So West Wednesday my wife and I receive a phone call that her 83 year-old father is on the way to the hospital fast-forward a few hours later in the day come to find out he’s in renal failure and only has 5% of his kidney function. well we dreaded the worst Thanksgiving here on our end of town Was you know put on hold And the outlook was not good but I kept on telling everybody that old goat is one tough SOB I mean, seriously man the amount of respect I have for this old coot. Is immense, just a man that saltof the Earth people, tough as fuck and he never stopped moving even at his age. Now you can find him on his tractor at the farm knocking down acreage every week. He’s no slouch, well it’s now 5 days later and dude’s creatine levels are getting back up to where they need to be, and now he will be on dialysis three times a week for his remainder of his time here in this plain of existence, but I’ll tell you? He inspiring… you know I’ve been having some crazy stuff going on this past year, especially seems like the closer to the end of the year things get the frequency of the madness has definitely cranked up some, but with all the bad shit that happened this year, this is a blessing the man is still with us. His kidneys are getting better and he’s starting to bitch at people when they show up at the hospital now so he’s definitely feeling better.

nowI’ve been meaning to make more time over the past few days to get on here and shoot the shit with y’all and you know be a general jackass but the Wi-Fi connection at the hospital is really spotty and I’ve been spending a lot of time there I’ve had enough time to come home and take care of my shit and go to sleep, and the rest of the time has been there at the hospital, supporting my wife and the rest of my Texas
So with all that being said, I’m feeling great. I’m feeling blessed and I hope that the rest of y’all are too. I hope that your herb is tasty your nuggets plentiful and your heating oil tanks fulll, its fucking cold even here. wtf?
So today’s checklist is a thick one because I still haven’t gotten to the manifold in the attic which I plan on doing today hopefully we’ll see who fucking knows at this point. I gotta finish the harvest. I’ve got a rearrange the room, clean the hell out of it.. but the original skunk number one will be getting up potted from a three to a seven as well as the Haymeadow purple mother that I have still . my reveg flower revenge flower revenge project I fucked with will be going in a three
And so will the other little kuhuna I stashed in there.
I have a bit of shelving that I need to move that will better suit my upcoming grow relative to the bunker.
It’s Monday.
I’m so sorry.
Bc that blows