Tobh's 2 Sq. Ft. Sog (maybe Perpetual)

  • Thread starter tobh
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Hey everyone!

Back at it again, same genetics (clones from the same original mom), same box, same light configuration, same medium and nutrients (this may change upon flip, will go by feel). Difference is, plant count is way up and instead of a scrog I'm running a sea of green. Reason being, I'm trying to maximize yield out of this current setup and with the scrog I was pretty much SOL for an entire quarter of the grow area after a major incident. So I figure with this configuration, one plant goes down not a huge loss. So here's the run down on the specs:

-Personal cross (still unstable) currently called "Nothing"
-Straight coco (recycled from last run)
-Canna Coco A & B
-General Organics BioRoot
-General Hydroponics CaliMagic
-CFL (day time spectrum)
-2 sq. ft. cabinet

Currently I have 16 rooted clones and four unrooted in the box. As you'll see, this last clone run didn't all root at the same time and you can see the difference. It's unreal, as soon as roots hit the bottom of these cups the top just explodes in growth. Anyways, I think I covered what needs covered, here's some damn pictures. Nothing exciting yet, just doing their thing.

Second row in, the one hiding the two back rows, these ladies took off quickly. Got me stressing.
20150730 215942

Humidity is a bit high, having to adjust the humidifier daily to get it dialed back in from the last grow.
20150730 215954

Notice the size difference here, far left is still getting its feelers out there and each move to the right shows progress.
20150730 220008

Random discoloration that shows up with this strain. Genetics aren't all too stable (this particular line is sporadically mutated) but she grows strong, stinks like absolute shit even now and does not herm.
20150730 220033

Next stage of roots, this one is gonna be as tall as her sisters here in a day or two.
20150730 220052

And here's the remaining aftermath of a hard start on this run. Loaded up the cups with the coco, took the cuts, went away for 5 days, came back for first watering and cumulative run off from 16 cups was 6000+ ppm! Obviously I flushed every single cup by hand individually until each read exactly 500 ppm again. Since staying on top of it, things are going much better but some of these ladies are still struggling to catch up.
20150730 220120

So now that you all have seen the pictures of the current status quo, what are your thoughts on this stoned idea I fell on today. Considering I have roughly 6-8 clones which are of comparable size, four of which are the size I want to flower at, should I scrap the stragglers, throw the current ones into flower and ramp up for a perpetual set up?

Could have another 6-8 clones ready within two weeks though I'm currently capped out at 20 (may be able to squeeze in 5 more, but it would be tight.) If I held on to 8 now, scrapped the others or moved the to another location to catch up and put them back in the box after the original 8 are well into flower (3 - 4 weeks roughly) would one consider this an effective time schedule? This would put 4 weeks between each run. The only problem is I'm thinking this is a 10 - 12 week strain still, second run with it so will know for sure after this.

Once again guys thanks for stopping in on my thread and reading through my ridiculous volume of detail. What can I say, I'm a rambler haha.

One Love,


Time for another update. Getting ready to go into flower in the next couple days, did some trimming on the taller ones, getting lower stuff that has no chance of reaching canopy level taken out. Will supercrop tomorrow then wait a few days and flip probably next Monday. Here's some shots.

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These ladies haven't even set roots to the sides of the cups yet. Probably going to get culled and replaced with new ones. Ain't got time for slow pokes!
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So there it is for now. Another update will probably come next week.

One Love,


pulling up a recliner for the show.... never had great success cloning in coco so I still work the clone dome with jiffy pellets lol.......


Glad to have you back tobh, the girls are looking perky! I'll be observing your work once again, and sending good vibes your way.

~ Ren


@stanknkatz see, I always had issues cloning with rapid rooters or jiffy pellets and a dome! Nearly 90% failure rate that way, but with coco I've found I take the cuts, soak in a glass of tap for ~5 minutes (not the whole cutting, just the lower area that will be in the dirt), dip in rooting powder (cheap MG powder from wal-Hell) and into the precharged coco. Leave alone for five days, give first watering with 1/4 strength nutes, then wait till the cups feels light. Works every time. 100% success rate most of the time. Hope you enjoy the show!

@Renseller thank you! The ladies have lushed up a bit more, the shorter ones are catching up and everything is finally getting a nice dark shade of green instead of the lime green. I had been feeding real light, around 0.5 - 0.7 EC. Yesterday's feeding was 1.0 EC and they responded quite well. Life has been hectic to say the least, brother going to jail and all efforts going towards his legal defense. Without throwing too much dirty laundry out there, let's just say the plans G and I had talked about disintegrated on my end due to responsibilities on the home front. Now if I can figure out my log in, I'll get ahold of him at some point and explain in more detail.

Either way, this run will be much more successful I think as I will be (most likely) switching to Jacks around week 4 of flower and really see if I can enhance these flowers this time. Don't see any reason I can't get rock hard, trichome covered buds under CFL's; it's simply a matter of figuring out the appropriate feeding! Last run had no bloom boosters or much modification in the feeding regiment come flower so this time we're changing that up!

One Love,


Very glad to hear friend. Jacks does wonders...but might I suggest you add some flavor enhancers (preferably organic) sometime in your flowering period. G and I have the suspicion that Jacks provides the basic chelated nutrients plants need -- which is why they grow so wonderfully -- but does not contribute to some of the other metabolic processes that are essential to it's development (such as the process of sugars). We're not sure if this is the case, it is simply what we've observed. Switching to Blossom Booster midway through flower was one of the better decisions we've made though! The buds bulk up way more so than using Jacks Pro/Cal Nit alone all throughout.

We understand where you're coming from, we've been quite preoccupied ourselves. Sometimes I think certain plans and ideas only come to fruition when the time is right. So no need to worry, we're all just taking life one step at a time.

I hope you have much success with Jacks...keep us updated on the differences you see between the nute regiment you're used to and the new one you're about to try. I'm interested to read what you think!

All the best,


Switching to Blossom Booster midway through flower was one of the better decisions we've made though! The buds bulk up way more so than using Jacks Pro/Cal Nit alone all throughout.

So do you modify your ratios and add the Blossom Booster in addition to the Pro/Cal Nit or do you completely change over to just using the Blossom Booster by itself? It's been a bit since I've read about nutrient profiles, so forgive me if this seems self-explanatory. I'm looking at their lines now on Amazon, trying to decide what I should place an order in for. Thinking the All-Purpose 20-20-20 may be suitable for veg but during flower I'm not a fan of such high N. Do you guys order from Amazon or do you have a specific retailer you order from? Can drop me a PM if you don't want to publicly disclose your supplier. Thanks for being understanding, you and G are some solid cats. Wish I had your kind locally.


hey man,

wanted to come check out what you got going on :) looking good man, looking forward to seeing ya flower out.

Subbed up for the ride my friend. I loved and hated doing SOG. I had a purple ak47 that was perfect for it, made nice 1 liter bottle sized colas, no side branches, and rooted easy. I found in my runs, if there was one that was lagging when rooted, its better to compost it and let the ones wanting to take off get after it. I try to take 5-7 extra clones and pick the very best ones. In small spaces especially, canopy space is a premium.


hey man,

wanted to come check out what you got going on :) looking good man, looking forward to seeing ya flower out.

Subbed up for the ride my friend. I loved and hated doing SOG. I had a purple ak47 that was perfect for it, made nice 1 liter bottle sized colas, no side branches, and rooted easy. I found in my runs, if there was one that was lagging when rooted, its better to compost it and let the ones wanting to take off get after it. I try to take 5-7 extra clones and pick the very best ones. In small spaces especially, canopy space is a premium.

True that man. I'm going to flip on Monday, giving some of these final chances to level out. Whatever doesn't make the cut is going outside, survival of the fittest for the end of the outdoor season. I'm not sure if this strain is good for SOG as it loves to branch. Some of these ladies already have three or four tops. I figure the ones that don't make the cut won't be a big loss as I'll fill the space with the ones that are obviously wanting the space. Hoping to hit 4 zips out of this run so long I don't fuck it up again haha. My understanding with SOG is you want individual lollipop type plants right? Not super branchy plants that throw out a lot of side shoots?

Depending on what happens, the removal of a few wouldn't be a bad thing. Just means I can take more cuts and throw them right in at about week 4 and get this perpetual ball rolling!

Thanks for stopping by! Definitely appreciated, I aspire to be on your level some day. Hopefully closer to it after this run lol.


Yep, best SOG strains are solid colas. Idea is to fit as many colas into the space as possible from indiviaul plants. When I ran the purple ak47 for sog I did (stoner memory so maybe off a little) 5x10 tables under 2 1ks like 40 plants per side in a grid 5 day veg time from massive roots in the cloner, and usually got 3/4 oz to 1.25 oz per plant. and that was handwatering lol. (I dont recommend hand watering)


Another key factor is having good moms to pull healthy clones off of. I found it was the veg side that makes or breaks it. Healthy moms pushing 50 clones of equal size and vigor that root quickly and take off quickly is paramount.


Well, I went through the box last night and pulled out the four that I felt were lagging behind, super cropped the excessively large ones and will flip on Monday as planned. The "volunteers" will be put in the ground outside and allowed to run the rest of their lives outdoors. So down to 12 plants instead of the 16 originally planned. This strain isn't quite right for SOG, but I gotta say, hand watering 12 plants vs 40 isn't much of a chore. Figure I should still hit my numbers how I want with the lower plant volume. Thanks for the input man! Very, very much appreciated.


no problem man! some strains are better suited then others, but i suspect you will have a good harvest reguardless. After all, its a weed :) Just gotta let it do its thing, happy healthy plants make good buds.


So do you modify your ratios and add the Blossom Booster in addition to the Pro/Cal Nit or do you completely change over to just using the Blossom Booster by itself? It's been a bit since I've read about nutrient profiles, so forgive me if this seems self-explanatory. I'm looking at their lines now on Amazon, trying to decide what I should place an order in for. Thinking the All-Purpose 20-20-20 may be suitable for veg but during flower I'm not a fan of such high N. Do you guys order from Amazon or do you have a specific retailer you order from? Can drop me a PM if you don't want to publicly disclose your supplier. Thanks for being understanding, you and G are some solid cats. Wish I had your kind locally.

Sorry for the late response tobh,

We choose to drop both the Jacks Pro/Cal Nit to Blossom Booster strictly (with the exception of CalMag and MgSO4 when needed). We are also careful with feeding our girls too much N in flower, which is why we switch completely to BB. G usually orders it all straight from J.R. Peters, and I believe this is the most reasonably priced option. Or we pick it up from our local hydro store if we don't (or rather "forget" hehe) to order it online.


Time for another update. Today is the first day of 12/12. They spent approximately 40 hours give or take in the dark and lights on is now set at on 10am off 10pm. This should accomodate my soon to be busy schedule as life threw yet another curve ball and I'm actively seeking full time work. Again. Anyways, I pulled four of the stragglers out, they're getting hardened off outside when it's not pouring raining and throwing lightning all over, this year has been nuts for weather.

I fed them their first heavy dose at 1.8 EC to assist with the stretch as this strain loves to reach as far as it can. Much super cropping will be going on. So much for a SOG, this strain is NOT good for this style of grow but it filled the box already with just 12 plants in there. Perpetual is looking out of the question as of now due to obvious space constraints. Figure I'll flower out the mother outside as well and pop more beans halfway through this run, will figure out where and how I'll manage that when the time comes. This cut is awesome and all but I've got upwards of 70 more beans to go through to find the real gems in this hybrid and may do some selective breeding to refine it further, after this run of course.

Runoff on these ladies all matches up at around 1.5-1.6 EC and pH going in I allow for between 5.6 and 5.8, may feed them a dose at 5.5 next time just to open up a bit more N for them to really green up. Some of the prior (and very aggressive) super cropping didn't take so I've lost some tops, not that it matters, there's more tops than I've got the patience to count as of right now. Figure I'll hit my numbers just fine either, may exceed last harvest out of this box. Gotta say, having 22 plants around in various mediums and lighting situations is probably one of the coolest moments I've had in a while.

Enough of my sober ramblings (stopped smoking a few days ago to clean up for those damn urine tests.) Here's some pictures XD Nothing exciting, just day one of flowering.

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20150810 203926

Some pictures of a storm blowing through, hitting us fairly hard atm. Crazy watching these roll across the desert, you can just watch a curtain of rain dissolve everything in the distance as it builds up and comes through the valley.
20150810 195926

20150810 195936

We call this mountain Thieve's mountain. Riddled with caves. Rumor is Cortez's men stashed a boat load of silver in the caves there. Best not to tread around much during the summer though, it's heavily infested with Rattlesnakes and other unsavory creatures.
20150810 195951

Once again, thanks for stopping by!

One Love,


Nice. With your setup, have you ever considered going hydro? Like an ebb & flow table? It's so much easier to take care of, I find the nutrient recipe is easier to dial in. Growth is faster.

I'll never go back to soil. And if you are just trying to sog the plants like that, a hydro table will make your life easier (in my opinion) better plants, faster turnaround.


Haha man, I've been looking for a tray that will fit in that cabinet since I started this run. No such luck yet though. The reality is I would gain a few more valuable inches of vertical growth space with an ebb and flow table. Not going full hydro as I am still in love with coco far too much, but I am looking to go to a tray next time. Think it will provide much easier maintenance and will lead to happier, faster growing plants.


Time for another update! Been a couple weeks, things are moving along. Stretch is full on, been supercropping high risers nearly every day. Started weaving branches amongst each other to hold themselves down. Gonna make for an interesting experience come harvest but no biggie. Should've flipped a week or two earlier but you live an learn right? Trying to squeeze as much as I can out of this 2 sq ft space. Don't hate! Haha.

Considering a variety of bloom boosters, just not sure which to go with. Needs to be (A) affordable and (B) preferably salt based. Locally available would be also preferred. Probably going to go by the hydro shop tomorrow and see what they try to ram down my throat there. But before I do that, does anyone have an opinion on a preferred liquid bloom enhancer? Looking to help these ladies pack on the sugar this run and maybe gain some extra weight. Harder nugs would be nice though I know that's a stretch for CFL's. Last run was nice but a lot of the buds were fairly airy and I would like them to be a bit harder this go round.

Anyways, here's some pics!

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Refilled the humidifier a couple hours ago, check the humidity when taking these and it was sitting at 81%, 68 degrees F. Turned it back down immediately, must've hit the dial on accident when I was fooling around with it.
20150824 152701

20150824 152713
20150824 152723

Getting a little leaf clawing going on, gonna flush today. EC in the runoff has crept up to over 2.0 EC again, so gonna bring it back down to around 1.5. They seem to like it in that range better than heavy feeding. Not like her parents I guess. Those bad boys would take all you could feed em. These ladies are a bit more conservative I guess.

Thanks for stopping by!

One Love,

EDIT: Just received The Crowd Goes Wild! badge. Don't know what it is, but every time I get a new one of those it makes me all giddy and shit haha.


They are looking good :) Hopefully the ganja gods smile down on the harvests!

I used the canna line up for a while in coco, worked good I suppose. I am back in organics though and soil though, prefer it.

stay free stay high



Yeah this is my last run with canna. Decent product but something just feels missing, you know? I think I could do much better building my own regimen with Jack's. Picked up some moab this week for my bloom booster. Going to follow Tnelz advice and apply it once a week until week 6 or 7 then hit em with it every watering. Think I went a little heavy on the first use as I did get some random tip burn on various leaves but nothing severe. They just weren't expecting such a heavy boost in pk. Either way, I won't go organic until I'm back in the PNW, considering everyone up there seems to prefer organic soil over salt-based grows iirc. May still run around with my finger in the air and do salts anyways. I like the science behind it, it satisfies my inner techie nerd and need to know every miniscule detail. But canna, it's going out the door after this run.

A few years ago, this stuff seemed to be the bees knees. I think they changed up their formula though. And following their feed schedule is absolute BS. I don't know where they got their numbers from but adding 13 mL per gallon of just A & B with my calmag supplement puts the solution at like 2.3 EC. WAY out of range for me. The ladies seem to be doing better on a feeding of 1.5 to 1.8 EC and allowing a pH swing between 5.5 and 6.0. I know a lot of people avoid going lower than 5.8 but I've noticed the ladies perk up a bit more than usual at that pH and seem to like the swing. Helped get rid of the purple stems and petioles as well as the lower EC feedings. I don't think I've exceeded a feeding of 1.8 EC this run at all, maybe once where I hit them with 2.0 EC and they got all pissy.

Thanks for stopping by papapayne! It humbles me having someone I respect so much as a grower swing by my thread and compliment my (in comparison to most everyone else here) small plants. Only thing I need to learn at this point is when to flip on time so I'm not supercropping daily and winding up with a jungle to contend with.
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