Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Living Soil Student
Also we’ve seen “UFO’s”, drones, and “orbs” the photos of the orbs are the most fascinating to me. They can’t explain what people are seeing but in my mind all I can think is that it’s some sort of plasma, or energy. Obviously intelligently controlled as they react to planes etc but they have no idea what they are

Similar to the one that was on the runway in the UK that had a blue hue to it
IMG 4274


Cap'n Chronic
Aliens man… it’s the aliens that’ll change the doomsday clock 🤣

That and Willow, googles new superchip… which they have now said… has communicated with alternate demsions (multiverse) ? What? Look it up, the power of that chip and it’s processing power is Quintillions times faster and more powerful than any supercomputer on earth. And has created and solved math equations they have never even fathomed before.

The world is about to go through a very big shift in technology. Most are not prepared for what may come of it but we shall see, most of us are of the age group that has lived both before and after the invention of the internet an cell phones and computers. Imagine what else we’ll see in a few years.
dude, i've been preaching this👆 shit ever since i was 14 (58 now) and read a book called "the global brain" by peter russell. (my mentor Murf gave it to me) it talked in depth about how we were on the verge of an "evolutionary leap" that would virtually overnight project us thousands or even millions of years into the future.

i've been on a crazy ass incredible ride of my life (only one of many i'm sure) ever since... there's very much totally unbelievable shit, i don't believe a lot it of myself... but i know because i lived it. people that know me will tell you that i don't normally talk a lot, but when i do, it's usually worth listening to. you all can make up your minds about me after i've been around a while, some already have...

as i've already posted, my only claim is to be a lifelong student of the universe. and that i'm surrounded by 8.2 billion master teachers. thanks' to each and every one of you. you are much loved.

and remember - no talk about fight club...🤫


ps - buckle the fuck up homies, your're in for the ride of your lives! 💪 👊👍✌️🎅🤶🎼🎶
Screenshot 2024 12 10 at 14 00 54 ChatGPT


Cap'n Chronic
Also we’ve seen “UFO’s”, drones, and “orbs” the photos of the orbs are the most fascinating to me. They can’t explain what people are seeing but in my mind all I can think is that it’s some sort of plasma, or energy. Obviously intelligently controlled as they react to planes etc but they have no idea what they are

Similar to the one that was on the runway in the UK that had a blue hue to it
foo fighters bro! like many pilots reported during WWII....😅



Also we’ve seen “UFO’s”, drones, and “orbs” the photos of the orbs are the most fascinating to me. They can’t explain what people are seeing but in my mind all I can think is that it’s some sort of plasma, or energy. Obviously intelligently controlled as they react to planes etc but they have no idea what they are

Similar to the one that was on the runway in the UK that had a blue hue to it
Looks like a trichome😂


Living Soil Student
foo fighters bro! like many pilots reported during WWII....😅

Glad there are others that look at shit that… “shouldn’t be”

I agree with the multi life theory as well, makes sense for the “out of place objects” like picks found half encased in stone etc

There’s scientis out there for years now that have said we’re basically on the 5th life cycle. Basically civilization had been built to technological heights and then collapsed, multiple times on earth. Really I tersting stuff when you start really reading into it. Have you been introduced to the conspiracy thread yet here?


Cap'n Chronic
Glad there are others that look at shit that… “shouldn’t be”

I agree with the multi life theory as well, makes sense for the “out of place objects” like picks found half encased in stone etc

There’s scientis out there for years now that have said we’re basically on the 5th life cycle. Basically civilization had been built to technological heights and then collapsed, multiple times on earth. Really I tersting stuff when you start really reading into it. Have you been introduced to the conspiracy thread yet here?
no i haven't

is it invite only... i can't find it?
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Howdy folks!
Had a death in the fam,
Wifey has been a wreck,
Its been a hard couple of weeks for the clown fam yall.
Spark one for the old man,
Homie fought for every inch.
Respect, and love.
I know ive been sporadic at best these last few weeks, i aim to resolve that to the best of my abiluty asap.
Ill post some pics asap and update the ol spider thread too.
Im lurk some threads, seenif i can help at all.
Miss you fuckers.
My better half has power of attorney,
Bet your ass the bs has already begun.
Anywho, deathmetal and some upkeep on the plants. 👊🏻🤡
Sorry for you and your wifes loss. Been a rough year for the Spaulding family, hopefully you’ll find some peace in the new year.


Cap'n Chronic
Glad there are others that look at shit that… “shouldn’t be”

I agree with the multi life theory as well, makes sense for the “out of place objects” like picks found half encased in stone etc

There’s scientis out there for years now that have said we’re basically on the 5th life cycle. Basically civilization had been built to technological heights and then collapsed, multiple times on earth. Really I tersting stuff when you start really reading into it. Have you been introduced to the conspiracy thread yet here?
i'll see if i can find the link
Screenshot 2024 12 14 at 20 31 43 Meme Generator   Imgflip


Aliens man… it’s the aliens that’ll change the doomsday clock 🤣

That and Willow, googles new superchip… which they have now said… has communicated with alternate demsions (multiverse) ? What? Look it up, the power of that chip and it’s processing power is Quintillions times faster and more powerful than any supercomputer on earth. And has created and solved math equations they have never even fathomed before.

The world is about to go through a very big shift in technology. Most are not prepared for what may come of it but we shall see, most of us are of the age group that has lived both before and after the invention of the internet an cell phones and computers. Imagine what else we’ll see in a few years.
I was just talking about this today with my cousin, man harness the use of fire 2 million years ago, takes almost the entirety of the two million years to weaponize gunpowder, first documented use is around 1132, 813 years later the first atomic bomb is detonated. In the 80 years since then nearly 60% of the world population walks around with super computers in their hands. It’s crazy to think about how accelerated technological advances have become.


I was just talking about this today with my cousin, man harness the use of fire 2 million years ago, takes almost the entirety of the two million years to weaponize gunpowder, first documented use is around 1132, 813 years later the first atomic bomb is detonated. In the 80 years since then nearly 60% of the world population walks around with super computers in their hands. It’s crazy to think about how accelerated technological advances have become.
Is it illogical to maybe believe that our past peoples may have grown, on levels that maybe we can’t comprehend right now. Then blown our selves up ? 🤷‍♂️🤓🔥


Cap'n Chronic
Aliens man… it’s the aliens that’ll change the doomsday clock 🤣

That and Willow, googles new superchip… which they have now said… has communicated with alternate demsions (multiverse) ? What? Look it up, the power of that chip and it’s processing power is Quintillions times faster and more powerful than any supercomputer on earth. And has created and solved math equations they have never even fathomed before.

The world is about to go through a very big shift in technology. Most are not prepared for what may come of it but we shall see, most of us are of the age group that has lived both before and after the invention of the internet an cell phones and computers. Imagine what else we’ll see in a few years.
hey man, you ever heard of "smart molecules"? they will be in everything: building materials, paint, furniture etc etc eveything. furniture will bo able to change shape, vehicles and roads and planes and air-lanes, will all be talking to each other and know where they are in 4 dimensional space. every surface of everything manufactured, will become an hd smart screen etc. endless possibilities... they will live in our bodies and prevent us from dying.... forever... possibilities are endless... scary huh? think of "the day the earth stood still" and "grey goo".... possibilities literally so big so profound, we can't even begin to fathom atm.... rather than teaching kids what to learn, we better start teaching them how to learn (like the dude teaches his kids in captain fantastic....) later -



Also we’ve seen “UFO’s”, drones, and “orbs” the photos of the orbs are the most fascinating to me. They can’t explain what people are seeing but in my mind all I can think is that it’s some sort of plasma, or energy. Obviously intelligently controlled as they react to planes etc but they have no idea what they are

Similar to the one that was on the runway in the UK that had a blue hue to it
Seems like there’s a common theme when nuclear weapons are on the brink of being used, there seems to be an uptick or rise in ufo sightings. There’s documented cases of ufo’s showing up near missle silos and systems going offline completely. If that’s not a red flag warning then I don’t know what is. They’re telling us not to fuck it all up.
We’re not alone in the twilight zone!

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