Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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This 1 for you n mrs Cap 👍 posted then thought nope people be seeing my front porch and know it’s me that paranoia hits hard in illegal countries 😂
IMG 6863
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Cap'n Chronic
gonna throw this out there for anyone going through the whole cancer ordeal (i'm a 6yr survivor 👊), or death from long term illness or disease, or just death in general. this is an excellent read, especially if you're on a spiritual or philosophical journey. wilber is my favorite contemporary american philosopher. i've read most of his [many] books, "a brief history of everything" being a good introduction to his work. again, highly recommend
hope someone finds use of this.
(i've read his critics as well. some are valid, but all in all, ken has some solid ideas)
-peace- 💪 👊 👍✌️🎅🍻
Screenshot 2024 12 14 at 15 54 10 grace and grit ken wilber   Google Search


Living Soil Student
noted, however we have to be careful not to let this spin into something political. i believe it's going to be impacted more by whats going on environmentally, such as the earths tilt beginning to wobble worse, (now thought to be caused by the displacement of fresh water around the planet, appx 3.9 trillion cubic meters annually**) the scarcity of fresh water getting worse, yellowstone trying to reawaken, the collapsing of *"The North Atlantic Current, part of the larger Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), is showing signs of potential collapse" [* www.livescience.com]. my guess is we're going to lose 29, so that's 61 seconds to midnight for my guess.
* data.worldbank.com
** fun fact: a stack of 1 trillion $1 dollar bills = 67,866 miles tall (stacked flat, not end to end)
-peace- 💪 👊 👍✌️🎅🤶
Aliens man… it’s the aliens that’ll change the doomsday clock 🤣

That and Willow, googles new superchip… which they have now said… has communicated with alternate demsions (multiverse) ? What? Look it up, the power of that chip and it’s processing power is Quintillions times faster and more powerful than any supercomputer on earth. And has created and solved math equations they have never even fathomed before.

The world is about to go through a very big shift in technology. Most are not prepared for what may come of it but we shall see, most of us are of the age group that has lived both before and after the invention of the internet an cell phones and computers. Imagine what else we’ll see in a few years.

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