps. It also depends on what your outside climate is like.

Do you have a humidifier?

I'm trying to figure out how the seeds floated up soil without being over watered, you said you haven't watered them but also said you wet the top of the soil everyday?
Did you mist the soil or was the soil really wet when you planted them? Do you have drainage holes? Is there any condensation building up?

Use a spray bottle to wet the soil, this will help prevent overwatering. Sounds like you're on the edge of Dampening off.
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