The light options for 1m x 1m x 2m

  • Thread starter Marix
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Hi everyone! Can you please advice me, just moved to the country where its legal to grow, and want to start.
I bought ecopro 100 growbox (100cm x 100 cm x 200cm) and trying figure out what light should I buy for 2-3 plants.

My options:

1) 2x BESTVA 1000w
2) 2x MarsHydro TS 1000
3) 1x Quantum Table HLG 100 Led Veg And Bloom Lamp 3000 K
4) 1x Led Growth Light Lamp HLGU 100v2 4000k

Please let me know if you can help me with this decision. Many thanks!


One square meter is 10.7639 square feet. Many folks recommend 30 watts per square foot for LED lights, so, if we're talking about an LED light, that would be a 322.917 watts for that amount of space. I have two Viparspectra XS2000 240 watt lights for a total of 480 watts in a 4x4 tent.


One square meter is 10.7639 square feet. Many folks recommend 30 watts per square foot for LED lights, so, if we're talking about an LED light, that would be a 322.917 watts for that amount of space. I have two Viparspectra XS2000 240 watt lights for a total of 480 watts in a 4x4 tent.
So having 2x ts1000 (150w each) is a pretty good option?
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