Oh we're good!
I type and read like we're in a room together shooting the bull. It's us against them.
The problem I have with him is he's motivated by sales, scientists/Drs need to just do their scientist stuff far far away from us homegrowers. It would be fine but he uses his elevated position like an advertisment to steer us little guys expecially newer growers. Of course people will listen to him over us. Makes our life hard when we try to help people on the fundamental level.
Straight up, guys like that think they're the authority, ever debate with a horticulture student? Someone still in college that's never grown a plant but feels they know everything and can help people grow.
All those guys, they're not good for us. They're scientists. They're why people use PGRs. They're the guys cultivation businesses look up to to maximize profits at a determent of customers health. It's all business to them. Profits and money.
I don't know if you know what I'm talking about. We're in a fight against people motivated by money only.
And Dude Grows...smh...
I have a screenshot of me arguing with an influential 'master grower' who works for a massive MSO blasting me for helping people with facts. Telling me that what I'm doing is wrong (free help) and the information I give should be sold. He was so mad he blasted me publically, even posting pictures of his grow which were burnt up worse than any plant I ever seen. His motivation was his state was about to vote on Adult use homegrow. Me saying homegrowing is cheap and easy with him saying it's hard and expensive....costing thousands for a homegrower to startup, saying weed costs hundreds to grow while I say you can startup for $600 and grow weed indoors for as little as $8 an ounce.
I protect the little guy, us.
I'm not that guy to mislead people. My reputation amongst us is solid. My motivation is grassroots to help people grow without tricking them into anything. There's not much money to be made growing cheap and easy. Tons of money to be made by making growing difficult.
My videos are getting better. Helping people grow is my thing. I'm known a little, you think anyone wants to promote me and my detailed step by step instructions? Heck no, no one would make any money lol. They'd get views but no sponsors because ain't no way I can only advise one brand of light to buy. I'm bad for business.