well that shit ain’t gonna snort itself.
You see, my nose and I, we have a really kinda multi generational affinity for the devils dandruff. It smells so great. Haven’t done it in decades, I’m not a fan of blowing corn flakes out of my nose, in the shower, On to my foot.
like booze it was always, “I’m never doing that again” but somewhere back in the deep recesses of of the clown mind, is that other clown. His name is Leonard rockstein
Or better known as dr rockso the rock and roll clown.
He does cocaine.
It’s always him that pushed my to get those wider straws from a burger joint.
Nothing like rolling through jack in the box at 347 am on a
Tuesday to order nothing but a straw.
It’s the best cartoon representation of diamond Dave ever it kills me. it never gets old. I love older Dave era Van Halen,
But Sammy, 5150 was a masterpiece.
Just a different caliber.