Killed 4 males. Here’s the remaining lineup. Front left- nlxm6, rear left m86x special queen. Rear middle ml86 blue tag with a question mark… more on this below.. right read Pb2X haymeadow. Front right is a m86 reg. I haven’t yet determined. There’s no ball sacks , I think I found a little white hair. I will be keeping a close eye on them. Here’s the cuts I took.
The right two are the m86 with a question mark that grew out of one cup. Well one’s a boy the other’s a girl. I should have marked a pot with an and b. Fuck me. I have had them on 18 hours of light and I swear the cuts are flowering but I can’t tell the difference on the cuts. Quite frankly I haven’t done any spraying on the leaves and haven’t really even looked at at them much.
^ the special queen x m86 is growing nubs
one of the m86 same. The only thing I did was put them in a cup of water and change the water every few days ^
^ the special queen x m86 had some gelatinous liquid coming out of the stem when removing from the cup . Kind of weird. My fingernails don’t look like that, not sure why that picture turned up like that

Here’s my bad ass cloning box I created. Cup o water and I zip tied the ac affinity t5 lights from their seed germination kit to bigger light. They are the all rooting and the best looking cuttings I have gotten to root. Most of the time they just die