Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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So I started this beginning of March topped and mainlined was sopose to be skywalker og fem photo showed preflower early same time as autos started at same time but kept on veggin in ne ohio I put it outside last weekend was on 18/6 inside sunrise like 6am sunset like 9pm but is it going full flower will it reveg let it be ???
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So I started this beginning of March topped and mainlined was sopose to be skywalker og fem photo showed preflower early same time as autos started at same time but kept on veggin in ne ohio I put it outside last weekend was on 18/6 inside sunrise like 6am sunset like 9pm but is it going full flower will it reveg let it be ???
itlllikely reveg on you yea. If your putting plants outside in spring, they need to be before preflowers, otherwise if sexually mature or clones, you really either need to keep them lit into the night somehow, or wait till end of may/early june to put outside.

If moving plants outside i usually keep em on a 14/10 schedule, and make sure i get them outside before they preflower. They need to be exposed to decreasing night time hours by the time they preflower so they know its still spring. Its not actually the hour count that matters for flowering, its whether or not the hours count is the same as it has been recently. No cannabis plant will flower at 12hrs daylight, if it has already been being exposed to decreasing dark hours consistently before it reaches sexual maturity, the plant is biologically programmed to recognize this as meaning it's spring.

Taking the plant from 18/6 into whatever the daylight schedule is outside made it think its fall, and its late to flower, itll be a a bit before it realizes it was wrong, and then itll reveg on you probably.


Yeah you’re probably right..

I did see some white flies on some honeysuckle vines in a different location the other day..


Yeah you’re probably right..

I did see some white flies on some honeysuckle vines in a different location the other day..
Just tell the kid there was bugs biting you and they had to go outside. Then tell him he can grow one indoor from seed, and the bug explanation. It should be a good learning experience for him and give him some appreciation and understanding of gardening.


Just tell the kid there was bugs biting you and they had to go outside. Then tell him he can grow one indoor from seed, and the bug explanation. It should be a good learning experience for him and give him some appreciation and understanding of gardening.
I can just tell him the truth. He knows what’s up. And gardening!? Oh he’s got that down. He goes to a nature school. Has his own plot and brings bags of produce home that he plants and harvests himself every week..

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