Thinking of eating the cost of my HPS light, help.

  • Thread starter Purfict
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Yes he owns his own company...apogee... but you don't have to buy his equipment to be a home grower....

But he is basically the pioneer in scientific research in the cannabis world... he has been able to prove and disprove science and bro-science...

Simple things for example... like terpenes are produced during light hours not dark hours.. people used to go dark for 3 days plus before chop down.... his research found this ineffective in a nutshell....

Or flushing is not needed

I would not toss him aside all together as his research on cannabis is really incredible... not bad for a Cornell professor!
Did  he say 3 days+ lights out? I've never heard that before.

I'd like to see his flush test, I may research it later. I can already tell you he's wrong but who knows...maybe he grew several plants several different ways, probably not. I can prove AND disprove flushing.

He's still horrible for the community and he preys on us. Like we got enough to worry about 🙄.


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
Did  he say 3 days+ lights out? I've never heard that before.

I'd like to see his flush test, I may research it later. I can already tell you he's wrong but who knows...maybe he grew several plants several different ways, probably not. I can prove AND disprove flushing.

He's still horrible for the community and he preys on us. Like we got enough to worry about 🙄.
No he did not say 3 days off... that's been a common myth... he went to say that was detrimental and if anything not proven... there is possibility that keeping lights on at cooler temps MIGHT have a positive effect... I don't listen to him by heart... but on some basic aspects he has some right foundations... plus he does a lot of research with other facilities... not just under his own findings...

All I'm trying to say is keep an open mind about anything and everything....bugbee...our own community....

I know tone can be lost in text brotha man, I'm just engaging in FRIENDLY debate... that's all... I have no intention in rattling anyone up... just to put on record....

I listened to bugbee and Chris a.k.a Mr. Grow it... I thought that 2 hour cast was great with them 2...

But I also like indica institute when I was a beginner too...


Oh we're good! 🤝 I type and read like we're in a room together shooting the bull. It's us against them.

The problem I have with him is he's motivated by sales, scientists/Drs need to just do their scientist stuff far far away from us homegrowers. It would be fine but he uses his elevated position like an advertisment to steer us little guys expecially newer growers. Of course people will listen to him over us. Makes our life hard when we try to help people on the fundamental level.

Straight up, guys like that think they're the authority, ever debate with a horticulture student? Someone still in college that's never grown a plant but feels they know everything and can help people grow.

All those guys, they're not good for us. They're scientists. They're why people use PGRs. They're the guys cultivation businesses look up to to maximize profits at a determent of customers health. It's all business to them. Profits and money.

I don't know if you know what I'm talking about. We're in a fight against people motivated by money only.

And Dude Grows...smh...

I have a screenshot of me arguing with an influential 'master grower' who works for a massive MSO blasting me for helping people with facts. Telling me that what I'm doing is wrong (free help) and the information I give should be sold. He was so mad he blasted me publically, even posting pictures of his grow which were burnt up worse than any plant I ever seen. His motivation was his state was about to vote on Adult use homegrow. Me saying homegrowing is cheap and easy with him saying it's hard and expensive....costing thousands for a homegrower to startup, saying weed costs hundreds to grow while I say you can startup for $600 and grow weed indoors for as little as $8 an ounce.

I protect the little guy, us.

I'm not that guy to mislead people. My reputation amongst us is solid. My motivation is grassroots to help people grow without tricking them into anything. There's not much money to be made growing cheap and easy. Tons of money to be made by making growing difficult.

My videos are getting better. Helping people grow is my thing. I'm known a little, you think anyone wants to promote me and my detailed step by step instructions? Heck no, no one would make any money lol. They'd get views but no sponsors because ain't no way I can only advise one brand of light to buy. I'm bad for business.


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
I get it brotha man... it's like hells kitchen almost... everyone thinks they are bringing a master piece on their first battle and the master chef spits on them... and the whole business aspect of him self promoting does hurt the whole point as well....

Like with everyone take it with a grain of salt and figure out what works best for each individual self!!!


I grew my first plants in the late 70's. That doesn't make me great at it or more knowledgeable that the next guy but I have learned a lot over the years. Some of the things that have really changed since then are:
1. Quality and variety of the plants we grow and the abundance of seeds. You couldn't just search strains and buy them online. You got a bag of something fairly good and picked all the seeds out and tried to grow some.
2. Knowledge: pretty huge. I read High Time magazines and ordered a obscure books (or leaflets) on how to grow. Thinking back it was pretty basic, not very informative and half my plants died. Female plants? Flowers? meh, just grow a plant, cut it down, dry it and smoke it. Now we have the internet. Tons of quick, easy to access information. Man... looking back, I only wish I had the same information available then as now.
3. Equipment: Huge different combined with 1 & 2 above. First bulbs were just simple florescent lights or if you have the bucks incandescent plant grow bulbs. Lots of folks didn't have the luxury of a safe secure outdoor growing spot, so your bedroom closet or basement was the alternative. You just hoped the higher electric bill didn't alert anyone that something was going on at your address. Bottom line (and the moral to my story I guess) is that lighting and our knowledge about proper light spectrum has really evolved. Technology has improved lighting, increased efficiency and overall changed drastically and I'm sure will continue to do so. If you're new to this stuff I'd recommend reading and searching online and learning all you can before investing your time and money. I've used about every light type out there and I know there are a lot of old guys out there who have hung on to lights that have worked well for them and are hesitant to change because what they do simply works for them, but I've switched to LEDs and (please don't start a lighting argument with me) and find them the most efficient overall. There are lots of good brands out there and lots of junk. I have a couple Mars that are ok but use HLG's pretty much excursively now. LED's run cooler making it easier to regulate temperatures, use tons less electricity, offer dimming to regulate light intensity and the current technology has progressed and offers spectrums that work great for our plants for veg, flower and both. They also have a long life. Reasonable LED fixtures are realitivily inexpensive and widely avaialable to fit your budget and space or tent size. Just my 2 cents and you'll get different advice from different folks but in my opinion decent LED's are the way to go!


If you want to just say screw it... look into the phlizon fd6500.... it's 350 bucks for a 640w led... this will suit your 4x4 perfectly!!!!

I've had great harvests under that light and won't kill your power bill... also you will not have as much heat issues either...

I got my boss to switch lights in middle of her veg cycle and her plants are much happier under LED compared to her mh/hps
Vouch the phlizon FD6500 I just took mine down but very good harvests under it just swapping lights again This grow, I just am getting my mars hydro FC-E8000 set back up for another run,

But for a 4x4 go for the FD6500 and I never turned mine up past 70% in my 4x4 plenty of headroom left but runs a bit warm (I believe new model has detachable driver!)

Edit: the phlizon pl4500 I’m running in my 4x4 right now is plenty powerful as well for the space all depends on how hard you plan to push the plants
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